Idiocracy - So Delicious Coconut Milk Class Action Challenges Health Claims


Sep 3, 2017
So Delicious Coconut Milk Class Action Challenges Health Claims

A class action lawsuit claims that So Delicious Coconut Milk, manufactured by Danone, contains alarming amounts of saturated fat but is falsely marketed as being healthy.

Lead plaintiff Evlyn Andrade-Heymsfield alleges in her class action lawsuit that the amount of oil in So Delicious Coconut Milk is detrimental to human health.

The plaintiff says marketing the beverage to health-conscious consumers violates California’s False Advertising Law and Unfair Competition Law.

“Despite compelling scientific evidence demonstrating the harmful effects of consuming the oil or fat from coconuts, Danone markets and sells So Delicious Coconut Milk, which is primarily coconut oil in water, to health conscious consumers using deceptive health and wellness claims, with the goal of increasing the price and sales of the Product,” contends the Danone class action lawsuit.

According to the So Delicious Coconut Milk class action, the evidence that the oil or fat in coconut milk increases the risk of cardiovascular problems is so compelling that the American Heart Association has recommended against its use.

So Delicious Coconut Milk is made by emulsifying coconut oil into water.

According to the Danone class action lawsuit, “plain coconut milk is essentially just coconut oil in water” and the resulting product contains four grams of saturated fat per one-cup serving.

In addition, alleges the plaintiff, So Delicious Coconut Milk also contains a lack of other essential vitamins of nutrients.

“According to the So Delicious Coconut Milk Nutrition Facts boxes, regardless of flavor, the Product contains less than 10 percent of the Reference Daily Intake or Daily Reference Value for Vitamin C, Iron, protein, or fiber per 1-cup serving,” notes the So Delicious Coconut Milk class action lawsuit.

The plaintiff contends that she and other consumers were duped into buying the oil emulsion, or So Delicious Coconut Milk, by false health claims made by Danone.

According to the So Delicious class action, Danone touted the supposed health benefits of the high fat beverage.

“As part of its health and wellness marketing strategy, Danone placed and continues to place misleading health and wellness claims directly on the Product’s labeling,” alleges the coconut milk class action lawsuit.

So Delicious Coconut Milk labeling includes the phrase, “Naturally Energizing,” according to the class action lawsuit, and goes on to describe the supposed benefits of “good fats.”

Danone also falsely markets So Delicious Coconut Milk on its website, according to the class action lawsuit.

“Through statements on the So Delicious website, Danone portrays itself as a company ‘making food that’s good for you’ and products ‘that you can feel good about sipping, biting, pouring, scooping licking and chugging throughout your day,’” notes the So Delicious Coconut Milk class action lawsuit.

In addition, Danone allegedly extols the health benefits of coconut milk, including its ability to help maintain bone health.

Since, the company has changed its website, according to the class action lawsuit, “Danone continues to use the So Delicious website, to portray itself as a company ‘making food that’s good for you’ and ‘you can feel good about.’”

The plaintiff is represented by Paul K. Joseph of the Law Office of Paul K. Joseph PC.

The So Delicious Coconut Milk Class Action Lawsuit is Andreade-Heymsfield v. Danone US Inc., Case No. 3:19-cv-00589-CAB-WVG, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.


Apr 6, 2018
The plaintiff is Evelyn Andrade-Heymsfield, she has a BA in “Chicano Studies” and is running as a city councillor of Santee in Southern California. She is involved in a. A climate change committee and is also a delegate for California Democrats.

Evlyn for Santee City Council District 1

I hate to stereotype but here’s a southern Californian leftist with a useless “studies” degree buying into the pro-PUFA ideology and suing against Saturated fats...

I find leftists like this are typically divorced from science and reality. I wonder if serotonin is in part responsible for the illogical and emotionally charged ideologies witnessed in leftist extremists... a symptom of our modern dietary ideologies.


Apr 13, 2019
Hahaha who even takes health advice/claims from a company like danone or any other big food company selling their products. If you see a food that even needs a logo to claim it’s healthy its suspicious. All though in fact this product probably is healthier than most other similair products on the market. People just dont have a clue.


Sep 3, 2017
Hahaha who even takes health advice/claims from a company like danone or any other big food company selling their products. If you see a food that even needs a logo to claim it’s healthy its suspicious. All though in fact this product probably is healthier than most other similair products on the market. People just dont have a clue.
I don't take health advice from companies selling products. I just read the label and make my own decisions.


Sep 3, 2017
"I find leftists like this are typically divorced from science and reality. I wonder if serotonin is in part responsible for the illogical and emotionally charged ideologies witnessed in leftist extremists... a symptom of our modern dietary ideologies."

Alcohol can raise serotonin. My guess is most if not all Antifa nuts are addicts of one stripe or another.

Thorburn Substance Adddiction Recognition Indicator[/QUOTE]


Oct 11, 2016
The plaintiff is Evelyn Andrade-Heymsfield, she has a BA in “Chicano Studies” and is running as a city councillor of Santee in Southern California. She is involved in a. A climate change committee and is also a delegate for California Democrats.

Evlyn for Santee City Council District 1

I hate to stereotype but here’s a southern Californian leftist with a useless “studies” degree buying into the pro-PUFA ideology and suing against Saturated fats...

I find leftists like this are typically divorced from science and reality. I wonder if serotonin is in part responsible for the illogical and emotionally charged ideologies witnessed in leftist extremists... a symptom of our modern dietary ideologies.

Victimhood is increasingly their only way to make money. And, if you know one of them in person, then you know they incessantly are causing problems by which they take proactive measures ensuring themselves lack of blame/responsibility.


Dec 1, 2014
What the ****. There's more saturated fat in a cup of whole milk than there is in this.
All the sheep in the comments make me sick. Sincerely hope the lawsuit fails.


Apr 6, 2018
Alcohol can raise serotonin. My guess is most if not all Antifa nuts are addicts of one stripe or another.

Thorburn Substance Adddiction Recognition Indicator

Thank you for sharing that addiction form I didn’t think to correlate heavy alcohol consumption with the emotional instability and agitative behaviour I see in a number of local leftist extremists I know.

Perhaps this is a good topic for another thread but as I understand Karl Marx was also a heavy drinker and fairly agitated. He would often get into heated and sometimes violent arguments with other socialists. At times he even resorted to reporting the activities of fellow socialists to the police after disagreements or being spurned.
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Nov 14, 2016
will the thread be allowed to contain talk about alcoholic war criminals who were capitalists?



Sep 24, 2016
We‘ll see more conflicts of this sort being pulled before the courts in the west.

It boils down to this imho:
You have the plaintiff as a prototype of pseudo-leftist-progressives.
Their ideology or religion circles around gender/veganism/climate-change/Identity.

They tend to be vegans or vegetarians or „conscious“ consuments of meat, sugar and so forth.
A huge part of their identity is that they eat healthily, are informed about food and health and on top consume in accordance with climate- or ecological considerations.
No problem, let them I say.

But the problem is, they don’t let others.
As vegetarians/vegans and individuals ever concerned about their own and all creatures health and welfare, lot of their food-knowledge resolves around PUFA.
They think they’re healthy and beneficial, all these cold presses valuable oil they consume and plaster on everything.

Their antithesis are SFA and to a lesser degree, meat-eaters.
To them, those eat unhealthily and at the sane time harm animals and environment.

A solid, easy to maintain ideology, they could live by that happily ever after.

But this is where the coconut comes into play. Formerly beloved and accepted as a plant-based food and the keto-benefits associated with it (which was accepted by vegans too)
now the science-illiterates slowly grasped that coconut fat is saturated.
This does no longer fit the narrative and cannot be squared with the rigid „knowledge“ in their heads.
That german former Harvard-Professor in the infamous YT-video from a few month ago seemed to have sparked or reenforced that dillema. She cited a lot of studies showing harmful effects of SFA but was convincingly rebuked that medium chain FA from coconut are a different „animal“ than animal fats and that there are an infinite number of papers and studies and ways of interpretation for any kind of fat.

The pseudoleftist seemed to have catched wind of the existence of actual science that might just hint at the scant possibility that they are wrong. Not only wrong, but all the nice PUFA they so freely put into themselves might actually harm them seriously.
Can you figure that? All these years of buying expensive walnut-oil and thinking „my body is my temple, I’m so healthy and enlightened“ were probably in vain. I was wrong all along and achieved the opposite of what I was striving for?

Few people can ever admit auch grave mistakes. Fanatics and ideologies never can.

So they try to shoot the messenger. Fight science and knowledge with pseudo-science and hysteria.

Everyday from now on. Be it climate, identity, gender, health.
They will never admit to failure, will uphold their dogmas. All the while they will continue to fuel the condition that made them erroneous fanatics in the first place: estrogenic, cortisol-disfigured organisms.

I pity them. But I also fear the disastrous effects they cause. Ratio and science, elusive and hard to obtain and defend in the first place, is in serious jeopardy in the west because of these people.
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Apr 6, 2018
These are astute observations @LeeLemonoil. It takes a lot to admit ones own failures, question ideology, and ones own beliefs, and impartially evaluate evidence. Part of it is maturity, humility, and a love of truth. As scientists we must carefully test a hypothesis to be true or not, the same is applicable to the hypothesis (beliefs, perceptions, ideologies) in life. Sadly I had already seen pseudo science taking a hold of parts of academia (at my university) over a decade ago and it has only gotten worse.
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Sep 24, 2016
Yes, and PUFA vs. SFA will be a minor, side-battleground of the wider clash of ideologies.

But I doubt that the Pufarians are aware that they face among others, the little but well-prepared splinter group of Peatarians who have fought the battle PUFA vs SFA for decades, are well-trained veterans.
Nov 21, 2015
As an aside, So Delicious is So Disgusting loaded with crapola. I would never use it. If it was just coconut milk, water and sugar, sure. But guar gum, Xanthan gum, and nano particles of zinc or titanium abound in it.


Feb 3, 2019
"I find leftists like this are typically divorced from science and reality. I wonder if serotonin is in part responsible for the illogical and emotionally charged ideologies witnessed in leftist extremists... a symptom of our modern dietary ideologies."

Alcohol can raise serotonin. My guess is most if not all Antifa nuts are addicts of one stripe or another.

Thorburn Substance Adddiction Recognition Indicator
I wouldn't know about that, ethanol raises dht and gaba as well
Though you did say addicts, I could see that
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