Amla Berry Is The Best Source Of Vitamin C


Jul 3, 2016
According to herbalist and former MD James Sloane, amla berry is the best source of vitamin C in terms of availability and stability of the ascorbic acid molecule.

Article on it:

Amalaki: The Best Vitamin C Berry

The Indian Gooseberry, also known as amla or amalaki, belongs to a group of herbs that, according to Ayurvedic texts, promote longevity, induce nourishment, and prevent the effects of aging. Today, modern science has been equally fascinated by what one study calls “the Ayurvedic wonder,” which supports everything from digestion to elimination, immunity, and inner and outer skin health. (1)

More famously, it has repeatedly shown to support heart and arterial health, healthy blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels already within the normal range, and overall vitality. (2-7)

All that said, I personally use amalaki regularly for the health of the inner skin. This includes the skin that lines your entire digestive tract, heart, arteries, respiratory tract, as well as the outer skin.

The Vitamin C Content Debate – finally some science!
There is much controversy over how much vitamin C is actually in this special berry. Some say there is barely any, while other sources say it has 20 times the amount of vitamin C as an orange. Still others say it has 60 times the vitamin C of an orange, while others assert it has 2-300 times more vitamin C content than an orange!

What is most frustrating is that most websites just copy these numbers from other websites and none of them show any scientific proof to back up their statements. Thus, I decided to dig and find the science regarding vitamin C and amalaki. The results are very interesting!

We know that the average amalaki berry, according to the USDA, is about 22.5 grams by weight.

According to one study, the amount of vitamin C in one amalaki berry is 5.38mg/gram. So, 5.38mg/gram x 22.5 grams = 121mg of vitamin C per amalaki berry. (7)

Amalaki versus Oranges
A medium orange weighs about 130 grams and has about 70mg of vitamin C. If we were to compare the vitamin C content in an orange to an amalaki berry, pound for pound, the amalaki berry would have 10 times more vitamin C than the orange!

My Calculations:

  • 130g orange divided by one 22.5g amalaki berry = 5.8 amalaki per orange.
  • A medium-sized orange is 5.8 times as large as an amalaki berry.
  • If one amalaki fruit has 121mg of vitamin C, than 5.8 times that = 702mg of vitamin C when compared to an orange of the same weight. Remember, a medium-sized orange has 70mg of vitamin C.
Final Answer:

  • There are about 121mg of vitamin C in one amalaki berry compared to 70mg of vitamin C in a medium sized orange.
  • Based on the fact that an orange is 5.8 times as large as an amalaki berry, amalakihas 10 TIMES the amount of vitamin C as an orange when we measure equal weights of both fruits.
So, it’s nice to finally have the facts, but 1 gram of amalaki power (which is two 500mg capsules) doesn’t even even 11mg of vitamin C. Thus, while taking amalaki as a supplement will not supply us with a large amount of vitamin C, it can contribute many health benefits that are largely attributed to vitamin C.

What Makes Amalaki the Best Vitamin C Berry?
Most scientific studies attribute it’s health benefits to its potent antioxidant capabilitieswhich, according to one study, is due to its vitamin C content. Research suggests that vitamin C is responsible for 45-70% of these antioxidant properties, which drive most of its health benefits. (7) Thus, it seems that a small amount of all-natural vitamin C goes a long way in boosting health benefits and longevity. Maybe less is more!

Perhaps nature never intended for us to be ingesting mega dosages of vitamin C, as the modest amounts found in plants deliver a plethora of health benefits that are arguably more well-rounded than over-the-counter vitamin C tablets.

This foray into the vitamin C content of amalaki has revealed many of the unsung benefits of this potent fruit, and has finally given us a scientific comparison of the vitamin C content of oranges versus amalaki.

What is extremely compelling about these findings is the science suggesting that nature’s intent does not seem to be oriented towards clobbering us with mega doses of vitamin C (or anything for that matter). It seems nature’s most powerful asset is its ability to take a small amount of vitamin C and use it to activate an entire matrix of chemicals that deliver a multitude of health benefits. Amalaki is considered by many to be Ayurveda‘s most powerful fruit and it seems to employ this “less is more approach” to health better than most.

What has been your experience with amalaki? If you haven’t tried it before, what are your main sources of vitamin C?

Source: Amalaki: The Best Vitamin C Berry | Dr. Douillard's LifeSpa

There are alot of vitamin C extracts from Amla supplements and Amla powder supplements on the market.

I hope this information will help.


Jun 20, 2018
So is the powder better or the berries? Do they easily get moldy in fresh form?

As someone suffering from adrenal fatigue, this was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!
Last edited:


Jul 24, 2013
Lowers DHT pretty powerfully.
do you have any links to this!
Phyllanthus emblica leaf extract ameliorates testicular damage in rats with chronic stress
Phyllanthus emblica L. (PE) [Indian Gooseberry/Amla] extract has been shown to have high antioxidant capacity and protective properties in damaged tissue..."
"Stress was induced through immobilization (4 h/d) followed by forced cold swimming"
"PE (50 mg/kg BW) [Indian Gooseberry/Amla] significantly increased sperm concentration and testosterone levels, while decreasing corticosterone levels, MDA levels, sperm head abnormalities, and acrosome-reacted sperm in CS rats."

Commercial extract listed doses seem in the range of the human equivalent dose.
I have no direct experience, only looking through the research literature out of curiosity.


Feb 22, 2014
According to herbalist and former MD James Sloane, amla berry is the best source of vitamin C in terms of availability and stability of the ascorbic acid molecule.

Article on it:

Amalaki: The Best Vitamin C Berry

The Indian Gooseberry, also known as amla or amalaki, belongs to a group of herbs that, according to Ayurvedic texts, promote longevity, induce nourishment, and prevent the effects of aging. Today, modern science has been equally fascinated by what one study calls “the Ayurvedic wonder,” which supports everything from digestion to elimination, immunity, and inner and outer skin health. (1)

More famously, it has repeatedly shown to support heart and arterial health, healthy blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels already within the normal range, and overall vitality. (2-7)

All that said, I personally use amalaki regularly for the health of the inner skin. This includes the skin that lines your entire digestive tract, heart, arteries, respiratory tract, as well as the outer skin.

The Vitamin C Content Debate – finally some science!
There is much controversy over how much vitamin C is actually in this special berry. Some say there is barely any, while other sources say it has 20 times the amount of vitamin C as an orange. Still others say it has 60 times the vitamin C of an orange, while others assert it has 2-300 times more vitamin C content than an orange!

What is most frustrating is that most websites just copy these numbers from other websites and none of them show any scientific proof to back up their statements. Thus, I decided to dig and find the science regarding vitamin C and amalaki. The results are very interesting!

We know that the average amalaki berry, according to the USDA, is about 22.5 grams by weight.

According to one study, the amount of vitamin C in one amalaki berry is 5.38mg/gram. So, 5.38mg/gram x 22.5 grams = 121mg of vitamin C per amalaki berry. (7)

Amalaki versus Oranges
A medium orange weighs about 130 grams and has about 70mg of vitamin C. If we were to compare the vitamin C content in an orange to an amalaki berry, pound for pound, the amalaki berry would have 10 times more vitamin C than the orange!

My Calculations:

  • 130g orange divided by one 22.5g amalaki berry = 5.8 amalaki per orange.
  • A medium-sized orange is 5.8 times as large as an amalaki berry.
  • If one amalaki fruit has 121mg of vitamin C, than 5.8 times that = 702mg of vitamin C when compared to an orange of the same weight. Remember, a medium-sized orange has 70mg of vitamin C.
Final Answer:

  • There are about 121mg of vitamin C in one amalaki berry compared to 70mg of vitamin C in a medium sized orange.
  • Based on the fact that an orange is 5.8 times as large as an amalaki berry, amalakihas 10 TIMES the amount of vitamin C as an orange when we measure equal weights of both fruits.
So, it’s nice to finally have the facts, but 1 gram of amalaki power (which is two 500mg capsules) doesn’t even even 11mg of vitamin C. Thus, while taking amalaki as a supplement will not supply us with a large amount of vitamin C, it can contribute many health benefits that are largely attributed to vitamin C.

What Makes Amalaki the Best Vitamin C Berry?
Most scientific studies attribute it’s health benefits to its potent antioxidant capabilitieswhich, according to one study, is due to its vitamin C content. Research suggests that vitamin C is responsible for 45-70% of these antioxidant properties, which drive most of its health benefits. (7) Thus, it seems that a small amount of all-natural vitamin C goes a long way in boosting health benefits and longevity. Maybe less is more!

Perhaps nature never intended for us to be ingesting mega dosages of vitamin C, as the modest amounts found in plants deliver a plethora of health benefits that are arguably more well-rounded than over-the-counter vitamin C tablets.

This foray into the vitamin C content of amalaki has revealed many of the unsung benefits of this potent fruit, and has finally given us a scientific comparison of the vitamin C content of oranges versus amalaki.

What is extremely compelling about these findings is the science suggesting that nature’s intent does not seem to be oriented towards clobbering us with mega doses of vitamin C (or anything for that matter). It seems nature’s most powerful asset is its ability to take a small amount of vitamin C and use it to activate an entire matrix of chemicals that deliver a multitude of health benefits. Amalaki is considered by many to be Ayurveda‘s most powerful fruit and it seems to employ this “less is more approach” to health better than most.

What has been your experience with amalaki? If you haven’t tried it before, what are your main sources of vitamin C?

Source: Amalaki: The Best Vitamin C Berry | Dr. Douillard's LifeSpa

There are alot of vitamin C extracts from Amla supplements and Amla powder supplements on the market.

I hope this information will help.

It seems that one down side of amla is its tannin content. Have you researched into this, since it may not be a great thing to supplement with something so high in concentration, such as amla powder, that would contain high tannin levels? Appreciate any info on this-
Nov 22, 2020
This is a nice thread.
I've found vitaminC helping me a lot in various times of my life, the most notably when I bought CamuCamu powder in bulk 15 years ago, before it was crazy expensive. Massive skin glow and hair health.

This article shows some good nutrient analysis of amla:

Amla has an impressive amount of copper per 100g
(article says 0.1mg copper, whereas an orange has only 0.06mg Cu),
with excellent ratios of Cu:Zn and Cu:Fe (both are 1:1 ratios in Amla, which is rare for Iron. most fruits and foods do not have enough copper to make a 1:1 ratio on Iron, for example oranges have a 1:5 ratio Cu:Fe).

Copper and Vitamin C work together, so this probably also explains some of its benefit to skin.

If a person is worried about tannins (although they seem to have some beneficial effects, but can also increase clotting) -- then mixing amla or anythiing containing tannins with milk should be a decent "fix" -- the tannins will bind with the casein protein and become less of an issue. This milk+tannin combination is one of the reasons milk tea is so popular, the milk removes the bitter taste of the tannins in tea.
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