Alpha Lipoic Acid Pros And Cons


Aug 24, 2013
The first time I ever used alpha Lipoic acid was in 2009, way before ever discovering Dr Peat's work. It was part of a heavy metals cleanse which included a lot of herbs and stuff. It temporarily alleviated some moderate insomnia.

Since reading some about it here and in an article where Peat mentions that Lipoic acid (among other things) prevents the formation of lactic acid, I've been using it on and off.

It goes like this: ALA seems to have a long half life, because the effects don't wear off for two to three days after cessation. After taking it for about two days my average temperatures rise a full degree. Right now at 12:13 am my temperature is 99.3. It's kind of amazing and specifically I have a mild lingering case of oral leukoplakia which almost disappears when my temps hit 99+, but it returns when they drop below that, so AlA benefits me there. In addition to feeling warm all the time, I have no other transient symptoms of tingling, irritability, insomnia, etc. ALA also makes my male organs significantly fuller in the flaccid state, and erections quick to come by.

But after about two or three weeks on AlA I begin to develop swollen lymph nodes, especially under my arms. One week I had the curious symptom of having severe and persistent underarm bacterial odor, as if no deodorant or soap could wipe it out, like they were being fueled by something very powerful. That only happened once. The lymph swelling seems to happen on schedule, and deflates within a few days cessation, although I've noticed it's less severe each time and subsides also if I take gelatin. I have seen people decry ALA as "mobilizing heavy metals" as if it's acceptable to just let them stay where they are. I'd prefer to be getting them out, even if that means having some transient damage in the process. But my theory as to ALA's specific physiological response is perhaps moving iron out of tissues, hence the swelling and the curious underarm odor (since bacteria thrive on iron), and if it's helpful in getting iron stores out from deep in tissues I'd like that property of it. Gelatin seems to mitigate or protect and probably is used to bind it? Strangely, ALA doesn't seem to have too much impact on heart rate, raising temp independently. That also makes me curious. I have never had Mercury fillings or been exposed to Mercury, and have never had much fish in my diet so I'm pretty certain it has nothin to do with mercury.

I definitely don't recommend taking it, since it seems to require some skill and risk taking, but if anyone has any real insight or experience with it please post.


Oct 17, 2013
I take about 100-200mg RALA in the morning. I've found its efficacious for 2-3 days, like you found as well. It seems to be the only thing that prevents me for forming too much urine and giving me the constant urge to pee. I've looked this is up and it's a known Calcium Channel Blocker. It also helps with my mood and depression, which could be related to the inflammatory efdects of iron.

Mr Rossi

Dec 20, 2015
I would recommend reading Andy Cutler's "Amalgam Illness" book.
Maybe you have the mercury exposure from your mother.


Jul 13, 2014
The first time I ever used alpha Lipoic acid was in 2009, way before ever discovering Dr Peat's work. It was part of a heavy metals cleanse which included a lot of herbs and stuff. It temporarily alleviated some moderate insomnia.

Since reading some about it here and in an article where Peat mentions that Lipoic acid (among other things) prevents the formation of lactic acid, I've been using it on and off.

It goes like this: ALA seems to have a long half life, because the effects don't wear off for two to three days after cessation. After taking it for about two days my average temperatures rise a full degree. Right now at 12:13 am my temperature is 99.3. It's kind of amazing and specifically I have a mild lingering case of oral leukoplakia which almost disappears when my temps hit 99+, but it returns when they drop below that, so AlA benefits me there. In addition to feeling warm all the time, I have no other transient symptoms of tingling, irritability, insomnia, etc. ALA also makes my male organs significantly fuller in the flaccid state, and erections quick to come by.

But after about two or three weeks on AlA I begin to develop swollen lymph nodes, especially under my arms. One week I had the curious symptom of having severe and persistent underarm bacterial odor, as if no deodorant or soap could wipe it out, like they were being fueled by something very powerful. That only happened once. The lymph swelling seems to happen on schedule, and deflates within a few days cessation, although I've noticed it's less severe each time and subsides also if I take gelatin. I have seen people decry ALA as "mobilizing heavy metals" as if it's acceptable to just let them stay where they are. I'd prefer to be getting them out, even if that means having some transient damage in the process. But my theory as to ALA's specific physiological response is perhaps moving iron out of tissues, hence the swelling and the curious underarm odor (since bacteria thrive on iron), and if it's helpful in getting iron stores out from deep in tissues I'd like that property of it. Gelatin seems to mitigate or protect and probably is used to bind it? Strangely, ALA doesn't seem to have too much impact on heart rate, raising temp independently. That also makes me curious. I have never had Mercury fillings or been exposed to Mercury, and have never had much fish in my diet so I'm pretty certain it has nothin to do with mercury.

I definitely don't recommend taking it, since it seems to require some skill and risk taking, but if anyone has any real insight or experience with it please post.
hi nathan, interesting post.
I was wondering, do you take the synthetic or natural form. R-lipoic acid is apparantly the better of the two. do you still have the quote where peat mentions it prevents the formation of lactic acid?

with regards to your comment about fuller flaccid state, i think this might be a sign of increased nitric oxide.

also, regarding the inflamed lympth nodes, i think its important to take thiamine to open the sulfur pathways and prevent this kind of reaction.


Apr 30, 2015
Found this old thread reading about ALA

I tried ALA for a couple weeks and I was pretty impressed. Very little side effects and felt more energy, better workouts, better blood sugars.

I really digged it...except...

for the hair loss. My shower drain was full of hair and whenever I ran my hand through my hair I would get a few strands

This is apparently a common side effect that can be counteracted by taking biotin but have not tried it.

I stopped taking ALA and the shedding stopped as well.


Jul 13, 2014
Found this old thread reading about ALA

I tried ALA for a couple weeks and I was pretty impressed. Very little side effects and felt more energy, better workouts, better blood sugars.

I really digged it...except...

for the hair loss. My shower drain was full of hair and whenever I ran my hand through my hair I would get a few strands

This is apparently a common side effect that can be counteracted by taking biotin but have not tried it.

I stopped taking ALA and the shedding stopped as well.
intersting. i wonder if the biotin alongisde would completely stop this side effect then
Nov 21, 2015
I believe it caused my teeth to hurt so I stopped. But it may have been the acetyl l-carnitine that I was taking at the same time. Anyway, I stopped both and the teeth stopped hurting immediately.
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