Low Potassium Causing Poor Response To T3?


Jul 13, 2014
The adrenals produce a lesser known (but incredibly important), hormone called aldosterone that controls the balance between sodium and potassium in the body. Aldosterone is also involved in regulating blood pressure.

There are some clues when high aldosterone is present:
• High blood pressure.
• Low potassium - which can cause weakness or muscle spasms.
• Numbness or tingling in the extremities.
• Frequent urination.

Hypothyroidism tends to lead to our cells dumping magnesium (and potassium) in order to reduce overall energy output. This magnesium is then excreted from the body. The combination of hypothyroidism and magnesium deficiency can put such a strain on the heart that in rare cases this can result in sudden cardiac failure with absolutely no warning. Consequently, eating enough fruit and vegetables and supplementing with magnesium is very sensible indeed.

Low magnesium levels can cause various heart related issues including:
Arrhythmias (irregular beats), tachycardia (rapid heart rate) due to poor cellular potassium regulation.

Once there is sufficient magnesium in our cells this activates the sodium/ potassium 'pump' that swaps sodium and potassium across the cell membrane. Consequently, by supplementing with magnesium and eating enough fresh fruit and vegetables we can ensure that we have enough of both magnesium and potassium in our cells, without the need to supplement with potassium. So, people with apparently low potassium levels may be advised to supplement with magnesium to raise both magnesium and potassium levels.
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