

Aug 6, 2015

I am posting this because I really need help. I've tried to become a professional drummer some years ago but my health is now destroyed and I had to stop following this dream, I have a lot of stiffness in the joints and deformities and can't play anymore.

I've always had strange deformities from birth like strabismus, twisted elbows and scapulas, twisted teeth, etc... Recently someone told me that I may have Marfan's syndrome but Peat doesn't seem to believe in genetic determinism so I wonder if I can fix my problems? I am a perfectionnist and ready to go as far as possible.

I'm following Peat's diet since 4 days and already noticing that I have a bit less of purple dark circles under the eyes and I am a lot more flexible, even if it makes me unable to fall asleep at normal hours... I am waiting for cascara, niacinamide and vitamin E supplements.

Here is a picture of my elbows for example:

Do you know if it can be reversible even if the deformities are from birth?
What should I do?
Thanks! :hattip


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA

You picture and description reminds me of EDS. It's commonly thought of as being double jointed. I posted that link just so you could read the information and see if it matches up with your experience and not as any type of authoritative diagnosis or opinion.

If you were indeed born with some 'deformity' you can still find ways to live your best life possible even without being a perfectionist. In fact I've noticed for me being a perfectionist sometimes gets in the way of enjoying my life fully. I hope you get to the bottom of this issue if only for your peace of mind. Regardless of what you figure out I don't think you can go wrong eating well and exploring all your options for feeling your best. I don't know for certain what you 'have' or to what degree that might be changed but I wish you the best.


Aug 6, 2015
Thank you for answering to my post Blossom :)!

I don't know if I have this condition, I'm not sure at all that it is the case... As you can see my elbows are not in hyperextension but twisted.

Peat seems against genetic determinism, his view of biology is really revolutionary and inspires me and give me a lot of hope, even if the issue is genetic I will never give up to heal myself 100% and live at full optimum. I believe that we can change genes or will be able to do it with diet and/or electromagnetic devices...
In fact I can't help being a perfectionnist, this is my way of enjoying life, I don't feel good when I am not doing things. But I still can relax from times to times, I am not over obsessed don't worry :)!

I will write a message in the presentation forum very soon (maybe tomorrow) so that you know me better better :).


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Great Parsifal and welcome to the forum!


Mar 29, 2014
Hi Parsifal,
I can't answer your questions either, but I think it makes sense to see what you can do with diet etc to improve on things. I can't current look at the picture you posted.
Glad you are getting some improvements already from the changes you have made. That's promising.

You may find relevant ideas in Peat's articles. Eg, there is some mention of joints in these ones: ... tion.shtml

General ideas for improving metabolism may be relevant, as well as some specific tactics for joints, such as considering the role of water, salt, glycine/gelatine/collagen.


Jul 24, 2013
Parsifal said:
As you can see my elbows are not in hyperextension but twisted....


Of course, I do not know the whole story, am sorry for the difficulties, and hope there is continued improvement. There is no intent here to minimize difficulties you have experienced thus far.

I would like to encourage you to rest a little bit easier about the elbows, based on the link to the picture. I wonder if outsiders in your locale (not forum readers, who are crafting helpful perspective) are making judgmental comments or unsound speculation.

(Human) Elbows when extended ("straightened") have a "carrying angle", also called cubitus valgus, where the forearm is angled out compared to the upper arm. There is quite a lot of variation person to person.

"The physiological cubitus valgus varies from 3° to 29°."

Your carrying angle at a glance looks a bit larger than some but NOT extreme. You appear to have a slim physique, which can make bony patterns look more pronounced. There is ample reason to expect full creative activity.

Please keep in mind that modern "fashion" holds people to stereotypes that sometimes do not include healthy individual variation. Even worse, celebrities and "models" of the human form sometimes show malnourishment and poor posture/function.

Supported metabolism certainly plays a role in tissue resilience, which sometimes changes tissue patterns and the person's functions. Hopefully, the exploration of Peat views leads to, as his book title goes, "Generative Energy" with verve and fulfilling activity.


"40 or 50 years ago, advocates of student-centered education were encouraged by the popularity of psychologist Carl Rogers' client centered therapy. Rogers was interested in what made some therapists successful, and he found that their personality and attitude, not their theories or techniques, accounted for their success. Successful therapists had three essential traits. They offered their clients acceptance or “unconditional positive regard” and empathic understanding, and they themselves were congruent, not presenting a facade of authority or esoteric knowledge. According to Rogers, “accurate diagnosis” and “specific treatment” didn't have anything to do with helping the client."


Jun 20, 2015
Raymond Peat, Ph.D.
1996 Gary Null radio

post 64335 For example, certain types of mitral valve prolapses are just from an accumulation of a mucous-like material in the valve, making it thick and inefficient. Glaucoma in low thyroid involves a swelling and overproduction and increased thickness of the fluids in the eyeball. Some types of Graves' disease, which most doctors think of as hyperthyroidism -- but hypothyroidism, which causes the pituitary to become overactive -- hypothyroidism very predictably tends to cause bulging eyes, because the thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary causes a mucousy material to form in the area behind the eyeball, causing a protrusion of the eyeball.

The mucousy materials that are overproduced can also cause blood vessel inefficiency and rigidity, and contributes to things like varicose veins. When this material gets in the joints, it causes cartilage deformities. The old textbooks used to show teenagers with deformed joints that caused the same deviation of the bones -- at the elbow joint especially, and the knee joint especially, with knock knees for example -- but in old people you see the fingers deviating to one side, because the cartilage is getting deformed.

The right balance of thyroid and the youth associated hormones -- progesterone and pregnenolone, and to some extent, DHEA -- will rebalance the production of these mucous-like molecules -- the glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides, they're called -- and in just a week or two, you can often correct the deformity in a permanent way, so that the joint functions without pain or distortion.
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