Dr. Peat on Eugenics




View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gRpI_t3nFw&t=3172s

The Eugenics Crusade​

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/P0PQ64RPrtNt/

The New Eugenics - Alison McDowell

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Sorry I can't make the bold go away @cdg

I agree that it doesn’t make sense but many people are involved in jobs that create harmful technologies. Also do people always have a full picture of what they are building? Compartmentalized information helps. Think covid. How did so many of our members of parliament go along with those unscientific policies? For the first time ever all parties seemed to be in agreement. Not everyone involved will have malicious intent as I have been reminded many times. This video demonstrates compartmentalization really well, although I’m unsure about the moon stuff.​

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mgDnruc4h3xc/



Dec 3, 2015

Sorry I can't make the bold go away @cdg

I agree that it doesn’t make sense but many people are involved in jobs that create harmful technologies. Also do people always have a full picture of what they are building? Compartmentalized information helps. Think covid. How did so many of our members of parliament go along with those unscientific policies? For the first time ever all parties seemed to be in agreement. Not everyone involved will have malicious intent as I have been reminded many times. This video demonstrates compartmentalization really well, although I’m unsure about the moon stuff.​

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mgDnruc4h3xc/

Thanks makes sense.


From the transcript of the interview above

CALLER: What I’ve been seeing, at least on the level of the popular media and the way the idea of genetics is presented, is a kind of genetic determinism, in which the public at large is being led to believe that a gene is sort of individual, almost like an organism itself, the selfish gene and all that sort of thing, which then is responsible for a specific quality or characteristic appearing. And as far as I know, no one has ever proved that genes do anything except organize the synthesis of protein.

RAY PEAT: Yeah. I have – because I guess I have been interested in the subject for more than 50 years, and so I’ve noticed the things going on and tried to find out where they came from. The – in some of my newsletters, I’ll be talking about related issues, but the motivation for a lot of these ideas, around 1910 to 1920, were to stop immigration of Eastern Europeans and Southern Europeans to the United States. So they created IQ tests and showed that Russians and Jews and the various people that they didn’t want to immigrate that 85% of them were feeble minded, naturally they gave the tests in English. But these tests were very explicitly designed for racist exclusionary purposes. And many of these people have persisted in universities, the Bell Curve, for example, a real idiot at Harvard was one of the last hangers on. And these people had great success in getting published in science, the leading American science magazine. When I sent a tiny letter criticizing one of these genetic determination of intelligence, I think it was an 8 or 10 page article, I sent about a two-sentence letter. They sent me pages of anonymous referees, one of them – the only evidence that was cited for not publishing my little letter critical of the conclusions – I just said that conclusions have nothing what so ever to do with the text of the article. These cases of anonymous referees rejecting my comment. The only data cited was from Hitler’s racial hygiene [inaudible]got me interested in studying what was going on there And I saw that by studying that period, I saw that Konrad Lorenz was the architect of the racial hygiene, but he created the rationale based on American IQ racism. He created the rationale for exterminating inferior people. Konrad Lorenz was a Nazi. I think it was his last book. He repeated exactly the arguments of his 1942 and the founding papers of genocide. He repeated the exact arguments except he replaced exterminate with some slightly mild translation, but he never repented from this idea of eliminating genetic inferiority and…


Danny Roddy: Off-topic, but I sent you some email about biological warfare, and you had mentioned Fort Detrick as a place where atrocities had occured? Then yesterday, I was reading about MKNAOMI, the CIA biological weapons thing. It mentioned Robert Gallo. Was that what you were referring to? Or no?

Ray Peat: No. In 1968 and '69, I was teaching a whole bunch of free university courses in Eugene. One of them was on, I think in the fall of '69, it was something to do with the CIA's actions. People, maybe 20 people came. We talked for an hour and a half or so. Most of the people left. One guy in his 20s hung back, and after everyone had left, he ... I think his phrase was, "Do you have a number?" I said, "What do you mean?" He made gestures and meant did I have any marijuana? He was trying to be friendly and I didn't understand him, but anyway. He explained that he was interested in thinking that because I was a graduate student in biology and talking about the CIA that I would be a person for him to talk to.

Ray Peat: He said he had just quit his job at Fort Detrick, because he was so horrified by what they were doing. I think it was, maybe it was the winter term of '69, but at that time, the, what do you call it? The human complex, their initials for it referred to the category on white blood cells. Anyway, the human antigen complex specifies what tissues can be transplanted easily. That wasn't in our journals, in the public journals and in the graduate school courses that I was aware of. That hadn't been invented yet. He was talking about this racial differences in immune complexes on the surfaces of cells that made racially specific viruses possible. He said, "That's their main project is to create a virus that will destroy the population of Africa, as well as most American blacks."



Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Danny Roddy: Off-topic, but I sent you some email about biological warfare, and you had mentioned Fort Detrick as a place where atrocities had occured? Then yesterday, I was reading about MKNAOMI, the CIA biological weapons thing. It mentioned Robert Gallo. Was that what you were referring to? Or no?

Ray Peat: No. In 1968 and '69, I was teaching a whole bunch of free university courses in Eugene. One of them was on, I think in the fall of '69, it was something to do with the CIA's actions. People, maybe 20 people came. We talked for an hour and a half or so. Most of the people left. One guy in his 20s hung back, and after everyone had left, he ... I think his phrase was, "Do you have a number?" I said, "What do you mean?" He made gestures and meant did I have any marijuana? He was trying to be friendly and I didn't understand him, but anyway. He explained that he was interested in thinking that because I was a graduate student in biology and talking about the CIA that I would be a person for him to talk to.

Ray Peat: He said he had just quit his job at Fort Detrick, because he was so horrified by what they were doing. I think it was, maybe it was the winter term of '69, but at that time, the, what do you call it? The human complex, their initials for it referred to the category on white blood cells. Anyway, the human antigen complex specifies what tissues can be transplanted easily. That wasn't in our journals, in the public journals and in the graduate school courses that I was aware of. That hadn't been invented yet. He was talking about this racial differences in immune complexes on the surfaces of cells that made racially specific viruses possible. He said, "That's their main project is to create a virus that will destroy the population of Africa, as well as most American blacks."

That’s crazy. Something’s definitely fishy about the racism agenda being pushed.


That’s crazy. Something’s definitely fishy about the racism agenda being pushed.
Dr Peat’s been linked with “extremists” which is preposterous. So, it’s only fair to demonstrate and explicitly document what he really said about these things.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Dr Peat’s been linked with “extremists” which is preposterous. So, it’s only fair to demonstrate and explicitly document what he really said about these things.
You’re correct and thank you. I’m seeing the promotion of an agenda via various forms of media to divide people in my small part of the world. Amongst actual living and breathing humans interacting in real life though everyone seems to get along good as always. I’ve noticed increased scrutiny and it taking longer to gain the trust of my African American coworkers as a white person in the last several years. My husband (also white) has had the same experience but where he works right now and it’s about 95% African & African American. Everyone gets along fine. That’s my long winded way of saying I don’t believe racism is alive and well in ordinary people like the news leads us to believe. You don’t have to be racist anymore just unjustly accused. There was a news article recently about my church attracting far right wing individuals as well which is a complete lie to keep people away. If one is guilty by association with people and groups falsely accused then between Peat and my church affiliation I’m done for.


You’re correct and thank you. I’m seeing the promotion of an agenda via various forms of media to divide people in my small part of the world. Amongst actual living and breathing humans interacting in real life though everyone seems to get along good as always. I’ve noticed increased scrutiny and it taking longer to gain the trust of my African American coworkers as a white person in the last several years. My husband (also white) has had the same experience but where he works right now and it’s about 95% African & African American. Everyone gets along fine. That’s my long winded way of saying I don’t believe racism is alive and well in ordinary people like the news leads us to believe. You don’t have to be racist anymore just unjustly accused. There was a news article recently about my church attracting far right wing individuals as well which is a complete lie to keep people away. If one is guilty by association with people and groups falsely accused then between Peat and my church affiliation I’m done for.
I’m not sure how new this it. There are threads going back years discussing the topic on the forum. Some people have very strong views about racial mixing which is fine. However, if God made all in his image I can’t understand how someone can claim that one group is superior to another based on skin colour and still call themselves a Christian. As a moderator you’ve seen those threads so you know what I am talking about. I was involved in research a few years ago which divided me and some of my close friends. That’s when I first realised how powerful propaganda can be but it wasn’t until covid that I really understood how it was being weaponised against all of us. There is a thread on stoking white nationalism and most people missed the point of that thread – I made a comment on the thread and it was misunderstood. The story about your church is exactly how the propaganda works and I worry that kind of propaganda will also be used to censor online platforms like the forum. Peat didn't have a racist bone in his body and I think it's good to remind people of that. Thanks for sharing your story.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I’m not sure how new this it. There are threads going back years discussing the topic on the forum. Some people have very strong views about racial mixing which is fine. However, if God made all in his image I can’t understand how someone can claim that one group is superior to another based on skin colour and still call themselves a Christian. As a moderator you’ve seen those threads so you know what I am talking about. I was involved in research a few years ago which divided me and some of my close friends. That’s when I first realised how powerful propaganda can be but it wasn’t until covid that I really understood how it was being weaponised against all of us. There is a thread on stoking white nationalism and most people missed the point of that thread – I made a comment on the thread and it was misunderstood. The story about your church is exactly how the propaganda works and I worry that kind of propaganda will also be used to censor online platforms like the forum. Peat didn't have a racist bone in his body and I think it's good to remind people of that. Thanks for sharing your story.
It’s a real tragedy and you’re right it’s not new but it does seem like they are upping their game more and more recently to create divisions. I guess isn’t surprising but it’s still highly disturbing that people can’t see through it all.


It’s a real tragedy and you’re right it’s not new but it does seem like they are upping their game more and more recently to create divisions. I guess isn’t surprising but it’s still highly disturbing that people can’t see through it all.
It’s difficult to know when to say nothing and when to respond. One way could be to, “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” and play, what Catherine Austin Fitts calls, “the story of I am good” but where would the world be if we all did this?
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