I am lactose intolerant - Goat's Milk, Cow's Milk, Sheep's Milk & Casein. What now?


Nov 29, 2017
question... I've been drinking about 1 liter of milk for well over a year now. Recently though, it seems like I can't tolerate it anymore...I am getting diarhhea now approximately an hour after drinking and my stomach rumbles for many hours afterwards....Is it possible to become lactose intolerant out of no where? Overall I feel my health is improving but this makes me scratch my head (and wipe my butt---)


Aug 1, 2017
I'm thinking of just sticking to parmesan cheese like I've done before. It doesn't have that much lactose, it's high in calcium, and I can't find anywhere of its casein content so I'm thinking it's not that high or much of a concern.

Noted about the diet trial. I wouldn't mind trying it out in a few months if I can find somewhere to have it done.

Weird about the blood test - maybe there's something else going.

I can see how that would make sense, but for me, ever since I started supplementing casein protein shake I get tinnitus in my left ear. Sometimes even just minutes after consumption, and this is from allegedly pure casein protein sources!

Tuna I eat once a month, and it was high in intolerance - it was the only fish that I had an intolerance too. I did eat a lot of pineapples for a while a few weeks ago and the test came medium intolerance but I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it.

curious, i get the same thing from skyr (basically pure casein) but on both ears

parmeggiano or goats cheese doenst have that effect for me, might be worth a try?
Jun 16, 2017
question... I've been drinking about 1 liter of milk for well over a year now. Recently though, it seems like I can't tolerate it anymore...I am getting diarhhea now approximately an hour after drinking and my stomach rumbles for many hours afterwards....Is it possible to become lactose intolerant out of no where? Overall I feel my health is improving but this makes me scratch my head (and wipe my butt---)
Maybe you've develop a mild SIBO or something? You could try some penicillin. Danny Roddy said that that fixed his milk digestion.

Also, have you switched milk brands? Added vitamins in the milk maybe.


Oct 6, 2020
question... I've been drinking about 1 liter of milk for well over a year now. Recently though, it seems like I can't tolerate it anymore...I am getting diarhhea now approximately an hour after drinking and my stomach rumbles for many hours afterwards....Is it possible to become lactose intolerant out of no where? Overall I feel my health is improving but this makes me scratch my head (and wipe my butt---)

Just another variable to explore (discard this if you feel like it doesn't apply to your situation):

Did you have any event happening in the form of a trauma (could be a mild one)? Like some sort of stress or conflict induced while eating cheese/consuming milk?
I remember i used to get diarreah in extreme stress situations. Maybe a subconcious association has build up with dairy that makes your body go "panic mode".

From a microbiome perspective you should be fine right? I mean all this milk should've shaped the gut towards this kind of eating habit.

have you had any antibiotics? or a experiement with antifungals/antimocrobials?

Something i would try is buying pure lactose and check if it is actually the lactose or if it is something else in the milk.

I dont think the narrative that allergies, autoimmune reactions or food intolerances are coming out of nowhere to be valid.


Nov 29, 2017
Just another variable to explore (discard this if you feel like it doesn't apply to your situation):

Did you have any event happening in the form of a trauma (could be a mild one)? Like some sort of stress or conflict induced while eating cheese/consuming milk?
I remember i used to get diarreah in extreme stress situations. Maybe a subconcious association has build up with dairy that makes your body go "panic mode".

From a microbiome perspective you should be fine right? I mean all this milk should've shaped the gut towards this kind of eating habit.

have you had any antibiotics? or a experiement with antifungals/antimocrobials?

Something i would try is buying pure lactose and check if it is actually the lactose or if it is something else in the milk.

I dont think the narrative that allergies, autoimmune reactions or food intolerances are coming out of nowhere to be valid.
thoughtful response ben. Thanks :) I don't think I can related it to a traumatic or stressful event. Dairy has always been something that cheers me up.....The only change for me is the incorporation of chaparral and methylene blue at slightly higher dosages. Chaparral is said to be antibacterial and antifungal so I think it may coincide. Definitely excreting a lot of bile too which makes me wonder if it's cleaning out my liver (had congestion and problems for quite a few years now). It's weird though.... I had about a quart of milk yesterday night before bed and woke up with normal stool. No problems....It just seems to be from Noon until 5pm that I experience this issue and i assumed it's because of milk...


Nov 4, 2020
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2020
seriously ?
"boneless" for calcium ?
Sardines for calcium are a good option too. I’ve tried many brands, I’ve found this one to be the best tasting Trader Joe’s $3
seriously ?
"boneless" for calcium ?
bone-in for calcium, here is the brand I like. What brand do you like for bones?
seriously ?
"boneless" for calcium ?
Thank you for finding that! Here is a bone-in brand, I never notice that I’m eating bones with salt and sometimes non-fortified nutritional yeast
Apr 22, 2019
(Responsibly) take up the milch regimen for 1-4 weeks.



Jun 16, 2021
nettle, bones of tiny fish, blackstrap molasses
I too have issues with dairy. How do you prepare your nettles? Do you simply drink the liquid after boiling a couple of minutes? Are oxalates a concern? I appreciate your suggestions.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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