Acne cleared in pregnancy, but it’s back


Aug 17, 2018
Between my first and second pregnancies I got a return of acne as well. I suppose I was about 29 at the time... I went to my dermatologist and started doing blue light therapy on my face. I went twice a week for a month, 20 minutes sessions. And then after that I only had to go once every 3 weeks or so for maintenance. The blue light kills bacteria in your facial skin... I did this for about a year and then just kind of slowly forgot to keep going and the acne did not return.

A couple years ago, I've since had four kids and now I'm 45 by the way, I started eating dairy again after completely avoiding it for over 20 years due to congestion and post nasal drip issues. Within a couple months of eating dairy my face broke out horribly and it didn't go away until a month or two after I quit eating dairy....,🥺

A couple years ago I started using topical tretinoin cream for anti-aging benefits. I really like it, although I would say it took a full year to really eliminate fine lines and reduce raised capillaries. I've also experienced really great benefits with doxycycline as far as reducing redness associated with raised capillaries. I know that these visible capillaries are probably an estrogen dominance issue but apparently they are also an endotoxin issue...

I agree with all the supps @L_C mentioned above.
Reduce endotoxin, prioritize elimination through cascara and calcium d-glucarate, balance hormones.

Supplementing progesterone in any form has never worked very well for me. It causes water retention and brain fog. I much prefer a topical DHEA cream and I also take a 5 mg capsule in the morning and at night. Also I take vitex herb, which simply sensitizes you to progesterone and that helps balance my luteal phase considerably.
What do you find better for balancing the hormomes, vitex or calcium d-glucarate?...Thanks.


Mar 20, 2021
What do you find better for balancing the hormomes, vitex or calcium d-glucarate?...Thanks.
I take both, but vitex just during my luteal phase. They each have very different modes of action...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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