
  1. haidut

    Playfulness, Novelty, And Leisure Are Vital For Progress And True Knowledge

    About a year ago I made a post arguing that leisure, desire, playfulness and relaxation are vital for learning and knowledge. Leisure And Desire Required For Intelligence, Knowledge And Progress The study below now argues that unstructured play similar to the way children play is absolutely...
  2. haidut

    Self-experimentation May Be The True Driver Of Progress In Medicine

    This is a very good overview that makes a number of good points that Peat has also touched upon in some of his articles. Apparently, there was a lot more self-experimentation in the medical and other scientific fields going on before 1950s. In the vast majority of cases, these experiments...
  3. haidut

    HDAC Inhibitors Affect Every Function Of The Cell And May Extend Lifespan

    The use of HDAC inhibitors such as valproic acid or various butyrate salts for cancer treatment has been studied experimentally for decades. Until now, it was assumed that the process of histone acetylation and deacetylation affected mostly the processes associated with cell division and...
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