Fat, Bloated, Nauseous, Weak, Fatigued, No Appetite


Aug 18, 2013
The diet you are describing -- "peat" diet, with Milk and OJ and gelatin -- is literally impossible for me to handle without severe gastrointestinal problems. I have researched this for a while and finally decided to give up on trying because the milk and OJ combination, for example, makes me plain sick. Also gelatin in coffee and milk and so on gives me something like the stomach flu.

I think it takes a *while* for your digestion to adjust to the MegaPeat eating plan if you have any digestion problems to begin with and you're not in some kind of competition to have the Peaty-est diet anyway.

I'm going to suggest stopping the OJ and the milk. Eat cheese and add some sweet fruits if you need the calories. You can make paneer pretty easily -- that does not upset my stomach anywhere near as badly.

Also instead of the gelatin try bone broth. Put some neck bones in a slowcooker with a little salt, sugar, and whatever non-allergenic veggies you can tolerate ( potato, carrot) with water and season it to your taste. Then just keep adding water and letting it come to a boil.

Anyway that is my suggestion. I think for people with compromised digestion it is all too much at first. The most important issues at first are the avoidance of poisonous grains, PUFA, and the addition of progesterone.
Jan 24, 2014
I think if you are bloated, nauseous and having other gut issues that you might try to perform a little Shock & Awe to your digestive system. I found a great herbal antibiotic that is nowhere near as nasty as the raw garlic. It's a broad spectrum anti-fungal/antibiotic called olive leaf extract. I had tried the Barlean's liquid years ago and it did absolutely nothing so I sort of wrote it off. Last week I started olive leaf extract because I had all the symptoms that you mention again, but this time around I used a 20% standardized extract in capsules and took a much higher dose. I started with 1500 mg. two times a day, once in the a.m. and again before bed. This is the one I used and it worked beautifully. Bloating is gone, appetite returned with a vengeance and energy is back in full force by day three. Also major mood improvements!

http://www.swansonvitamins.com/swanson- ... Ajwj8P8HAQ

Next week I am going to double the dose and continue for two months, this is the SHOCK portion of Shock & Awe. I also started taking Saccharomyces boulardii everyday at noonish, away from the herbal antibiotic, this would be the AWE portion...I wish I could recommend a good probiotic, but the problem is that everybody reacts differently to different strains due to whatever gut imbalance they might be carrying. So little is known about gut flora. I read that Sacch.b is good to get C. diff under control. There are certain strains of probiotics that are better for SIBO and some that should absolutely be avoided if you have SIBO.

FAIR WARNING: I had a severe die off reaction (massive acne on my chest, neck, back shoulders and face) that I was not prepared for based on my previous experience with olive leaf, I had no idea that it would be so extreme. I wasn't clearing the dead bacteria fast enough I guess.

If you decide to try this herbal antibiotic please be sure to use a standardized extract of at least 18% minimum and take at least 1400-2800 mg. a day, any less won't cut it.


May 12, 2014
Hi BP, just saw this. I'll order the olive leaf.

Can you tell me how to figure out which probiotic to try? The GI put me on Align which I stopped after two weeks cuz it made me feel worse.

Now the GI wants me to stop all supplements for 2 weeks, but I'm not going to. Then he's gonna put me on a different antibiotic. Then he wants to put me on a diuretic (he wouldn't hear of diamox), and finally a colonoscopy. I know I'm not going for the colonscopy.

And today I took the first tablet of diamox (brand: Iopar). Will see how it goes.

This morning I had a cup of goat milk preceded by a "dairy-zyme" mix containing lactase. The stomach stayed the same inflated size, so I'll have it again tomorrow morning for breakfast.

I'm eating about 2oz paneer for lunch everyday, sometimes substitue ricotta. Getting bored, but don't know what else to eat at lunch. I can't eat big meals anymore. Small, more frequent.
Jan 24, 2014
Hi sunmountain, For probiotics I use the Saccharomyces Boulardii and also Probiotics Ultra from Syontix, these are no longer manufactured, but the Gut Critters website has this to say for an alternative:

http://gutcritters.com/alternatives-to- ... ics-ultra/

If you decide to go this route, be sure to take the probies several hours away from the olive leaf extract (I take mine midway between the two olive leaf doses), otherwise you will end up killing off that which you are trying to replenish. The idea is to kill off the bad microbes and fill in the void with friendly flora.

I realize that taking Probiotics isn't considered Peatish, but I know for a fact that all of MY issues stem from gut dysbiosis. If this doen't work for me the next stop will be a fecal transplant.... :shock:

I started the double dose of olive leaf this week and had to go back to the starting dose, this stuff is SO STRONG!

I can't recall sunmountain, have you been diagnosed with SIBO?

I personally will never have another colonoscopy again, it's a great way to further destroy healthy gut flora, but we all have to choose what's best for our own individual issues.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Jan 24, 2014
WOW!!! That's like half price, great find Charlie!

I wonder if the adrenalin response is a reaction to the die-off? I'm merely speculating as I really have no idea. I can say that I had to back down on the dosage because the higher level was uncomfortable. I also have to eat more carbs while taking it.

Looking forward to hearing of your experience with this Charlie, keep us posted!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Well I didn't find the half price till today. lol Oh well so it goes.

I will keep in mind about needing more carbs, that would make sense though.

edit: oh and its possible the adrenaline could be from die off, it seems like a trajic event. :lol:
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