Successful protocol for viral/fungal issues and vertigo/tinnitus



Oct 19, 2019
huh. I've developed dizziness and vertigo upon reintroduction of dairy and eggs in an attempt to increase my choline intake and raise acetylcholine levels. I've noticed anticholinergic drugs are prescribed for vertigo and apparently ACH affects the muscarinic receptors in the vestibular nucleus. The dairy might be triggering increased mucus production and congestion of the Eustachian tube
I’ve definitely seen a reduction in mucus production since cutting out dairy. My bad ear feels less full and sinuses have been less congested.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Cheers for these, gaze - I hadn’t seen these quotes before. I think the allergenic/irritating foods could definitely have been a trigger too. In the days before my last attack I had a galia melon that gave me bloating and bad guts. In the past I’ve had attacks around when I was pounding dates too. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the vertigo attacks are usually accompanied by vomiting and numerous bowel movements - it’s as if the body is purging an irritant. I think there’s then a link with serotonin too, likely again being raised by gut irritation, as cyproheptadine seems to help. I’ve been having a 1/6th of a tablet since the last attack as a precaution.

Feeling good last few days. I’ve got a base of foods in place that I enjoy and make me feel good (goat milk, egg yolks, honey, beef/lamb, OJ, haddock/tuna, bone broth, chocolate, feta cheese etc.), just making sure I keep an eye on how different fruits I have around that make me feel and keeping strenuous activity to a minimum. Playing lots of golf lately which means I’ve been getting lots of sun which I think has helped too.
I also started eating a lot of Galia melons in the last couple weeks and started getting some weird vibration noise in my left ear. Sleep has been worse and very bloated by the end of the day. I’m convinced it’s the melons.

What fruits do you tolerate the best?


Oct 19, 2019
I also started eating a lot of Galia melons in the last couple weeks and started getting some weird vibration noise in my left ear. Sleep has been worse and very bloated by the end of the day. I’m convinced it’s the melons.

What fruits do you tolerate the best?
I just stick to cooked fruits these days. It's impossible to get quality fruit, so eating it raw just isn't worth the risk. Most recently, I've been having bananas, raisins, dates, mulberries, and apples.


Feb 3, 2020
huh. I've developed dizziness and vertigo upon reintroduction of dairy and eggs in an attempt to increase my choline intake and raise acetylcholine levels. I've noticed anticholinergic drugs are prescribed for vertigo and apparently ACH affects the muscarinic receptors in the vestibular nucleus. The dairy might be triggering increased mucus production and congestion of the Eustachian tube
Same for me. Zinc does worsen it too, as it creates supersensivitiy at the AchR + prolongs Ach burst duration.

I think my chronic copper deficiency makes me especially subsceptible to Ach excess.
Copper is needed for norepinephrine, which opposes acetylcholine. MitoSynergy copper helps me with vertigo/balance in general.


May 31, 2018
"I find using activated charcoal every 2 or 3 days before bed really helps keep things in check."

This would lead me to believe there is an imbalance/allergy/gut issue. I take 1 drop of *concentrated* (only!) GSE that really helps with so much. Grapefruit Seed Extract, not Grape, BTW.

I will throw a few things at the wall here to maybe consider/research:

- It sounds like the fruits could have been feeding a yeast issue. (Yeast/fungus/Candida). I just upped my fruit intake recently and holy *** I'm suffering for it. Now my blood sugar levels are out of whack, my itching is out of control, digestion bad, etc. Starting up the GSE again for a few days.

- A few times you mentioned you retriggered your symptoms after working out more. Have you ever gone to a chiropractor? If your Atlas (A1 vertabre) is out, it is VERY common to get a diagnosis of Menieres.

- This could maybe be a big one for you..... Are you aware of something called Salicylate Sensitivity. Look up the foods that trigger the symptoms. Symptoms like tinnitus (a huge one), vertigo, bad digestion, chronic sinus infections, inflammation, on and on and on and on. I know about this because it is my issue. The list of things you take to strengthen your immune system are massively high in Salicylates. Salicylates, when in very high doses in the body, trigger the body to release histamine in response. Once the body finally hits a peak and flushes it out, the bucket is empty and you are okay with those foods again until the bucket overfills eventually. Also, funny you mention Activated Charcoal helps you because this is one of the things suggested to help Sal Sens. That and Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda). Raising your Nitric Oxide has helped me incredibly, not only to lower my blood pressure (how is yours?) but Nitric Oxide also kills viruses and bacteria/fungus in the sinus. In fact, in the beginning of the pandemic, they were working on some sort of ways to administer N.O. to people's sinuses to kill c()v|d.

- Also, don't underestimate what a deeply spasmed muscle in your neck/shoulders can do to a person both balance wise and anxiety wise. Try this and see if it helps at all, or maybe makes things worse? It helps me *tremendously* and immediately. Maybe your workouts are causing this as well.



Oct 19, 2019
"I find using activated charcoal every 2 or 3 days before bed really helps keep things in check."

This would lead me to believe there is an imbalance/allergy/gut issue. I take 1 drop of *concentrated* (only!) GSE that really helps with so much. Grapefruit Seed Extract, not Grape, BTW.

I will throw a few things at the wall here to maybe consider/research:

- It sounds like the fruits could have been feeding a yeast issue. (Yeast/fungus/Candida). I just upped my fruit intake recently and holy *** I'm suffering for it. Now my blood sugar levels are out of whack, my itching is out of control, digestion bad, etc. Starting up the GSE again for a few days.

- A few times you mentioned you retriggered your symptoms after working out more. Have you ever gone to a chiropractor? If your Atlas (A1 vertabre) is out, it is VERY common to get a diagnosis of Menieres.

- This could maybe be a big one for you..... Are you aware of something called Salicylate Sensitivity. Look up the foods that trigger the symptoms. Symptoms like tinnitus (a huge one), vertigo, bad digestion, chronic sinus infections, inflammation, on and on and on and on. I know about this because it is my issue. The list of things you take to strengthen your immune system are massively high in Salicylates. Salicylates, when in very high doses in the body, trigger the body to release histamine in response. Once the body finally hits a peak and flushes it out, the bucket is empty and you are okay with those foods again until the bucket overfills eventually. Also, funny you mention Activated Charcoal helps you because this is one of the things suggested to help Sal Sens. That and Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda). Raising your Nitric Oxide has helped me incredibly, not only to lower my blood pressure (how is yours?) but Nitric Oxide also kills viruses and bacteria/fungus in the sinus. In fact, in the beginning of the pandemic, they were working on some sort of ways to administer N.O. to people's sinuses to kill c()v|d.

- Also, don't underestimate what a deeply spasmed muscle in your neck/shoulders can do to a person both balance wise and anxiety wise. Try this and see if it helps at all, or maybe makes things worse? It helps me *tremendously* and immediately. Maybe your workouts are causing this as well.


I totally missed this at the time. Sorry, I appreciate the suggestions.

Generally, I have been way better in the last 6 months. Better than at any point since this all started. The key for me was the gut and reducing the whole serotonin and endotoxin cascade. That meant all the fruits and starches had to go. I've basically been eating raw jersey milk topped up with some skim goat milk to get enough calories in for several months now. Sugar comes from maple syrup, date syrup, and blackstrap and pomegranate molasses. I still have occasional oysters, mussels, and egg yolks too.

Long-term I'd like to get back to a broader diet, but avoiding fibre and meat was a game changer for me. I would happily eat this way forever if it meant I avoided feeling like I did.

Supplement-wise TMG, Glycine, and Taurine have all helped. As has methylfolate and small doses of T3 (cynomel). I take a couple of drops of a B1, B2, B3, B6, B7 complex too. I think TUDCA was useful when I first started eating this way, but Taurine can fill in for it after a few weeks.

The main thing has been getting digestion on point and avoiding anything irritating to the intestine, as well as making sure I get enough calories in.


Aug 24, 2016
"I find using activated charcoal every 2 or 3 days before bed really helps keep things in check."

This would lead me to believe there is an imbalance/allergy/gut issue. I take 1 drop of *concentrated* (only!) GSE that really helps with so much. Grapefruit Seed Extract, not Grape, BTW.

I will throw a few things at the wall here to maybe consider/research:

- It sounds like the fruits could have been feeding a yeast issue. (Yeast/fungus/Candida). I just upped my fruit intake recently and holy *** I'm suffering for it. Now my blood sugar levels are out of whack, my itching is out of control, digestion bad, etc. Starting up the GSE again for a few days.

- A few times you mentioned you retriggered your symptoms after working out more. Have you ever gone to a chiropractor? If your Atlas (A1 vertabre) is out, it is VERY common to get a diagnosis of Menieres.

- This could maybe be a big one for you..... Are you aware of something called Salicylate Sensitivity. Look up the foods that trigger the symptoms. Symptoms like tinnitus (a huge one), vertigo, bad digestion, chronic sinus infections, inflammation, on and on and on and on. I know about this because it is my issue. The list of things you take to strengthen your immune system are massively high in Salicylates. Salicylates, when in very high doses in the body, trigger the body to release histamine in response. Once the body finally hits a peak and flushes it out, the bucket is empty and you are okay with those foods again until the bucket overfills eventually. Also, funny you mention Activated Charcoal helps you because this is one of the things suggested to help Sal Sens. That and Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda). Raising your Nitric Oxide has helped me incredibly, not only to lower my blood pressure (how is yours?) but Nitric Oxide also kills viruses and bacteria/fungus in the sinus. In fact, in the beginning of the pandemic, they were working on some sort of ways to administer N.O. to people's sinuses to kill c()v|d.

- Also, don't underestimate what a deeply spasmed muscle in your neck/shoulders can do to a person both balance wise and anxiety wise. Try this and see if it helps at all, or maybe makes things worse? It helps me *tremendously* and immediately. Maybe your workouts are causing this as well.


You mentioned that activated charcoal helped you with Salicylates. Anything else you took that helped?
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