Cause & prevention of tongue ties?


Apr 14, 2021
I've been on a deep dive into tethered oral tissues (tongue tie, lip tie, etc) since the birth of my son June of 2021 and have found plenty of resources on how to support babies post-laser tie release but virtually no valid discussions happening about the true cause of the tethered oral tissue.

Weston A Price has some great information on pregnancy nutrition but there is anecdotal evidence from many mothers that reported oral ties in their children even when following a very strict WAP diet.

The only explanation I have heard for the cause is the whole MTHFR mumbo jumbo. While someone can be onto something in regard to this gene "defect," I've only ever heard an explanation in the context of, "I heard," rather than a discussion of other possibilities.

With knowing what we know about cellular metabolism, does anyone have a theory on what could cause the non-separation of the tongue at 13 weeks in utero, resulting in a narrow palate and dysfunctional sucking reflex?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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