skin infections

  1. poilochio

    Need advise (pics included) Big Toe possible " Psoriasis" ?

    So for about 6months my girlfriend has been having this skin issue on her big toe. It all began after she went to a pedicure where they accidentally cut a bit into the toe. She already went to two doctors they took some skin cultures but it turned out negative for fungus or Bacterial...
  2. CosmicDancer444

    Staph Infections/Skin Infections

    How to prevent/treat: 1. Staphylococcus skin infections generally 2. Spots/pimples/rash/white pus bumps that appear after shaving/waxing & high friction activity (like saddle sores from cycling)... 3.Reason for high vaginal swab culture - Heavy growth of Staphylococcus Aureus only (No...
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