A thread worth made a banner. The all-in-one megaproject.

Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
You come to this forum looking for solutions, right?

Surely because of some health issue.

Things were always as simple as they could be.

We were just led to think complicated.

What about cleaning the blood and the cells? Should be the panacea.

It is.

The world will have to reinvent itself.

What about so many supplements?

- How about stopping ejaculating for no reason?

This should easy the demand of nutrients and let the body nourish itself.

Don't let thinking be forbidden anymore.

Meditation is just to process the thoughts, which absolutely cannot happen when bombarded by stimulus.

Presenting the Modern Procer Project.


I invite anyone to come to my website and read for free all my content, as will always be.

I give special thanks to this website and his owner, for the space it is given me.

We are making history.

Summarizing the project:

The world is about to collapse, our lives as a society have been founded over a lie, in the areas as could be. Be it in health, education, energy systems, everything was designed to fall in some moment, causing a disaster as has never been seen in the history of humanity.

But we are for undoing and preventing all of that.

The project is all about solutions.

Learn about our true beginnings, history told without deceptive biases, and every piece of knowledge that would be empowering.

A before, and an after, promised.


Crossed and preached. -------- I am not so sure, man.

I ask that please, we be trying to keep the thread clean. Don't make it dirty quoting text for no reason. Thank you.
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I want to use this thread for posting updates.

There is something important I want to say.

There is something hidden about the phrase "when the SHTF".

I thought this some few weeks ago when I saw in my city some big fans being transported.

They were carried in big trucks taken I don't know where, but I thought to myself, what would they be used for?

Obviously, they are war weapons, they would be used for biological warfare.

This would be something the psychopaths would want to do in all the world, as much as they could.

Just think about the phrase, "when the SHTF" (Shit Hits The Fan).

What is it that I imagine?

That they will try to be used for throwing poisons to the people.

The fans are quite literal, and that about the "shit" would be, for example, the organophosphates, with their characteristic putrid smell.

It makes sense, doesn't it?

I'll share an image, to show more or less the proportions of what I saw.

When the SHTF.png

This way, the fans would be used to make "gas chambers" around the people.

Be careful if you see any of these. And we are not to wait for any of this to happen, we have to be ahead of the situations.

As I came saying, the world is in red alert.

Which is the context?

The world is about to wake up to having lived in the biggest lie ever created.

And the psychopaths that have done this don't want precisely that to happen, at least with the people being able to defend themselves, because they would put them down immediately.

But we are waking up right on time.

Let's not give this a chance to happen, and let's start pushing forward, because it has never been more easy to run them over, with all the mindwork now put at hand.

I am sharing below the files of the Project.

Please, download, print and share.

This will be more valuable than gold when the thing had started.

Thank you.


  • Modern Procer Project NOW! - Guillermo Yacante Afonso [E-book].pdf
    1 MB · Views: 15
  • The Articles - Guillermo Yacante Afonso [modernprocer.com].pdf
    857.2 KB · Views: 16
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I am finishing my website and all the Project, the mindwork, at least for now.

It is only to begin the next phase: getting ourselves involved.

The website is concluding with The Messages. Two straightforward messages, one to the Argentinians, and the other one to the Evangelicals.

Anyone is invited to read them, since just like with the French Revolution, that started in France but got replicated in all the world, so will be the Argentinian Revolution. Many will be able to relate.

A message to the Argentinians.

A message to the Evangelicals.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I don't want to sound rude, but the most important thing this forum has are the posts I have made in the last three months.

Do you know how many people could be saved with the knowledge I am sharing here?

This is knowledge some damn bastards have had hidden for ages, while taking unfair advantage over the rest they were just seeing like prey animals.

And you speaking about Vitamin A this, niacin that, I just don't get it. But I hope this knowledge gets to the players. Majorities just follow along.

For any interested in doing something big, just talk about this.

A man has discovered the cure of "schizophrenia", "autism", and any kind of mafia language diagnosis.

What are we to expect?

The Third World War.

Let's bring it.

I am still everyday having my brain burning from the same kind of poisons that are still being injected into people, even little children.

And I am amazed people are not fighting each other to see who's going to help me first or marry me.

Please, pass the message. Thank you.
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
You know how mass manipulation works?

- People not having with what to compare.

All they see is people just like them, even if they are fat with moron faces, if they don't see any other they would think it is "normal".

It's the same with "sciences" or any topic. People would be looking to the sides to see what is it that the others are thinking.

I invite anyone to share in Reddit the things I have been speaking about. I hate that social media, has blacklisted me, but God has blacklisted them damn agents.

In terms of forums, I have never seen anything like this one, God bless you @charlie. Any others, even the supposed "Christian" ban me or make me a ghost account.

Do always have in regards the raypeatforum.
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
Creepy Joe be sent to his crypt. Have a fit king over you. Remember you have a pedophile for president today.

And don't choose Saul, choose the heart.

Don't be using good words to refer to evil things, that be hiding other meanings.

"Democracy" stands for status quo, and it will never be a good thing.

And coup d'état will only mean self-defense.

Let's join forces, and let's secure America, from North to South for the good people.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I live in a hick city, filled with people of a race that certainly doesn't help much.

We don't want to fall in racism, but they have to do their part as well.

They have never shown any signs of development or any interest in improving themselves, not like their cousins the Asians.

We have to take the lead us the fit Caucasoids because this seems to be the design of God. This people seem by nature a race of peasants.

When in power is not a fit leader, then all the society pays.

What I ask is, please, any of you pass the message and let my help reach me.

Read my writings, it's all about efficiency.

Some of you may be alone. I am alone, then it's a loss. It's all about organization.

Remember Argentina is going to be one of the best places to be in the world after the purge.

Don't wait for the purge to begin to then try to come.

Europe is going to be one the worst places to be in.

Make yourself at home in my country if you are good people.
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
Every post I make is with a purpose. It's not for entertaining the people.

One of the most important things we need to do is stop all the nonsense wars out there. Be them in Eastern Europe or in the Middle East.

The real war will always be good against evil.

And this means that lots of times one would have to turn against them that supposedly were in one's side, because they are not.

Specially those that are used to give orders and have authority over others. If they don't have moral authority, they have no authority at all.

So let's stop losing good numbers over nothing in stupid wars of "do what I tell you", because it's all a distraction from the things that are going on in each other's homeland.

For example, some Arabs are fighting for a territory it has already been given to the Devil. In the meantime, as they don't accept it, they are losing good men. Those good men could do wonders in helping wipe away the scourge in my country, and they could settle here and live good lives according to the values we share.

It's all about efficiency, about doing things with a brain.

So let's stop the ball, rise the chin, and play smart.

And remember my personal petition, that I'll say in Spanish:

Quiero puré de papa en la Plaza de San Pedro.

So disassemble all those NATO troops following blind orders from Vatican City, and get some there to carry out my personal petition.

Be welcome to my Argentina or any part of the continent in which we will receive good people.
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
This has been the 11th Thread.

The 10 Threads are here.

One will never be a "terrorist" for doing according to common sense.

If in front one sees only shit people, then the thing is going to be as clear as day.

Do according to the guidelines and we will run over swiftly.

Thank you.


  • The 11th Thread.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 2
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I am sharing the National Anthem of Argentina.

Listen in YouTube with lyrics.

This is how it should sound.

I want it redone absolutely in high quality respecting the spirit of the instrumental portion, to the detail.

The country with the flag of the Sky invites anyone to form part of this nationality, of the noble people.

Let's give rise to the Great Argentina.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I have come up to identify the "panacea".

I have been saying "hemodialysis", but it seems that the most specific term would therapeutic apheresis.

Absolutely hidden all the time.

We have to prioritize getting all the poisons out of our blood. They bend the will.

Even if one be having the desire to do something, if he doesn't have the strengths, he would be weak, and in context of war, easily overcome.

And this is where we are, at the doors of the Third World War.

It's good against evil.

The social constipation, against anything that be good, with the desire to live in decency.

We have to take care of the good numbers. So what we must do is secure our health.

Let's help each other.

You know what? I am still poisoned. And I came asking for help for months. What does this speak of the people?

It's like the last straw.

I think never ever happened this in the history of humanity, that a person, only one person, be giving away all the solutions to the problems of the people all over the world. but he be abandoned.*

I am alone, living around people that can't tell I am poisoned, and I think I deserve to be given at least my health to take my chances.

How about you help me?

Seek me out in Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina.

*After writing, I remembered Jesus.
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I am posting an important update.

There are serious risks of terrorist attacks all over the world.

Just look at the state of the people. We have been weakened for this. Raised in a Matrix, to then be killed when it be falling.

We are for turning the tide. To get them backfired.

This is good against evil. Let death penalty be exercised with discernment, because if it is not, we would have to learn the hard way.

Psychopaths must be killed, they never repent, they do evil, think evil all time, and we are about to wake up to the consequences of having slept in a very dangerous 21st century.

Prioritize getting this knowledge to the armed forces. Each one be carrying for himself a voluntary military service, because it has to be mandatory soon.

Health is priority. We have been poisoned, and the panacea is therapeutic apheresis, don't let it be hidden anymore. The key is to solubilize the poisons first, so that they be filtered and excreted from the blood.

In case there was no access to apheresis, bloodlettings should be done respecting the times and forms to avoid an anemia. Remember to have some lipids and not be fasting so to solubilize the poisons.

Fat people may do better in fasting a little because that's how they would solubilize them, since they got them in their fat.

Health will unrestraint our arms, and avoid us from collapsing when there be adrenaline rushes or possible lack of foods.

We have to react as human beings and help ourselves.

Frontiers will mean nothing in no time.

Things to expect are terrorists kicking open some vans and getting out of them wearing juggernaut suits, shooting machine guns to the crowds.

Airplanes exploding in the air from bombs planted.

And the case of the organophosphate fans that I mentioned in a previous post in this thread.

We have to take the lead and prevent all of this.

Purge avoids and puts an end to a genocide.

Remember to help Argentina, since from Argentina you are getting your help.
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