
  1. Ras

    Surgery: The Ultimate Placebo

    TL;DW: Many surgeries are no better than placebo. View:
  2. cs3000

    Bromelain increases tendon healing, enhances tenocytes

    Bromelain is found in pineapple juice or stem. looks like a nice substance for significantly reducing inflammation, improving gut health, potentially bettering cancer outcomes, blood thinning, & tendon healing. It improves tendon injury healing through stimulating tenoblasts proliferation...
  3. L

    How dangerous are blood transfusions?

    Sometimes blood transfusions are inevitable, e.g., for serious surgeries, car crashes, major accidents etc. Most of the times, in most countries, the patient is not allowed to choose the blood that will be given to them. “Where does blood for a blood transfusion come from? Typically, the blood...
  4. haidut

    Surgery no better than placebo - doctors are superfluous

    A great article that should give a serious food for thought even to the most ardent defenders of allopathic medicine. Despite the findings of the (in)famous Dr. Ioannidis that 80%+ percent of most clinical trials for drugs are bunk, one of the unassailable bastions of medicine has always been...
  5. U

    How To Lower Stress Impact From Surgery?

    I have a surgery soon that I cannot opt out of, I was wondering what I could eat, drink or do to mitigate the stress it will put on my body. I will not take opiates or any of that nonsense afterwards. I was thinking green tea, carrots, raw cheese to absorb toxins, mushrooms, heavy whipping cream...
  6. haidut

    The (in)famous Condition “chemo Brain” May Be Simply A State Of Low DHEA

    The condition known as “chemobrain” is notorious among cancer survivors and many other patients undergoing toxic interventions with chemotherapy and may affect up to 85% of cancer patients. It amounts to severe cognitive dysfunction, memory problems, and even personality changes that result in...
  7. haidut

    Hobbies Trump Science least when it comes to learning highly sophisticated, life-saving surgical skills, which in my opinion makes the thread title that much more valid. In fact, I would make the sweeping generalization that it applies to all science and that one of the reasons we are currently in a scientific...
  8. haidut

    It's Official - Cancer Surgery Drives Metastasis, Aspirin Can Prevent Them

    The appearance of metastases has long been considered one of the most mysterious and important aspects of cancer due to the fact that metastases can occur even in organisms where the primary tumor has been completely removed and the rest of the organism has been completely isolated form the...
  9. haidut

    Delirium May Be An Inflammatory Reaction/condition

    The study was done on old surgical patients but I don't see why it would not apply to everybody. Post-surgical delirium is a very big issue in surgical wards these days and there are no reliable ways to prevent/treat it. This study found that elevated CRP is the best predictor of delirium...
  10. haidut

    The Obesity "paradox" - Confirmed Once Again

    This study looked at people who had undergone cardiac surgery, so it probably does not apply directly to "healthy" people. However, the findings are pretty telling - if you are unhealthy and about to have a surgical procedure being overweight or mildly obese can save your life...
  11. haidut

    Stress is a potent stimulator of prolactin and GH release

    It is common knowledge among Peatarians that both prolactn and growth hormone (GH) are stress hormones that ar ebest kept as low as possible. This study shows that things hypoglycemia, surgery and exercise are all potent stimulators of these stress hormones. The last time I talked to my doctor...
  12. haidut

    Surgery Stress Causes Memory Loss And Dementia

    This has been known for quite some time, but the official position has been that it only happens in compromised patients (i.e. elderly, neurologically deficient, infected, etc). RP has written about how the body perceives surgery as major stress and how even healthy people have mental fog for...
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