Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Advice

Oct 3, 2015
Most of his supplements are not that useful i have found. I haven't tried his thyroid one. Really you want to be using real T3. It is pretty cheap on the net.
Haidut's Energin, Oxidal , Kuinone , Solban , Estroban are all effective for me & have helped me regain my health. Also his posts are always helpful & have put me on road to recovery.


Jul 20, 2014
Just reading through this study now. While it doesn’t prove the proximate cause (there are likely more than one IMO) it does point to decreased in pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH). The decrease in PDH is caused by 3 enzymes.

You could look to increase PDH.

Lower the enzymes that decrease PDH.

Lower lactate by other means.

I suspect if you out those enzymes through the google scholar grinder you’ll find something that lowers them.

“we found significantly increased mRNA expression in ME/CFS patients of the inhibitory kinases PDK1, PDK2 , and PDK4, whereas PDK3 was unchanged .

Also, the mitochondrial lipoamidase and PDH inhibitor SIRT4 was significantly upregulated in ME/CFS patients.”

JCI Insight - Metabolic profiling indicates impaired pyruvate dehydrogenase function in myalgic encephalopathy/chronic fatigue syndrome

Metabolic switch may bring on chronic fatigue syndrome

Captain Planet

New Member
Jun 23, 2017
From that 5 years I was in a very bad state for the first 4 years. I had tried every possible supplement. It took me that long to figure out that simply breathing with an open mouth was the root problem. I couldn't believe it's that simple. Within a few months I was able to reduce my cortisone dose by 80%. At that time I was already working on infections and inflammation with an infectiologist who works mostly with CFS patients..

Hi Mosaic,

After dealing with similar issues for many years, I agree with much of what you say.

How did you and your infectious disease doctor create a plan for treating infections? Did you do multiple tests and then treat accordingly? Or did you just assume that you had pathological levels of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, and just go at it?

This is a very good site listing various pathogens worth testing when dealing with CFS:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome — A Roadmap For Testing And Treatment

Nowadays people are chronically infected, and have a chronic low immune function due to epigenetic and environmental factors. The problem is exaggerated because doctors are prescribing antibiotics only for a few days, sometimes even tell people to just wait and do nothing. The CFS epidemic started in the 1970s after years of careless antibiotics use, which shifted the flora towards Candida and parasites. Even before this epidemic, Broda Barnes realized that almost all of his patients had developed Adrenal Insufficiency from the year long hypothyroidism. The problem got worse during the last decades, so there is a growing amount of people who cannot tolerate thyroid hormones at all. For sick people it is very important to prepare the environment in such a way that thyroid hormones can be tolerated, especially if there is no supervision.

There are numerous people on CFS forums who are hypothyroid yet cannot tolerate thyroid hormones at all. What do you think are possible causes for this? I would love to hear your thoughts.


Sep 20, 2017
Ive done lots and lots more research - Im now leaning towards a candida diagnosis?

Based on the fact im suffering from psoriasis and seb derm also

Thoughts guys?


Jan 30, 2014
Look into turpentine for candida. Google it and be open minded. It was used effectively for many years for this purpose. I reluctantly tried it two years ago after I would get athletes foot all the time immediately after I tried consuming dairy as well as other “candida” symptoms. You must be pooping regular first. Worked for me and athletes foot never came back. Just my 2 cents


Feb 18, 2017
172 read there, not here.

My CFS is getting better everyday since following gbolduev.

Contact me if u want, my pms are open.


Sep 20, 2017
Hey Amber, I cant seem to find anything on there? Can you give me some more info on what your doing please?

Ive tried to drop you a pm also @Amber



Jan 1, 2017
D-ribose is supplement used by people who suffer from CFS. It is direct precursor of ATP. I will buy some and try in the next days. Maybe give it a try?
Nov 27, 2017
Your Own Health And Fitness: Thyroid/Progesterone And Diet
CALLER: Yeah, I have had chronic fatigue syndrome for 15 years Do you have any information that might help me?

RAY PEAT: Yeah, very often it starts with either thyroid or beans in the diet.

RAY PEAT: Beans are very common dietary factor of – they contain antigens that makes them a more complex toxin that cause the liver and the intestine and the thyroid to malfunction and you can break the cycle sometimes just with diet but usually thyroid is an important thing to consider.

CALLER: I wasn’t listening to the beginning of show, so I don’t know whether you spoke about this but when you’re talking about treating low thyroid, how do you treat it?

RAY PEAT: It depends upon where you're starting from. Sometimes four ounces of orange juice every hour through the day for several days is all it takes to activate the thyroid. Sometimes it takes adding eggs or milk to the diet.

RAY PEAT: Yeah, depending on what the limiting factor is in your thyroid problem. Sometimes one dose of progesterone can break a person out of the cycle. Sometimes dropping out vegetable oils or beans or nuts or seeds is all it takes.

N: Switching to a higher protein diet without those items in it and low grain too the grain is irritating as well.
see I sort of lose ray with this

I've been eating pretty damn peat-y and it has not improved my condition. Sometimes I think you can't cure severe illness via diet alone.


Mar 21, 2014
see I sort of lose ray with this

I've been eating pretty damn peat-y and it has not improved my condition. Sometimes I think you can't cure severe illness via diet alone.
My thoughts exactly. I can't believe he thinks OJ and avoiding beans would touch CFS/ME. Unbelievable.
Nov 27, 2017
My thoughts exactly. I can't believe he thinks OJ and avoiding beans would touch CFS/ME. Unbelievable.
well I want to be charitable here and note that the sicker I've gotten, the more I feel the need to eat peat-y. It's not that the peat "diet" cures my CFS as much as that eating any PUFAs, etc., makes me a lot worse. And I think peat would say in a case like this, that thyroid supplementation etc... may be needed. I don't know that he thinks all things are curable via diet. But that is the interpretation on the forum some of the time


Nov 14, 2016
Maybe Ray says that so people just stick with the basics first, or he doesn't want to get himself into trouble for recommending thyroid hormones and drugs.

His article on fatigue recommends aspirin, thyroid and niacinamide. There is often a bit of obsession with diet and people's belief in what it's capable of fixing. It makes it look like eating disorders have consumed the online healthosphere.


Sep 26, 2019
@daniel1286: The only endo I visited told me I'm in perfect health when I felt like I was dying any minute.

I'm in Germany and it took me 5 years to get from bedridden to more or less functional. I'm still not healthy, I'm also suffering from adrenal insufficiency.

From that 5 years I was in a very bad state for the first 4 years. I had tried every possible supplement. It took me that long to figure out that simply breathing with an open mouth was the root problem. I couldn't believe it's that simple. Within a few months I was able to reduce my cortisone dose by 80%. At that time I was already working on infections and inflammation with an infectiologist who works mostly with CFS patients..

Fighting chronic inflammation/infections combined with Red Light and taping my mouth saved my life. The problem is that few professionals know to diagnose and treat properly. Healing is an art that died with the advent of the pharmaceutical companies.

Do you have help from family members?

When you find the cause you can probably get reasonably healthy within months, but its tricky to find it. The problem is that it is not a disease that can be treated mechanically, but it is a body response to overwhelming biological stress, and that stress can have many faces.

@Dobbler: From personal experience I would say thyroid hormone is a double-edged sword because it overrides so many other feedback mechanisms, so it is not possible to diagnose such things without knowing you. But when someone takes it, it should be taken for a few months, consistently, to make the body adapt. When Broda Barnes started prescribing thyroid hormones people were in much better health generally.

Nowadays people are chronically infected, and have a chronic low immune function due to epigenetic and environmental factors. The problem is exaggerated because doctors are prescribing antibiotics only for a few days, sometimes even tell people to just wait and do nothing. The CFS epidemic started in the 1970s after years of careless antibiotics use, which shifted the flora towards Candida and parasites. Even before this epidemic, Broda Barnes realized that almost all of his patients had developed Adrenal Insufficiency from the year long hypothyroidism. The problem got worse during the last decades, so there is a growing amount of people who cannot tolerate thyroid hormones at all. For sick people it is very important to prepare the environment in such a way that thyroid hormones can be tolerated, especially if there is no supervision.

It's probably wiser to first do everything that can be done to help make the body produce it's own hormones. And most inflammation in the intestines can be greatly reduced with substances that work directly in the intestines. In general using several substances at the same time increases the chance of breaking the viscous cycle. I had positive results from using antibiotics, sodium proprionate, Candida fighting herbs, Aspirin, Niacinamide and Cascara.

I would argue hormones should always be the last resort, because these are signaling substances that are produced in response to a healthy state. From my personal experience I think progesterone and pregnenolone are the easiest hormones.

Have you tried stimulating the thyroid with 830nm infrared light? This is probably way more effective than taking the hormones directly.
@daniel1286: The only endo I visited told me I'm in perfect health when I felt like I was dying any minute.

I'm in Germany and it took me 5 years to get from bedridden to more or less functional. I'm still not healthy, I'm also suffering from adrenal insufficiency.

From that 5 years I was in a very bad state for the first 4 years. I had tried every possible supplement. It took me that long to figure out that simply breathing with an open mouth was the root problem. I couldn't believe it's that simple. Within a few months I was able to reduce my cortisone dose by 80%. At that time I was already working on infections and inflammation with an infectiologist who works mostly with CFS patients..

Fighting chronic inflammation/infections combined with Red Light and taping my mouth saved my life. The problem is that few professionals know to diagnose and treat properly. Healing is an art that died with the advent of the pharmaceutical companies.

Do you have help from family members?

When you find the cause you can probably get reasonably healthy within months, but its tricky to find it. The problem is that it is not a disease that can be treated mechanically, but it is a body response to overwhelming biological stress, and that stress can have many faces.

@Dobbler: From personal experience I would say thyroid hormone is a double-edged sword because it overrides so many other feedback mechanisms, so it is not possible to diagnose such things without knowing you. But when someone takes it, it should be taken for a few months, consistently, to make the body adapt. When Broda Barnes started prescribing thyroid hormones people were in much better health generally.

Nowadays people are chronically infected, and have a chronic low immune function due to epigenetic and environmental factors. The problem is exaggerated because doctors are prescribing antibiotics only for a few days, sometimes even tell people to just wait and do nothing. The CFS epidemic started in the 1970s after years of careless antibiotics use, which shifted the flora towards Candida and parasites. Even before this epidemic, Broda Barnes realized that almost all of his patients had developed Adrenal Insufficiency from the year long hypothyroidism. The problem got worse during the last decades, so there is a growing amount of people who cannot tolerate thyroid hormones at all. For sick people it is very important to prepare the environment in such a way that thyroid hormones can be tolerated, especially if there is no supervision.

It's probably wiser to first do everything that can be done to help make the body produce it's own hormones. And most inflammation in the intestines can be greatly reduced with substances that work directly in the intestines. In general using several substances at the same time increases the chance of breaking the viscous cycle. I had positive results from using antibiotics, sodium proprionate, Candida fighting herbs, Aspirin, Niacinamide and Cascara.

I would argue hormones should always be the last resort, because these are signaling substances that are produced in response to a healthy state. From my personal experience I think progesterone and pregnenolone are the easiest hormones.

Have you tried stimulating the thyroid with 830nm infrared light? This is probably way more effective than taking the hormones directly.

I know this is an old post but for someone new to ray peat healing cfs etc this info is great. I am severely ill with cfs/me/lyme. Going to try adopt your suggestions. Thanks bro


Aug 6, 2015
Hi guys,

My endo (uk based) is trying to push me down the route of that I have CFS

Do you have any advice for me in this situ?

I have an enflamed thyroid, fatty liver, psoriasis and have taken finasteride

Where do peaters stand on CFS? I read somewhere that Peat simply felt it was a disfucntion of the thyroid???

Thanks in advance

have you considered antibiotics

bacteria in the intestine give off endotoxin, serotonin and lactic acid which gives you CFS

and this gives you CFS like symptoms. Brain fog is exactly what it feels like, which is being poisoned.

also, if things in the bowel putrify they will also give off endotoxin and lactic acid and serotonin,

I honestly think CFS has nothing to do with vitamins and hormones. It is just bacteria in your intestine rotting away


Aug 6, 2015
I know this is an old post but for someone new to ray peat healing cfs etc this info is great. I am severely ill with cfs/me/lyme. Going to try adopt your suggestions. Thanks bro

CFS is caused by bacteria in your intestine

'Gut bacteria linked to chronic fatigue' (full article and link to published study) | The Times | 26 April 2017 : ME Association

Brain Fog & can't Focus? 3 Reasons why your Gut is the cause - Merge Health

sterilising the gut will help enormously


Jan 31, 2017


Aug 6, 2015
Have you heard of a Robert Navieux Cell danger response?

How about the effect of antibiotics on the mitochondria?

Thank You John

camphosal looks a lot safer to use as an antibiotic than some more toxic ones

even Listerine has a powerful antibiotic effect
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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