Privacy has been dead for 137 years


Oct 21, 2013
And we don't even realize it.

This old NYT article from 1878 tells us what we're missing.

Recently he [Thomas Edison] invented the phone- graph, a machine that catches the lightest whisper of conversation and stores it up, so that at any future time it can be brought out, to the confusion of the original speaker. This machine will eventually destroy all confidence between man and man, and render more dangerous than ever woman's want of confidence in woman. No man can feel sure that wherever he may be there is not a concealed phonograph remorseless gathering up his remarks and ready to reproduce them at some future date. Who will be willing, even in the bosom of his family, to express any but most innocuous and colorless views and what woman when calling on a female friend, and waiting for the latter to make her appearance in the drawing-room, will dare to express her opinion of the wretched taste displayed in the furniture, or the hideous appearance of the family photographs ? In the days of persecution and it was said, though with poetical exaggeration, that the walls had ears.

Thanks to Mr. Edison's perverted ingenuity, this has not only become a literal truth, but every shelf, closet, or floor may now have its concealed phonographic ears. No young man will venture to carry on a private conversation with a young lady, lest he should be filling a secret phonograph with evidence that, in a breach of promise suit, would secure an immediate verdict against him, and our very small-boys will fear to express themselves with childish freedom, lest the phonograph should report them as having used the name of "gosh," or as having to "bust the snoot" of the long-suffering governess. The phonograph was, at the time of its invention, the most terrible example of depraved ingenuity which the world had seen;


Jan 22, 2013
im thankful for recordable music, but even that doesn't compare to live. However, was another government tool that went to its full use in propagandizing and terrorizing the 'citizens' (indentured servants...well, pretty much slaves because at least servants could eventually become free), and they still are today

at the heart of everything is the school system. It retards peoples growth in real tangible life, in their most important years, takes kids away from culture and family and has them worship the flag and authority figures, and puts an element of police terror in all the kids and parents minds. This system is how all the other sources of propaganda, programming, and terror become so effective. There never would have been communist Russia, Nazi Germany, or whatever America we have now if not for the adoption of the forced Prussian 'school system' which was designed around and with the early animal psychologists, who train people like they train animals through pain signals and other subtle cues to always follow authority, never question the 'flag', and to never fall out of line because you had an independent thought, in the battlefield or the factories that support the battlefield


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Oct 21, 2013
pboy said:
im thankful for recordable music, but even that doesn't compare to live. However, was another government tool that went to its full use in propagandizing and terrorizing the 'citizens' (indentured servants...well, pretty much slaves because at least servants could eventually become free), and they still are today

at the heart of everything is the school system. It retards peoples growth in real tangible life, in their most important years, takes kids away from culture and family and has them worship the flag and authority figures, and puts an element of police terror in all the kids and parents minds. This system is how all the other sources of propaganda, programming, and terror become so effective. There never would have been communist Russia, Nazi Germany, or whatever America we have now if not for the adoption of the forced Prussian 'school system' which was designed around and with the early animal psychologists, who train people like they train animals through pain signals and other subtle cues to always follow authority, never question the 'flag', and to never fall out of line because you had an independent thought, in the battlefield or the factories that support the battlefield

I love my Victrola I inherited from my grandmother (just need to restore it a bit). Caruso just doesn't sound right on anything else. And I even have a pic of Thomas Edison hanging over it :-D

Totally agree with the rest, too.
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