Liver Function Test For Bloating And Acne?



Mar 7, 2014
Interesting question... I threw my empty bottle of Thorm D3/K2 a few months ago when the sun made its appearance... I had 100% clear skin earlier in the year (no sun but supplenent)

Maybe it's worth another shot. Thing is, 100% of my acne ionly occurs on the bottom half of my face where I shave. I've tried 5 blade, electric trimmer, one blade (double edge) two blade (safety razor) and I'm now trying 3 blade with shaving guards to reduce how much the blade digs into the skin.

Moisturiser has been shea butter which I'm happy with overall, but I still get acne so I might give MSM cream a go. Silver also has some good points but I'm not sure yet :
Nov 26, 2013
I wouldn't worry about that, I barely wash my face every one or two days. More "hygiene" makes no difference unless you live in Manhattan or something. Ray Peat really does not like silver. Salicylic acid has all the scrubbing power you can want and more and can cure "rosacea" in a few hours. I will try D3 next week, however vitamin A requirements seem to have gone off the charts since trying some new vitamins so it will be hard to tell.


Mar 7, 2014
I've been using dispensable aspirin for years... It has little effect but hasn't 'cured' it. 99% of my breakouts are in the immediate shaving areas even though I'm not particularly hairy - Can't grow a beard for instance.

I've tried 1, 2,3 and 5 bladed razors and a electric trimmer. Probably a dozen different shaving creams/soaps, with hazel toner, jojoba oil etc. but I still keep breaking out.

After what has been almost a decade of mild acne, I'm wondering now wether I should buy some antibiotics online and just try it. However, since the breakouts are where I shave (frequency has no difference on breakouts) I'm inclined to believe that internal changes won't really help (never though I'd say that). There's probably nothing natural that I could try externally that I haven't already tried and I hate having complex skincare. AFAIK, I've never taken antibiotics either.

We know antibiotics are not a great option at all and this is very naive to say it but I look at my twin who has a terrible diet and lifestyle, but take antibiotics for the dumbest things - just last week the Doctor gave him a prescription for the common cold! He has perfectly clear skin. Perhaps antibiotics could kill off whatever might be causing my bloating too?

I'd love to hear some thoughts on this - I'm done with natural internal methods now, I've wasted £100's on what should have worked.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Maybe a honey mask a couple times per week would help. You wouldn't be out a lot of money if it didn't.


Nov 1, 2012
My daughter took minocycline for a throat infection and it cleared the acne on her jawline. It may have come back, I don't recall. She doesn't follow any particular diet.


Mar 7, 2014
Blossom said:
Maybe a honey mask a couple times per week would help. You wouldn't be out a lot of money if it didn't.

I use to do this but the honey ended up making my skin yellow and people thought I had jaundice!


Mar 7, 2014
Haagendazendiane said:
My daughter took minocycline for a throat infection and it cleared the acne on her jawline. It may have come back, I don't recall. She doesn't follow any particular diet.

I've been looking at for references for less 'potent' antibiotics - I don't want to be on a 3 month course with dry skin, perhaps minocycline would be worth looking into? My acne really isn't terrible so I don't want to make my skin worse by causing extremely dry skin. Is there a 'general' antibiotic that is could be just as effective for acne as it is for a throat infection?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Nstocks said:
Blossom said:
Maybe a honey mask a couple times per week would help. You wouldn't be out a lot of money if it didn't.

I use to do this but the honey ended up making my skin yellow and people thought I had jaundice!
Oh no! :shock: Sorry to hear that Nstocks.


Nov 1, 2012
Nstocks said:
Haagendazendiane said:
My daughter took minocycline for a throat infection and it cleared the acne on her jawline. It may have come back, I don't recall. She doesn't follow any particular diet.

I've been looking at for references for less 'potent' antibiotics - I don't want to be on a 3 month course with dry skin, perhaps minocycline would be worth looking into? My acne really isn't terrible so I don't want to make my skin worse by causing extremely dry skin. Is there a 'general' antibiotic that is could be just as effective for acne as it is for a throat infection?

My daughter took minocycline because I had it on hand so it saved her $. She took it for 10 days to 2 weeks My son also took it specifically for his acne but I don't think it had as noticeable effect on his acne as my daughter. Maybe you could take it as needed?


Mar 7, 2014
I've read that Ray himself takes, or has taken a few courses of antibiotics (penicillin). Is there a specific type that he might suggest over another? Every night I feel so bloated and look 9 months pregnant, as opposed to 5 months pregnant like I normally do. I can't take it anymore :(. All those months of fermented food probably haven't helped me... Sauerkraut, kombucha, kim chi, water kefir, goat kefir, coconut kefir, coconut yogurt, greek yogurt. All those potentially harmful bacteria, fermenting in my gut for years.


Nov 1, 2012
Do you eat the carrot salad or bamboo shoots? Activated charcoal?



"No, I just do it occasionally.

I usually break the tablets up, and use fourths or halves, at intervals according to need. It's important to get some vitamin K1 or K2 when you use an antibiotic (liver or kale, or supplements). Have you checked your thyroid? Low thyroid function is usually behind the dark circles.

For myself, I judge by symptoms; if I feel an effect from a first dose, I take a smaller dose, usually 100mg, the next time, and similar amounts as long as the symptom is decreasing, and when I don't notice any symptom, I take a few smaller doses.

Since most people get some vitamin K from intestinal bacteria, it's important to eat liver or to take a K supplement if you use antibiotics for a long time. After a first big dose or two, you should be able to sense when you have enough in your tissues; it has a noticeable smell or sensation while exhaling. I have found that 3 doses of 100mg per day for a few days is usually enough, after one or two bigger doses.

Aspirin has a mild germicidal effect. Sometimes 30 to 50 milligrams of tetracycline or penicillin can help. Flowers of sulfur, a pinch a day for a few days will often establish a new flora."


Mar 7, 2014
I did the raw carrot salad for a few weeks but didn't feel any better from it. I also tried the bamboo shoots but couldn't stomach them. I've looked into activated charcoal but decided against it because it can make constipation worse.

I also looked at flowers of sulfur but didn't find a quality one in the UK. Perhaps this is might be better than antibiotics? I guess it depends on the availability.

I've eaten very little all day <1,500 (I've been busy decorating) and I feel great. Zero bloating, loads of energy. I think my gut is messed up so whenever I eat it ferments and takes a long time to digest.


Mar 7, 2014
I've looked at penicillin sources in the UK (online) and wrote to a Doctor on the site to get approval for what are prescription medications.

I explained my digestive issues, how they effect hormones etc. and how I'm always bloated. The Doctor said:

"To be honest with you, your thoughts about your gut affecting your acne are entirely incorrect. You may wish to discuss it with your GP but their is no medical evidence to support your thoughts."

So the Doctor allowed a prescription topical cream, even though I said most of the issues is my digestion... What a moron. Skin isn't related to the gut?

Anyway, where could I buy penicillin online without a prescription?


Mar 7, 2014
I've started to take Amoxicillin and plan on taking it for 10 days.

I've been looking at my skin and realised that I have mild nodular acne along my jawline which is why it hurts and why if I shave over it, it becomes very red. They also take at leat 3-5 weeks to go away and typically this type of acne is the hardest to get rid of. I've also been sign aspirin almost daily which helps reduce skin redness but not acne. My skin cells seem to turnover extremely fast too - I have to exfoliate almost daily - this along could be causing the acne but I'm not sure how to reduce cell turnover.

I'm hoping the amoxicillin will help, after which I'm looking at repopulating my gut with PREbiotics; oligosaccharides.

Nodular acne is very deep within the skin and from what I've read only prescriptions will work but I'm interested in light therapy. I have a 100W near-infrared light that I've used for a while now but has has no effect on my skin, if anything it make it look irritated.

Are blue LED's 'bad'? I saw this light but I'm probably taken more by the marketing than the science, however there could be something here... I've not found a good bulb for light therapy.

Just some thoughts...


Jul 22, 2017
I've started to take Amoxicillin and plan on taking it for 10 days.

I've been looking at my skin and realised that I have mild nodular acne along my jawline which is why it hurts and why if I shave over it, it becomes very red. They also take at leat 3-5 weeks to go away and typically this type of acne is the hardest to get rid of. I've also been sign aspirin almost daily which helps reduce skin redness but not acne. My skin cells seem to turnover extremely fast too - I have to exfoliate almost daily - this along could be causing the acne but I'm not sure how to reduce cell turnover.

I'm hoping the amoxicillin will help, after which I'm looking at repopulating my gut with PREbiotics; oligosaccharides.

Nodular acne is very deep within the skin and from what I've read only prescriptions will work but I'm interested in light therapy. I have a 100W near-infrared light that I've used for a while now but has has no effect on my skin, if anything it make it look irritated.

Are blue LED's 'bad'? I saw this light but I'm probably taken more by the marketing than the science, however there could be something here... I've not found a good bulb for light therapy.illuMask

Just some thoughts...
did u get rid of it?


Jul 30, 2017
did u get rid of it?
Old thread, but since your wondering, for acne its important of coarse to watch what you eat, but also how you take care of your skin (there must be a better way to phrase this sentence without using “but” twice, but oh well).

IF YOUR CONFIDENT OF YOUR MASCULINITY, you can go to the reddit skincareaddiction and asian beauty sub redditd and learn about skincare regimens.

The basics are:

Using a low ph cleanser (ex. Cosrx good morning cleanser, sum 37 miracle rose stick, hado labo hyaluronic acid cleanser). You dont want to feel that tight pulling feeling after washing. That means you stripped your natural skin barrier and your skin will produce more sebum to overcompensate and thst clogs pores.

Using a moisturizing toner rather than those astringent toners like witch hazel. Usually the asian ones are good, like hado labo hyaluronic acid toner is a basic one but a powerhouse if you want a simple routine. Snail mucin stuff is also great for acne. Benton snail bee essence is a popular one. LJH tea tree 90 is also a popular one for acne.

Then using some type of occlusive moisturizer to seal in the moisture.

There are “holy grail” stickeys that basically outline some of the more popular products for whatever skin type you are (fyi if you think your oily, you may actually be dehydrated and thats making your skin produce excess sebum)

Basically its all about nourishing your skin rather than scrubbing the hell out of it. Most acne comes from dehydrated/dry skin so it overcompensates with excessive sebum production. After stopping all harsh cleansers and actually using moisturizers i basically stopped getting acne.

There are products that can help control sebum production and clean out pores like BHA (salycilic acid) and AHA, but those only work if you adress the main issue which is usually dehydration. Retinol products also help control acne as well as being antiaging/wrinkle etc etc. i dont know if your body can use the retinoids as a vitamin a supplement though. I also wonder about that. I just know using retinol palmate or acetate is the weakest for skincare because it needs to be converted like 3 steps before it can be used by the skin, so most retinoid products for skincare use the converted versions, the strongest being retinoic acid (tretinoin) which usually requires a prescription and aint cheap.

THAT SAID, most people these days use curology. Its an online dermatologist thing. Its 30 a month for a custom blend of whatever chemicals for your particular need. You can get aha, bha, prescription retinoids, niacinamide, cit c, azaelic acid etc etc. just talk with the rep and theyll mix something up for you.

Well the rabbit hole goes deep on this one. I didnt know how much time/effort women really put in for skincare till i found these sub forums. Its a whole science like peating is.

Theres some popular blogs that teach some basics. I like snowwhiteandtheasian pear. I think that one helped me get a general feeling of the basics.

And yeah i know rp is tylically against cosmetics because hes wary of long term negative effects. There are certain lines catered for the natural/organic crowd if your afraid of putting things with parabens (used as preservatives) on your skin.
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