HELP, Severe leaky gut, systemic inflammation

Mar 10, 2021
Super long story short, i have an auto immune disease that causes me severe sustemic inflammation. I have also been diagnosed with SIBO and gut dysbiosis as well as low grade hypothyroidism. Of course the medical industry will not help in any meaningful way.

I cant eat much of anything without severe inflammation stemming from the gut but also in many joints. My diet is mainly animal products and simple sugars but even that is now causing inflammation, i believe its bacterial related, i need help with ideas for actually healing leaky gut as well as ways of obtaining good pharmaceuticals or supplements that can help with bacterial overgrowth.

What im currently taking

Aspirin 500mg
magnesium bisglucinate 400mg
dhea/preg topical 10mg each
MCT oil TBS morning/night

Diet it Milk, cheese, eggs, meat, sugar, starch.

I have tried cutting out all different areas of diet but inget severe panic attacks and insomnia if i dont eat starch which makes me think the bacteria are in charge. Also i cant eat any fiber without bad gas/bloat/pain/panic attacks.

Things id like to try but dont know how to get

- Anabolic steroids to help heal gut and destruction of joints frrom inflammation.

- BPC-157 injections

- antibiotics like neomycin or similar that target gram negative bacteria

- maybe vit c/b drips?

Any thoughts on diet/pharma/supps especially ones i mentioned would be greatly appreciated. I may try a very low fat diet of broth, white rice, chicken, bcaas because i have seen some research showing fats exacerbating leaky gut and endotoxin issues and to just give my gut time to heal.

I would take any bacterial issue seriously if it is causing you severe symptoms.


Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
F. prausnitzii produces butyrate and salicylic acid in the colon, which promote a healthy gut lining and reduce inflammation. Bifidobacteria degrade inulin-type fructans into acetate that feeds F. prausnitzii. This process is called crossfeeding. Research prausnitzii + crossfeeding + inulin. Onions, garlic, leeks and chickory are good sources of inulin.
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Mar 29, 2021

I was in a crisis when i posted this. I have sense then done an almost complete 180. some of the things i did...

Stopped all supplements.

Diet consisting of only bone broth meat, eggs, kefir, yogurt, butter, cheese, maple syrup and a clean ice cream.

Changed my sleep habits and bed to prioritize sleep.

Started energy work, qigong and acupuncture with a Chinese “master”.

My next steps are to continue on with these practices and diet. Im looking into peptide therapy as well as some anabolics for tissue recovery.
Jun 16, 2021
I would drop the coconut oil . Then go into kill kill kill mode. Clove tincture . Wormwood. Garlic . GSE. Some kind of antiparasitic formula. Do some fasting . Do some salt water flushes. Take Lugols in water everyday.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I would drop the coconut oil . Then go into kill kill kill mode. Clove tincture . Wormwood. Garlic . GSE. Some kind of antiparasitic formula. Do some fasting . Do some salt water flushes. Take Lugols in water everyday.

And then what? Just assume you only killed bad bacteria and leave it to chance that balance will be restored?


Feb 3, 2020

I was in a crisis when i posted this. I have sense then done an almost complete 180. some of the things i did...

Stopped all supplements.

Diet consisting of only bone broth meat, eggs, kefir, yogurt, butter, cheese, maple syrup and a clean ice cream.

Changed my sleep habits and bed to prioritize sleep.

Started energy work, qigong and acupuncture with a Chinese “master”.

My next steps are to continue on with these practices and diet. Im looking into peptide therapy as well as some anabolics for tissue recovery.
Sounds very good.
Dropping supplements is a good idea.
Sleep is very important as it‘s the only time where your body truely regenerates/repairs itself.
Dropping/reducing caffeine intake helps with maxing out on sleep quality in my opinion.


May 31, 2018
Super long story short, i have an auto immune disease that causes me severe sustemic inflammation. I have also been diagnosed with SIBO and gut dysbiosis as well as low grade hypothyroidism. Of course the medical industry will not help in any meaningful way.

I cant eat much of anything without severe inflammation stemming from the gut but also in many joints. My diet is mainly animal products and simple sugars but even that is now causing inflammation, i believe its bacterial related, i need help with ideas for actually healing leaky gut as well as ways of obtaining good pharmaceuticals or supplements that can help with bacterial overgrowth.

What im currently taking

Aspirin 500mg
magnesium bisglucinate 400mg
dhea/preg topical 10mg each
MCT oil TBS morning/night

Diet it Milk, cheese, eggs, meat, sugar, starch.

I have tried cutting out all different areas of diet but inget severe panic attacks and insomnia if i dont eat starch which makes me think the bacteria are in charge. Also i cant eat any fiber without bad gas/bloat/pain/panic attacks.

Things id like to try but dont know how to get

- Anabolic steroids to help heal gut and destruction of joints frrom inflammation.

- BPC-157 injections

- antibiotics like neomycin or similar that target gram negative bacteria

- maybe vit c/b drips?

Any thoughts on diet/pharma/supps especially ones i mentioned would be greatly appreciated. I may try a very low fat diet of broth, white rice, chicken, bcaas because i have seen some research showing fats exacerbating leaky gut and endotoxin issues and to just give my gut time to heal.

Thing that is working the fastest and best (longest lasting) for me so far is having taken NAC (tiny amounts) a few times, then I took 1 x 12mg Ivermectin.
The inflammation decrease was within hours for me (I can only speak for me). Blood pressure went way down. Ivermec made me so sleepy every day, I slept from 4PM until 10pm. I'm an insomniac - this was much needed so I don't mind. Lifelong skin issues clearing up even, I always knew it was related to my gut = candida, biofilm glop, all of it. Ivermec works for 12 days in the system and I am on day 7. My body is so very sensitive, so I won't take another until maybe in 2 months, or maybe I'll continue with the "paste" (more like a cream) topically as I had started with for a few days before I decided to pop the pill. NAC is a direct fix for leaky gut, BTW, and Ivermec cleans out the garbage in your system. Lots of reports of people's digestion cleaning up from it.

Also, digestive enzymes. I find if I am choking on that glop (not sure if you suffer from it as well or not) a piece of pineapple will eat it right up. Problem is, if i eat 5 pieces I'll always end up with visual migraine auras as i have salicylate issues. I'm pretty doomed, maybe you have better luck.


Feb 24, 2019
nice study here about Bacillus subtilis
Long-term and continuous administration of Bacillus subtilis during remission effectively maintains the remission of inflammatory bowel disease by protecting intestinal integrity, regulating epithelial proliferation, and reshaping microbial structure and function
Gut microbiota takes part in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Clinical research has found that probiotics have a beneficial effect on active ulcerative colitis, but to date, significant efficacy has rarely been found in the use of probiotics in the remission phase of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. More studies are needed to assess the utilization of probiotics in IBD remission. In this study, we assessed the administration of Bacillus subtilis in remission and its possible mechanism in mice with IBD. ...
Oral administration of B. subtilis was implemented for 6 weeks (dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-P6w group), 2 weeks (DSS-P2w group) or 0 weeks (DSS-control(CT) group) in the remission phase in rodents with (DSS)-induced IBD. The body weight, colon length and disease activity index (DAI) were recorded, and colon H&E staining was performed. The expression of tight junction proteins (ZO-1 and occludin) mRNA and epithelium proliferation-related Ki67 was detected. Gut microbiota were tested by 16S rRNA sequencing. Administration of B. subtilis in remission effectively increased the body weight and colon length and decreased DAI in the DSS-P6w group compared with the DSS-CT group, but there is no significant difference between the DSS-P2w and DSS-CT groups. The epithelial integrity was improved, and the expression of ZO-1 and occludin increased due to administration of B. subtilis in remission, which was more evident in the DSS-P6w group. The expression of Ki67 increased in the DSS-CT group compared with that in the CT group. The administration of B. subtilis effectively down-regulated the expression of Ki67 in the DSS-P6w and DSS-P2w groups compared with the DSS-CT group. Furthermore, gut microbial structure was improved, with significantly decreased Escherichia/Shigella and Enterococcus, and increased Akkermansia and corresponding microbial function in the DSS-P6w group. Short-term administration of B. subtilis in the remission phase showed no significant improvement in mice with IBD. Long-term and continuous supplementation of B. subtilis in remission could effectively maintain the remission by protecting epithelial integrity, regulating proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells, and improving gut microbiota and the corresponding microbial function.
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