NORMAL blood test, don't know where to go from here...



Sep 29, 2013
CellularIconclast said:
How long have you tried some of these various diet solutions? I think raising metabolism with a more nutritious diet can be a slow process. For example, if T4 production had been very low but suddenly becomes 'just adequate', it could still take months to stabilize at the new higher level, as it's constantly getting cleared out of the blood.

Well I've been pretty much eating a moderately high calorie intake from all three nutrient sources; fat, carbs and protein since August of last year. My carbohydrate intake is always 400g+, with adequate protein and between 10 and 20g of fat a day. I don't restrict my food intake other than my fat intake just to maintain my weight. I have not felt any improvements whatsoever. My hypoglycemic episodes have slightly subsided and my blood sugar dips briefly throughout the day but manages to stabilise. The extremity of the reactive hypo to food has also subsided.

Other than that, my energy levels are constantly low. Attention span, productivity and concentration levels have also not improved, neither has my mood. I had a blood test in October and showed the exact same 'optimal' results.

ONE WEEK UPDATE: It's been difficult increasing my gelatine intake. Jelly just gives me cramps, and my teeth are growing more sensitive to hard candy. However, I've noticed my mood improve and brain fog subsiding. A user recommend hydrolysed collagen supplements so I'll be ordering some online. As most of my protein intake is sourced from muscle meat, I'd probably need a lot of gelatine to balance it out.

I'm just helplessly witnessing my youth, education and opportunities disappear before my eyes. I want ambition, drive, enthusiasm. I want to sit and have an intellectual conversation or debate with confidence and assurance. I want to pick up and a book and not have to reread the page five times just to process a paragraph, and remember what I read the next day. I want to concentrate in classes and engage, but instead I'm daydreaming about resolving this burden.

Instead I'm laying aimlessly in bed all day, in despair, helpless, with no ambitions or goals just because I ****88 up and fell for some hard dogma bull**** lurking in shitty 2003 designed Atkins forums.

I hope whatever solution I eventually identify will just give me my life back. Otherwise, it's not worth suffering.
Jan 24, 2014
MightyFall wrote:"I'm just helplessly witnessing my youth, education and opportunities disappear before my eyes. I want ambition, drive, enthusiasm. I want to sit and have an intellectual conversation or debate with confidence and assurance. I want to pick up and a book and not have to reread the page five times just to process a paragraph, and remember what I read the next day. I want to concentrate in classes and engage, but instead I'm daydreaming about resolving this burden.

Instead I'm laying aimlessly in bed all day, in despair, helpless, with no ambitions or goals just because I f***ed up and fell for some hard dogma bull**** lurking in s****y 2003 designed Atkins forums.

I hope whatever solution I eventually identify will just give me my life back. Otherwise, it's not worth suffering."

MightyFall, I know EXACTLY how you feel...I can't remember, are you taking thyroid medication? Diet alone will not always correct hypothyroid.
Jan 24, 2014
1,750 are a young man, I think you might need to eat more than 2000 calories a day, perhaps a little more saturated fat?

Have you had your vit. D level checked?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
thebigpeatowski said: are a young man, I think you might need to eat more than 2000 calories a day, perhaps a little more saturated fat?

Have you had your vit. D level checked?
I agree. I'm only just over 5 foot tall, and a middle aged woman and I eat about that myself. Sometimes old dietary dogma is hard to break out of but it sounds like you are well on your way. As your metabolism improves so will your mood and outlook. Getting a vit D level checked sure never hurt anyone! Everything's not bubble gum and lollipops for me but the healthier I get the better my outlook is definitely. I have a lot of the same 'problems' with work and family etc. but it's all so much easier to deal with these days. Hang in there.


lazz said:
20 g of fat daily isn't enough for hormonal balance...

I believe this isn't true, sugar can be converted to fat. Low fat diets however tend to have low amounts of fat-soluble vitamins.


Jun 26, 2013
you can believe whatever u under 50g daily to me is suicidal....but to each their own.


Mar 24, 2014
Yeah I start suffering if I go too low in fat. It's pretty quick too.

j. said:
lazz said:
20 g of fat daily isn't enough for hormonal balance...

I believe this isn't true, sugar can be converted to fat. Low fat diets however tend to have low amounts of fat-soluble vitamins.
I don't think everyone can rely on lipogenesis to meet SFA requirements.


Sep 29, 2013
To those suspecting the amino acid imbalance: could this be the culprit of my hypoglycemia and stress responses to food? And even the overall general decline of my metabolism?


Dec 31, 2012
I agree with the others saying that you need to eat more. Even though you are sedentary, 2000 calories is not enough for you. You can't expect to heal, and have momentum and energy eating that little. I would definitely eat more fat too.

Are you able to post your lab work? It would be helpful I'm sure.

Don't give up - things will get better. Many of us have suffered for decades and are turning things around. You can do it!


Aug 9, 2013
MightyFall said:
Here are a list of symptoms I've been experiencing since going low carb (Atkins/keto) in April 2013 (no health issues prior to this, all these symptoms manifested over a period of a few months despite reverting back to my old diet);

Intense brain fog
Lack of productivity
Short term memory loss (everything over the past year feels like a fog)
Poor attention span and concentration
Fatigue, lethargy (sleeping for 10-12 hours most nights, and napping 2-3 hours during the day)
Reactive hypoglycemia to all foods in all quantities (this varies)
Weakness in my left limbs
Frequent urination (every hour)
Erectile dysfunction and poor libido
Pale complexion
Shortness of breath
Stress response to exercise, strength and cardio
Fatigue subsiding only in the evenings, with an energy surge and better overall clarity
A tendency to rapidly gain fat around my abdominal area and hips
The inability to express or engage in emotions and general emotional detachment
Lack of motivation, ambition and drive

I've attempted everything, from Matt Stone to raw veganism. Even reverting back to low carb briefly and eliminating starch and sugar. I've noticed I feel better with an increased protein intake but definitely not optimal. Also tried moderate carb and intermittent fasting.

According to my doctor, I am not hypothyroid, neither do I have abnormal or low cortisol levels (adrenal fatigue). All my organs seem to be functioning normally. I am not deficient in minerals or vitamins. My iron levels are great. Fasting glucose is also optimal.

I am a 24 year old male, 5'9 and 160 lbs. I eat approximately 2000 calories a day and I am sedentary. Mostly low fat protein sources and a mixture of starch and sugar. This diet generally worked fine for me prior to my ultimate failure - low carb.

Suggestions and opinions appreciated.

would be useful to know the levels from your doctor. I had a TSH of 3.3 and was told this was normal.

There's a UK thyroid doctor who clearly states "you can't diagnose hypothyroidism from blood samples" which i have heard Peat say similarly. All your symptoms point to hypo.

If you've cut out cabrs in the past you will likely have reactive blood sugar to adding them back in.

I think you will have to aim for a 1-2 year program to heal.

Synthetic or natural Thyroid sounds like a good option.
Jan 24, 2014
MightyFall said:
To those suspecting the amino acid imbalance: could this be the culprit of my hypoglycemia and stress responses to food? And even the overall general decline of my metabolism?

MightyFall...I have a stress response to food BECAUSE I am hypothyroid, I suspect that you suffer from a low metabolic rate based on your symptoms. I don't completely break down all the nutrients from my food properly, therefore it is sorta like I am starving even though my body hangs on tenaciously to every single calorie that passes my lips. I think if you eat more, you might find that it will push your metabolism up, correcting some hormone issues and some of your symptoms will abate. You are young, you can certainly fix this, but does take patience and experimentation. HANG IN THERE :cool:
Jan 24, 2014
Also, low thyroid peeps don't retain minerals. Try sipping on organic salted OJ throughout the day for low blood sugar.....lots more potassium and sodium could help.
Jan 24, 2014
MightyFall said: "I've attempted everything, from Matt Stone to raw veganism. Even reverting back to low carb briefly and eliminating starch and sugar. I've noticed I feel better with an increased protein intake but definitely not optimal. Also tried moderate carb and intermittent fasting."

Personally I have noticed that no matter what diet I have tried, no matter how perfect the foods I eat are, because I am low thyroid diet alone has not fixed me. If you aren't fundamentally able to metabolize nutrients, it matters not what you are eating.

I agree with aquaman that thyroid meds may be required....upping vitamin D helps TREMENDOUSLY too. Okay I won't bug you anymore. :cool:


Jul 24, 2013
aquaman said:
would be useful to know the levels from your doctor. I had a TSH of 3.3 and was told this was normal. There's a UK thyroid doctor who clearly states "you can't diagnose hypothyroidism from blood samples" which i have heard Peat say similarly. All your symptoms point to hypo. If you've cut out cabrs in the past you will likely have reactive blood sugar to adding them back in....Synthetic or natural Thyroid sounds like a good option.

Yes, by all means get the exact numbers (for all tests), rather than the doctor's or lab's interpretation. Even among the "orthodoxy", some endocrinology and laboratory medicine groups have recommended TSH reference range be narrowed to below 2.5 or 3.0. Mary Shomon has written well about this for years: ... nfused.htm

Numbers are intended to be used together with clinical judgement. I know more than half a dozen people with TSH well below 1.0 with classic hypothyroid symptoms whose problems were relieved with supplementing.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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