Can't manage to make this work...


Mar 30, 2014
Hey everyone,

I have been lurking on the forum for some time now and decided to ask for help since I can't seem to figure out how to do this diet correctly...

I am a 22 year old man, with hair loss since 19 years old and a lack of energy throughout the day. In a quest to stop my hair loss as soon as possible, I stumbled upon the works of Danny Roddy (mainly Hair like a Fox) and decided to give it a try. Basically, I have a very low pulse rate (only 60bpm) and I often feel cold at my extremities (feet and hands, usually having purple-ish nail beds, or white).

So, at the very beginning of January of this year, decided to follow a Peat diet 100%: I stopped PUFA altogether, and never ate something that wasn't on the food list I found on this forum (you know, the image showing what to eat and what to avoid). I eat more carbohydrates than protein, consume a fair amount of milk every day, as well as cheese (I live in France, so I quite like this part of the diet).

Well, 3 months in and no improvement: my pulse rate hasn't changed, I still get cold really easily and often, and my energy isn't that good as well. I just bought Thyrosense to see if a little extra-boost could help me kickstart everything, it's still too early to tell, but I have been using it for a week now and I see absolutely no change.

This is quite depressing, because following diligently the diet for 3 months did nothing to my health.

Can anybody please help me figuring this out ?

Thanks a lot.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
After spending about the same amount of time focusing on diet that you have I felt I needed to have a consultation with someone experienced in the ways of Peat. It was actually about the time that Peat removed his contract information from his website that I discovered his work. I consulted with the scientist recommended on his links page and feel like it was the best money I've ever spent on my health. She really helped me feel confident in my approach and had some other suggestions for my specific situation. I know the consultation really helped me achieve results quicker than I could have done on my own. Her information can be found on his website under other links if you are interested.


Mar 21, 2014
You can also set up a free 15 minute coaching session with Danny Roddy. Just go to his site and in the top right corner click coaching. Maybe he could give you some good info.


Mar 30, 2014
Thanks to both of you for taking the time to reply.

I'd love to be able to do those coaching session or consultations, but unless I can type to express myself I can't communicate in english correctly ( it isn't my native language, so I am both very approximative and shy when I try to speak out loud in english).

Saddens me, really... :(


Jul 24, 2013
(1) Lack of sunlight is a major biological stress. Improving metabolism goes slower in the winter months. (July in Greenland and January in New Zealand may be helpful. For many of us, switching hemispheres every winter is inconvenient :^> ) With the lengthening daylight, the pace of improvement usually increases.

(2) All due respect, it's worrisome that a young adult is not thriving. The concern about hair loss is quite understandable. The hope is that your whole life thrives.

(3) There are only a few specifics here. For instance, have the hands/feet/ears gotten cold easily for a long time? If not already done, it is recommended to start tracking your body temperature. Though blood tests are not the whole story, it's certainly worth checking basic thyroid function.

(4) I probably have a minority viewpoint: When a person has been depleted deeply or long or both, extra factors beyond diet can speed improvement greatly. Finding the most helpful factors depends on individual circumstance.

(5) Just as one guess, for example: If the hands & feet are cold, you are thin, you eat large portions and don't gain weight, and sleep is disturbed, especially with worry; then, adrenalin may be a major compensation for low thyroid & metabolism. Short term measures might include warming the head and extremities with clothing, making sure salt intake is good. It sounds like the fruit/sugar intake is good already.

(6) Not to pick on Thyrosense particularly. I have reservations about many of the so-called thyroid supplementing nutrients. I have experimented with many brands and many combinations, including each separate ingredient. The "case" for the separate ingredients can be variable. Iodine can have a small window between not enough and too much. I think for some (especially the protein deficient), there are some circumstances where tyrosine is useful short term. I think the case for the thyroid-boosting herbs is limited. Numerous people I know take them with very limited effect. The "thyroid supporting nutrient" combinations are different than the "thyroid glandulars". A few of the glandulars have T4 & T3 left in, while many have T4 & T3 removed. If Thyrosense works, great. If no response, there are other choices for support.


Mar 21, 2014
Danny uses Skype so you would have the option to just communicate through text if that would make you the most comfortable with expressing your issues. Maybe you could even pre type some of your situation to make things go a little quicker since you'll have only about 15 minutes. Just a thought. :)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Benedicte the scientist from Ray's links page is Dutch and English is also her second language. She consults via Skype as well just FYI.


Mar 30, 2014
aguilaroja said:
(5) Just as one guess, for example: If the hands & feet are cold, you are thin, you eat large portions and don't gain weight, and sleep is disturbed, especially with worry; then, adrenalin may be a major compensation for low thyroid & metabolism. Short term measures might include warming the head and extremities with clothing, making sure salt intake is good. It sounds like the fruit/sugar intake is good already.

This is a really good guess. I fit exactly into this description...

By the way, I sent an email to the person you told me about Blossom, thank you again ! I hope I will get a reply soon.

And about Danny Roddy, I'll contact him as well as soon if it is okay for him to have a "typed" conversation via skype. :)
Nov 26, 2013
It's been almost a year since I started the diet changes and only recently have I started to be warmer for more than an hour at a time. My advice is the same as some guy's that I read in this forum: try thyroid if you can, but if you start feeling cold again after you take it, quit it and focus on lowering estrogen and serotonin. What also helps a little bit is soaking the scalp with coffee and half a teaspoon of salycilic acid.
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