Please Help- 38 Year Old Daughter- Breakthrough Bleeding All Month


Dec 28, 2012
San Diego
I'm so upset. My 38 year old daughter, unmarried, who has not ever been pregnant, not taking birth control pills is having severe breath through bleeding in between her periods. She had surgery 4 months ago to remove polyps- and it seemed to help for about 2 months, but now it's back.
During the surgery she was checked for cancer- no evidence of it at all.
She has to supplement with iron because of losing so much blood. She's been dx'd with Hashimoto's- has high antibodies. She's gluten free and almost dairy free. Eats a healthy organic diet with plenty of meat b/c of iron issues, and exhaustion.
Recent hormone test by blood did not show any issue- although I'm encouraging her to get the saliva test to recheck.
She wants to try to have a baby at some point- and I'm just so worried that her doctor is going to recommend a hysterectomy!
PLEASE help- this distract mom-
Aug 18, 2015
I'm so upset. My 38 year old daughter, unmarried, who has not ever been pregnant, not taking birth control pills is having severe breath through bleeding in between her periods. She had surgery 4 months ago to remove polyps- and it seemed to help for about 2 months, but now it's back.
During the surgery she was checked for cancer- no evidence of it at all.
She has to supplement with iron because of losing so much blood. She's been dx'd with Hashimoto's- has high antibodies. She's gluten free and almost dairy free. Eats a healthy organic diet with plenty of meat b/c of iron issues, and exhaustion.
Recent hormone test by blood did not show any issue- although I'm encouraging her to get the saliva test to recheck.
She wants to try to have a baby at some point- and I'm just so worried that her doctor is going to recommend a hysterectomy!
PLEASE help- this distract mom-

if she's dairy free, she's probably not getting enough calcium, does she track her calcium intake


Jun 19, 2017
I'm so upset. My 38 year old daughter, unmarried, who has not ever been pregnant, not taking birth control pills is having severe breath through bleeding in between her periods. She had surgery 4 months ago to remove polyps- and it seemed to help for about 2 months, but now it's back.
During the surgery she was checked for cancer- no evidence of it at all.
She has to supplement with iron because of losing so much blood. She's been dx'd with Hashimoto's- has high antibodies. She's gluten free and almost dairy free. Eats a healthy organic diet with plenty of meat b/c of iron issues, and exhaustion.
Recent hormone test by blood did not show any issue- although I'm encouraging her to get the saliva test to recheck.
She wants to try to have a baby at some point- and I'm just so worried that her doctor is going to recommend a hysterectomy!
PLEASE help- this distract mom-

Oh, This is where I'd use yarrow (see a discussion on yarrow in this thread ).
Or maybe shepherd's purse, which is more specific for female issues.

Also, fixing thyroid, which may be a culprit of all her issues, in the spirit of this forum.


Dec 17, 2015
I'm so upset. My 38 year old daughter, unmarried, who has not ever been pregnant, not taking birth control pills is having severe breath through bleeding in between her periods. She had surgery 4 months ago to remove polyps- and it seemed to help for about 2 months, but now it's back.
During the surgery she was checked for cancer- no evidence of it at all.
She has to supplement with iron because of losing so much blood. She's been dx'd with Hashimoto's- has high antibodies. She's gluten free and almost dairy free. Eats a healthy organic diet with plenty of meat b/c of iron issues, and exhaustion.
Recent hormone test by blood did not show any issue- although I'm encouraging her to get the saliva test to recheck.
She wants to try to have a baby at some point- and I'm just so worried that her doctor is going to recommend a hysterectomy!
PLEASE help- this distract mom-

Possibly deficiencies of

Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin K


Vitamin A in the treatment of menorrhagia.
Acquired Vitamin K Deficiency as Unusual Cause of Bleeding Tendency in Adults: A Case Report of a Nonhospitalized Student Presenting with Severe Menorrhagia.
The Endocrines in Relation to Sterility and Abortion

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May 6, 2016
@Lianda: Is your daughter overweight at all? Fat cells, esp. fat cells composed of a lot of polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), make a lot of estrogen.

I had menorrhagia for years. Anemia because of it, too.

Low thyroid symptoms, too, although labs were never Hashimoto's-level bad.

Both heavy bleeding and Hashimoto's are inflammation-related conditions.

Losing weight and cutting PUFA only things that helped me.

To lose weight, going on a low fat diet with bone broth as a staple for a while will probably help.

If your daughter isn't overweight then cutting PUFA to reduce estrogen and inflammation may be key. "Healthy organic" diet does not mean low PUFA. All grains (even organic) have a lot of PUFA. Nuts are really high in PUFA. Soy very high in PUFA. Etc. Most commonly recommended "healthy" foods are high in PUFA.

Eat no food containing PUFA and only eating saturated fat is IMO essential to kicking high-estrogen hormone problems.

Particularly, avoiding soy products like the plague (esp. including anything with soy lecithin in it) is also crucial. Read ingredient labels, or better yet, just avoid anything not home-cooked.

A recent fall off the wagon and back into the PUFA/soy lecithin swamp is bearing out my hypothesis that PUFA is main culprit in heavy bleeding. Just had the WORST cycle I've had in almost a year, after eating a bunch of "clean" organic chocolate candy with soy lecithin as a primary ingredient. Plus a bunch of other home-cooked PUFA holiday foods since Thanksgiving. I wasn't eating processed or really bad food, just a lot of organic PUFA food. I thought I could get away with it for a short time, but not so.

Also avoid caffeine: big connection between caffeine and heavy bleeding or uterine fibroids. I also fell back into the tea/coffee swamp over the holidays. Not coincidentally, my fibroids have "bloated up" again, and as mentioned, just had the worst cycle I've had in a year or so.

Many essential oils are very estrogenic. So if daughter likes things like Earl Grey tea (my personal fave/holiday downfall, with essential oil of bergamot) or uses essential oils in her food or as body scent, these can have an adverse effect on estrogen levels.

Other things that are helpful in decreasing estrogen load are taking glycine supplements and using bioidentical progesterone. However, these can also cause temporary unpleasant side effects as they push estrogen from cells into the bloodstream for elimination via the liver. How temporary the effects are depends upon how well the liver can metabolize estrogen. If liver metabolism isn't good, then while all that extra estrogen is circulating life can be unpleasant. Also, progesterone may be also something of an immunosuppresant, which may or may not be a good thing in your daughter's case with the Hashimoto's.

Please read up on using progesterone particularly before going this route. Progesterone can be a great supp, but there are a lot stories about unsuccessful use of it, and I know from experience that using it correctly is key to getting benefit. It can be so complex to use that I still tend to shy away from it, but I also have experienced the benefits, which is why I also recommend it, with caveats.

I can't really give too much more advice than that, so if you have further questions, I suggest searching topics like "PUFA depletion" and "progesterone use" around the forum for more info.

Final thing: your daughter has to want to do it herself. If you're looking for a handful of quick and easy recommendations to fix her problems, they're not out there. IMO problems like hers can be solved, but there's a lot of hard work involved and the only person who can do it his her. Not you for her. She should probably come and start doing some of the reading and researching for herself, or things won't get better.

Good luck!


Dec 28, 2012
San Diego
Thanks for your suggestions.

My daughter is not overweight- and knows about PUFAs and soy, and avoids all of that. I think we'll wait until going to progesterone- to see results of saliva test. But I think it's probably a hormonal imbalance..
Her thyroid tests are all within normal range- only her antibodies are very high.... Hashimoto's - asymptomatic


Dec 17, 2015
Thanks for your suggestions.

My daughter is not overweight- and knows about PUFAs and soy, and avoids all of that. I think we'll wait until going to progesterone- to see results of saliva test. But I think it's probably a hormonal imbalance..
Her thyroid tests are all within normal range- only her antibodies are very high.... Hashimoto's - asymptomatic

There's some debate over whether a broad laboratory reference range represents ideal or normal for an individual.

Thyroid antibodies tend to be increased under the stimulation of TSH, and several individuals/papers suggest < 2 or even < 1 as a more ideal target for TSH levels


i dont know but i had a similar situation until i added a buttload of progesterone - peat recommends a way higher ratio than " doctors " . when i added progesterone in a big way, my situation got way better. the other thing i did, which im sure it not totally peaty, is jamba juice smoothies minus the sherbert , add plain yogurt and 4 shots of wheatgrass added to one of those monster sized smoothies. worked for me.


May 3, 2015
If your daughter has hemachromatosis, then you would be prolonging the bleeding by supplementing iron and feeding her meat!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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