
  1. haidut

    PUFA, From Formula Feeding Or Maternal Obesity, May Cause Leukemia

    Another great study, and one of the few that dares point the finger at medicine's Holy Grail - the "essential fatty acids". As the study aptly says, high levels of PUFA in the blood and especially higher levels of linoleic acid predict subsequent development of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)...
  2. haidut

    Major Depression Rates Rapidly Rising, Especially In Young People

    I posted a few studies in the past showing that rates for cancer, diabetes, and stroke have increased several-fold over the last decade, and mostly in young people. The official version peddled by the FDA of course is that we just keep getting healthier by the minute and life expectancy is...
  3. haidut

    Stroke Rates Have Almost Doubled In Young Adults

    I posted recently about two studies showing rapidly increasing incidence of colon cancer, and diabetes in young adults. At least for the colon cancer cases, the respective study itself stated that neither genes, nor obesity can explain the increase. Breaking News: Colorectal Cancer Rates In...
  4. haidut

    Children Notice/learn Everything, Adults Have Selective/focused Attention

    I think the most important finding of the study is that adults are actually capable of noticing and remembering a lot more, but they have to be told to pay attention to everything, otherwise they stay focused on one thing. This focused-by-default is likely the result of years of damaging...
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