Narcissistic Personality Disorder



I believe so. There is evidence that some personality disorders, such as antisocial (psychopaths) and borderline personality disorder have characteristic underdeveloped parts of the brain.

In a sense they are children, I believe due to a particular part of the brain that didn't develop well, many believe due to the combination of being born with a predisposition and abuse or neglect during childhood.

Thyroid hormone, according to a study, makes psychopaths more aggressive. BPD people have worse symptoms when estrogen is high, so maybe thyroid hormone helps them. BPD, NPD, HPD, and AsPD are all in a group called cluster B and they all can be psychopathic.


lexis said:

"...Eddy (2008, pp. 32-34) cites 6 reasons personality disorders are on the rise in modern urban cultures, some of which other authors have also noted:

Instability in early childhood
Diminishing social glue

My guess is that the "diminishing social glue" makes them more unrestrained, but there are other factors that do increase it, probably nutrition makes each generation worse and more susceptible.


Jan 25, 2014
"In this opinion he is joined by theorists who propose that North American culture, which holds individualism as a central value, tends to foster the development of antisocial behavior, and also to disguise it. In other words, in America, the guiltless manipulation of other people “blends” with social expectations to a much greater degree than it would in China or other more group-centered societies.

I believe there is a shinier side of this coin, too, one that begs the question of why certain cultures seem to encourage prosocial behavior. So much against the odds, how is it that some societies have a positive impact on incipient sociopaths, who are born with an inability to process interpersonal emotions in the usual way? I would like to suggest that the overriding belief systems of certain cultures encourage born sociopaths to compensate cognitively for what they are missing emotionally. In contrast with our extreme emphasis on individualism and personal control, certain cultures, many in East Asia, dwell theologically on the interrelatedness of all living things.

Interestingly, this value is also the basis of conscience, which is an intervening sense of obligation rooted in a sense of connectedness. If an individual does not, or if neurologically he cannot, experience his connection to others in an emotional way, perhaps a culture that insists on connectedness as a matter of belief can instill a strictly cognitive understanding of interpersonal obligation.

An intellectual grasp of one’s duties to others is not the same attribute as the powerfully directive emotion we call conscience, but perhaps it is enough to extract prosocial behavior from at least some individuals who would have behaved only in antisocial ways had they been living in a society that emphasized individualism rather than interrelatedness. Though they lack an internal mechanism that tells them they are connected to others, the larger culture insists to them that they are so connected — as opposed to our culture, which informs them resoundingly that their ability to act guiltlessly on their own behalf is the ultimate advantage. This would explain why a Western family by itself cannot redeem a born sociopath. There are too many other voices in the larger society implying that his approach to the world is correct..."


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I believe people with this and related labels can improve from incorporating the same measures peat recommends for optimizing cellular respiration. It is exactly the same issue with the brain/psychiatric/neurological function as any other part of the body. I think focusing on the symptoms or the way the energy derangement manifests takes away from true healing. I'm curious if the blood-brain barrier might be compromised when mental illness type symptoms occur? It must be a developmental process that is in a degenerative pattern rather than a regenerative one.


Blossom said:
I believe people with this and related labels can improve from incorporating the same measures peat recommends for optimizing cellular respiration. It is exactly the same issue with the brain/psychiatric/neurological function as any other part of the body. I think focusing on the symptoms or the way the energy derangement manifests takes away from true healing. I'm curious if the blood-brain barrier might be compromised when mental illness type symptoms occur? It must be a developmental process that is in a degenerative pattern rather than a regenerative one.

I was hopeful too, but became less so when Peat mentioned he believes psychopaths probably can't be cured.

But maybe one of the related ones, BPD, NPD, or HPD are more treatable.

Psychopaths in particular apparently become more destructive with thyroid treatment, according to some research.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I wonder if the psychopaths could be helped by substances that are more calming like progesterone? It would be interesting if someone were to do a study with other types of Peat related interventions like the serotonin antagonists or a more holistic approach with dietary changes and targeted supplements. Oh well I already know that's not going to happen but it would be interesting. I do think the BPD, NPD and HPD can be helped.


Blossom said:
It would be interesting if someone were to do a study with other types of Peat related interventions like the serotonin antagonists or a more holistic approach with dietary changes and targeted supplements.

Before LSD was demonized, they put a bunch of the worst psychopaths in a room and gave them LSD, and waited for a transformation. I think everybody ended naked acting as if everybody loved everybody and were deemed cured and freed. Some time later, these people engaged in worse crimes than before the experiment.


Blossom said:
I do think the BPD, NPD and HPD can be helped.

You can at least avoid making them worse. Estrogen makes BPD worse, yet birth control pills are given and advised indiscriminately, regardless of the person's BPD status, which often isn't even suspected.


Jan 25, 2014
If people with these disorders started improving their nutrition but still believed in 'pathological self esteem' there cant be any improvement.

Interestingly,schizophrenics have narcissistic tendencies.


Jan 25, 2014
Schizophrenia in the Asian culture:

Schizophrenia is increasing alarmingly due to poverty, unemployment, political instability, violence, urbanization, sexual abuse and other social evils besides genetic and biological vulnerability.

Prognosis in this part of world is more positive as compared to developed countries due to joint family system, strong family ties and adequate and due support from family and friends. Raynond cochraine, a professor of psychology at the University of Birmingham, U.K. has researched many Pakistanis living in Britain and has found that they have low rate of illness but have relatively good chances of recovery due to their strong and supportive family structure.


Sep 3, 2017
Schizophrenia in the Asian culture:

Schizophrenia is increasing alarmingly due to poverty, unemployment, political instability, violence, urbanization, sexual abuse and other social evils besides genetic and biological vulnerability.

Prognosis in this part of world is more positive as compared to developed countries due to joint family system, strong family ties and adequate and due support from family and friends. Raynond cochraine, a professor of psychology at the University of Birmingham, U.K. has researched many Pakistanis living in Britain and has found that they have low rate of illness but have relatively good chances of recovery due to their strong and supportive family structure.
Pakistanis tend to marry cousins. They have a tendency to genetic issues on account of that. pakistan cousin marriage uk genetic defects - Google Search

A great deal of what we're seeing as an increase in mental disorders is directly connected to the increase drug and alcohol abuse. The results of substance abuse can result in what appears to be schizophrenia, any cluster b disorder, as well as nerve issues (Parkinsons, ALS, etc.)

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
I believe so. There is evidence that some personality disorders, such as antisocial (psychopaths) and borderline personality disorder have characteristic underdeveloped parts of the brain.

In a sense they are children, I believe due to a particular part of the brain that didn't develop well, many believe due to the combination of being born with a predisposition and abuse or neglect during childhood.

Thyroid hormone, according to a study, makes psychopaths more aggressive. BPD people have worse symptoms when estrogen is high, so maybe thyroid hormone helps them. BPD, NPD, HPD, and AsPD are all in a group called cluster B and they all can be psychopathic.

I was married to a BPD wife. Was hell on earth. Can confirm she had her phases. When estrogen was high it was hell.

The only thing that helped me survive and eventually leave her (without losing everything in divorce because she didn’t work) was Ray Peat. Saved my life. I survived on juice and milk. Good nutrition.


Sep 3, 2017
I believe so. There is evidence that some personality disorders, such as antisocial (psychopaths) and borderline personality disorder have characteristic underdeveloped parts of the brain.

In a sense they are children, I believe due to a particular part of the brain that didn't develop well, many believe due to the combination of being born with a predisposition and abuse or neglect during childhood.
I drove special ed buses for several years. The majority of the behavioral cases I transported were being raised by the grandparents, because the bio parents were in jail or off on drugs. What the kids are afflicted with is probably fetal alcohol / drug syndrome, and that seems to be rising with the laissez-faire attitude the US has developed over the years vis a vis drug use. The number of special ed buses in use has been expanding over the years. They are financed under the federal budget, btw.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I was certainly more positive about this subject in 2014! :)
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