

Jan 15, 2016
The most highly unsaturated fats, including DHA, accumulate with aging, and their toxic fragments are increased in Alzheimer's disease.
The most highly unsaturated fats found in fish oil break down into chemicals that block the use of glucose and oxygen.
The ratio of saturated fatty acids to polyunsaturated fatty acids is decreased in cancer. Omega-3 fats promote metastasis.

The physical and functional properties of saturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are as different from each other as day is from night. The different fatty acids are directly involved, very often with opposite effects, in cell division and growth, cell stability and dissolution, the organization of cells, tissues, and organs, the regulation of pituitary hormones, adrenalin and sympathetic nervous activation, histamine and serotonin synthesis, adrenal cortex hormones, thyroid hormones, testosterone, estrogen, activators of the immune system and inflammation (cytokines), autoimmune diseases, detoxification, obesity, diabetes, puberty, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, other degenerative nerve diseases and Alzheimer's disease, cancer, heart failure, atherosclerosis, and strokes. In each of these situations, the PUFA have harmful effects.
-Fats, functions and malfunctions.

The US government and the mass media selectively promote research that is favorable to the fish oil industry. The editorial boards of oil research journals often include industry representatives, and their editorial decisions favor research conclusions that promote the industry, in the way that editorial decisions in previous decades favored articles that denied the dangers of radiation and reported that estrogen cures almost everything. Marcia Angell, former editor of the NEJM, has observed that the "significant results" reported in published studies can be properly interpreted only by knowing how many studies reporting opposite results were rejected by the editors.
-The Great Fish Oil Experiment
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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