Niacinamide Wars

Count. DJF

Sep 30, 2017
Hey guys.
I don't post here very much but have been into Ray peat now for 4 years and I am nearly PUFA deficient etc. (I have type one IDDM and Hashimotos).

I take alot of supps to improve my metabolism including Niacinamide.

Recently I found this article on the life extension magazine website -

The Youth Restoring Benefits Of NAD+ - page 1 | Life Extension

"The Youth Restoring Benefits of NAD+"

In the comments section I made a note that Niacinamide and not just Nicotine Riboside can increase NAD+ and to check out Ray Peats articles for further information.

The life extension moderator replied with a biased study towards nicotine riboside being the only substance to raise NAD+

When I formally challenged them in the comment section as to the benefits of niacinamide, they deleted my comments in reply to them as a form of censorship and flagged me for no reason, making my posts moderator approved only.

Please see the attached for the new set of comments that I made in regards to niacinamide, methylene blue and taurine raising NAD+ and not just NR.

It will be very interesting to see if they continue to censor comments I made about Niacinamide with a favourable bias towards nicotine riboside.

I was also wondering what each of your thoughts were here. :)

P.s. It would nit at all suprise me if in future, they try to outlaw Niacinamide or contain it in favour of a prescription of NR with help from intergovernmental mandates like CODEX alimentarius etc.


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Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
Doesn't surprise me. Very similar tactic to the pharmaceutical companies in that they don't want the cheaper version of a supplement to work because otherwise why would anyone buy there "special super versión."


Nov 24, 2017
Guys one quick question- why not supplementing nad directly?
I remember taking it a few times and it was one of the few supplements that really had an effect on me (felt it in my brain . Relaxing)


Feb 20, 2013
This is amazing, thanks for proving that Life Extension just wants to make money.
Life extension doesn't happen to sell nicotinamide riboside by any chance do they?
I already take 1300 mg of niacinamide a day currently. Together with 400 mg caffeine, 1 gram taurine, and 1 gram aspirin in the morning.


Mar 1, 2017
Life extension doesn't happen to sell nicotinamide riboside by any chance do they?...
L.E's "NAD+ Cell Regenerator" appears to be niacinamide riboside from ChomaDex's Niagen product, plus excipients (including silica), listed on their website as $18.00 U.S. for thirty capsules. Clear price difference from plain niacinamide.


Feb 20, 2013
L.E's "NAD+ Cell Regenerator" appears to be niacinamide riboside from ChomaDex's Niagen product, plus excipients (including silica), listed on their website as $18.00 U.S. for thirty capsules. Clear price difference from plain niacinamide.
Yeah plain niacinamide is way cheaper and has the same effects of raising NAD anyway. Dont believe the marketing hype of niacinamide riboside.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
LEF does gear their products for selling, mostly because they donate 10 million dollars/year to life extension research. Not making excuses for them, I have had my go-arounds with their advisors, etc. on different issues. But, I have been a member for over 30 years, and have learned a lot from them, and before internet where information travels fast, LEF were on the cutting edge and that info went first to the members in monthly reports. They sell niacinamide as well as NR, my guess is that they actually believe that NR is a better way to increase NAD, in fact, it just may be since it is closer to conversion. I do have trouble with their love for fish oils, I think that might bite them in the butt some day. Of course, I have realized in this world of health science that I don't necessarily agree 100% with any entity, and that includes Ray Peat, we have to keep searching and learning. But, LEF is still a good organization.


Jun 1, 2016
@Dave Clark maybe you are confusing customer aquasition with "good organization". Companies invest in varies customer acquisition technics, customer list is an asset and can be monetized in various ways. And giving out "free" content especially packaged in a form of on-the-edge-science(fiction) is one of the most popular tactics to acquire customers. Please don't fool yourself for a second that companies EVER give anything for free, because there is always an interest behind it.
@Count. DJF don't spend your energy. I mean, thank you for bringing that to the surface, but this was their platform so they can do as they wish. If you want to promote your opinions on your terms you need to create your our planform, attract customers (readers, subscribers etc.) and say as you wish. LEF invested into customer acquisition (see my post above), they allocated a lot of resources to acquire customers, they popularized the platform and they pay for the platform, so it is only fair that they regulate content, no matter if the content is true or good or not. Consider their platform as an advertisement platform - what it essentially is. Advertisement (as an essential part of customer acquisition) grew in complexity, it is no longer ol' good tv commercials. You @Count. DJF did not pay for the advertising of your opinion (product, thoughts) on their platform, and so you don't have a right to do so on their platform. Just remember, LEF makes money of you every time you view their web-site, even more money every time you login to their website, even if you don't buy their products. Cause nothing they offer is for free, even the "free" content on their web site.

And looks like LEF did a very very good job indeed: one @Dave Clark considers them to be a good organization, trustworthy and reputable, the other @Count. DJF believes that their website is a source of true fair information and a platform for an open unbiased discussion.

But yes, as previously discussed by many others on this forum, generic formulas are unprofitable and unpatentable, so are problematic for profit generation. LEF are generating profit, no surprise they promote drugs and supplements to get profit. As written by Jahed Momand Jahed Momand is creating anti-authoritarian philosophy and science | Patreon in his newsletter #5 "The perceived insanity of the functioning of this market makes sense, when you stop trying to examine it logically from the patient’s perspective, and examine its logic through the lens of capital and the authorities that control it (doctors)." (no affiliation).
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