Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency: The "Great Imitator" Of Other Illnesses

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
Something Ive noticed over the months and years since I heard about Berg and started watching his videos is he slowly has diverged away from being the in-your-face keto IF guru. He still blatantly recommends keto and IF of course. Now he has increased his informative videos content to try and branch out and increase viewership. I always found it interesting that often times when I see his videos on my youtube feed they are sometimes bizarrely relevant to what is talked about here a lot. Carnivores, ketoers rarely talk or research about manganese, B1, potassium or micronutrients in general. For the carnivores its just "eat meat, drink water, eggs/dairy/organs optional" and keto is all about fat bombs and vegetables. Clearly the keto community icons have been learning from Peat or at least trying to learn actual nutritional science because the lowering insulin talk gets redundant.

I also notice that that are many many videos he has made talking about improving energy levels which is bizarre seeing as keto is supposed to be the fountain of youth and supposed to give you the best energy as possible.

Despite the fact that he is an adamant keto guru, its good news that he is getting information out there, especially about B1. Even ketoers can benefit from B1. Good at making short and informative videos, I'll give him that. Truth is truth regardless of who it comes from.
I know your post is old, but he , Dr Berg, probably has his "people" monitoring this site along with many others to launch relevant videos to what we are discussing in order to maximize his audience numbers, that's how youtube works. BTW he is a known Scientologist, doesnt make him a bad Chiropractor, but makes him less reputable in my opinion. furthermore, here in Canada a Chiropractor can only deal with skeletal issues, never ever are they allowed to promote diets and such. I guess its different in USA. I know Keto is unachievable for me, I am hypothyroid, I take NDT, and Rx potassium and HRT. I need carbs to keep my cortisol even and blood sugar high enough to function. Keto in the long run causes diabetes for some, and it did for me. thankfully I reversed it with sensible Peaty eating.


Jan 18, 2020
do we know for sure that long standing stress could deplete "stores" of certain vitamins like b1/b3 for talkign sake, and it needs to be repleted to fill these stores to the optimal level? - is this a fact or just suspicion?

I mean i know this is the case for minerals, and i dont see why it wouldnt be the case for water solube vitamins?


Aug 28, 2023
So if someone has Beriberi and then starts taking a vitamin D supplement which causes potassium wasting seems like a recipe for disaster.

I am finding that I can comfortably handle very small doses..... 1mg of TTFD and/or 5mg of HCL at a time. A couple milligrams of Benfo is too much. Anything above that and a stress response ensues.

Dr. Lonsdale feels that there is an epidemic of Beriberi going on and I find myself agreeing with his research. Some of us come into Peating and load up the sugar which then digs the hole deeper on the Beriberi spectrum and bad things start happening. This is why some who go back to low carb find immediate relief due to the strain on Beriberi being lifted. So low carbing is basically a bandaid on the wound caused by Beriberi. But we all know where low carbing will lead us. Just gotta plug up that thiamine deficiency hole which appears to take quite a while and is not a straight shot when having to take in mind other deficiencies and imbalances.
What if someone has beriberi and takes potassium wasting drugs like Fludrocortisone? If the relationship between thiamine and potassium you guys talked about here is correct this could be behind all of my breathing issues. I’m going to have a hell of a time trying to replenish potassium with a thimaine deficiency.


Mar 26, 2014
What if someone has beriberi and takes potassium wasting drugs like Fludrocortisone? If the relationship between thiamine and potassium you guys talked about here is correct this could be behind all of my breathing issues. I’m going to have a hell of a time trying to replenish potassium with a thimaine deficiency.

Coconut water is high in potassium, without as much sugar as OJ, it might be worth trying that,
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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