Since when voter fraud has anything to do with pardoning murderers ?


Jan 1, 2013
Trump is taking advantage of him being the victim of voter fraud in order to pardon murderers right, left and center for God knows what reason.

It makes absolutely no sense and does a mockery of due law process.

This is totally reckless and downright amoral, but he knows it's going to be buried under the election fraud hooplaa.

Kind a bit like Rumsfeld taking advantage of 911 to announce the Pentagon has lost trace of billions of dollars, and the press not peeping a word about it.
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Mar 15, 2014
Are you referring to the pardoning of murders in Iraq?


Jan 1, 2013
Are you referring to the pardoning of murders in Iraq?
The Blackwater killings.

Earlier, it was Clint Lorence, sentenced to 19 years, and Edward Gallagher, 2 army officers psychopaths whose crimes became so gruesome their own men turned against them. Gallagher was sentenced very lightly and lost his pension rights, and Trump had to pardon even that.

If it was any other politician under different circumstances giving the pardons, the press would be all over them.

He let loose two killers back into society, putting in danger law abiding citizens.

Sheer amoral, cynic opportunism from businessman Trump.
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Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
What crimes did General Flynn and Roger Stone commit? How was their prosecution not the biggest political crime of this century? Both men were totally abused by Democrats with their Russian hoax. Gallagher was completely exonerated in court and when you listen to him his defence is very convincing. He was a victim of an act of revenge from a few lefty subordinates. All his longterm comrades contradicted the accusers. Gallagher was denied legal representation and imprisoned for month under abusive conditions, daylight deprivation, which can be deadly and is illegal in most western societies. The conviction of Paul Menaford for a decade old money laundering operation was just another staged coup because his complicit was Tony Podesta, a top democrat operative who wasn't prosecuted at all. At last Trump has the lowest number of pardons of all presidents with less than 100 compared to Obama with over 1900 pardons (including commutations). Your post sounds like copied from the Guardian.

P.S. Lord! This is your 10th Drumpf bashing post on this forum. Do you have to restart a thread every time so people don't see your lame accusations debunked over and over again?
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Jan 1, 2013
What crimes did General Flynn and Roger Stone commit? How was their prosecution not the biggest political crime of this century? Both men were totally abused by Democrats with their Russian hoax. Gallagher was completely exonerated in court and when you listen to him his defence is very convincing. He was a victim of an act of revenge from a few lefty subordinates. All his longterm comrades contradicted the accusers. Gallagher was denied legal representation and imprisoned for month under abusive conditions, daylight deprivation, which can be deadly and is illegal in most western societies. The conviction of Paul Menaford for a decade old money laundering operation was just another staged coup because his complicit was Tony Podesta, a top democrat operative who wasn't prosecuted at all. At last Trump has the lowest number of pardons of all presidents with less than 100 compared to Obama with over 1900 pardons (including commutations). Your post sounds like copied from the Guardian.

P.S. Lord! This is your 10th Drumpf bashing post on this forum. Do you have to restart a thread every time so people don't see your lame accusations debunked over and over again?

I couldn't care less about Trump. But i do know any leader needs to set moral standards for society.

And i'm not counting out yet this whole election fiasco being a staged crisis by the Oligarchy for God knows what planned purpose down the line.

"In terms of has there ever been an instance where the commander in chief has preemptively pardoned a US service member facing a court-martial for murder? No, I'm not aware of that," said Jenks.

No President in history has ever pardoned murderers.

Trump's doing it by the buckets. He probably thinks he can do no wrong.

But i guess since these murdered civilians weren't US citizens, it's only fair game.

Whether these killers re offend in society down the line and other civilians end up dead seems to be the least of his concerns.

4 more years.
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Jan 1, 2013
Gallagher was completely exonerated in court and when you listen to him his defence is very convincing. He was a victim of an act of revenge from a few lefty subordinates. All his long term comrades contradicted the accusers.

He was convicted of the less serious charge.

Pressures were made on the witnesses to change their stories at the last moment.

Anybody with 2 brain cells who looked at the story knows he's a killing lunatic, and the comments section here (80% americans) prove it.
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Oct 11, 2015
dont forget he pardoned people like Michael Milken too. Not quite a murderer but there's 0 reason to pardon a slimeball like that.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
I couldn't care less about Trump. But i do know any leader needs to set moral standards for society.

And i'm not counting out yet this whole election fiasco being a staged crisis by the Oligarchy for God knows what planned purpose down the line.

"In terms of has there ever been an instance where the commander in chief has preemptively pardoned a US service member facing a court-martial for murder? No, I'm not aware of that," said Jenks.

No President in history has ever pardoned murderers.

Trump's doing it by the buckets. He probably thinks he can do no wrong.

But i guess since these civilians weren't US citizens, it's only fair game.

Whether these killers re offend in society down the line and other civilians end up dead seems to be the least of his concerns.

4 more years.

You said what about the crimes of general Flynn, Roger Stone and Paul Menaford?

Do I really have to read CNN fakenews articles ?? You can't formulate an argument of your own?

Calling soldiers murderers is the oldest trick in the Marxist's book.

Explain to me why the Navy has their own branch of justice and courts.
Why don't they use existing federal courts and why is this a problem?


Sep 19, 2016
Hearing something from the source persons mouth is infinitely more valuable than someone else interpretation of it.

The Telephone game is dangerous. People fall for it all the time.


Mar 29, 2016
Considering how the SCOTUS' recent actions and non-actions revealed to us who really is guilty and isn't, and who isn't and is, I still would give the benefit of the doubt to Trump in deciding for clemency for supposedly convicted murderers, especially in war.

And think about who is covering the news - the trustworthy media controlled by the same guys who invent gas attacks in order to justify regime change?

Or a military that hides the real atrocities for Snowden and Manning and Assange to turn the tables on them?

Or a DOJ or FBI who refuses to take any people vs election fraudster investigation with "No Evidence" stamped on their foreheads and butts?


...pardoning suposed murderers while still thinking about it regarding Assange and Snowden - something is really screwed up.

Who really is defending our freedoms - and who really isn't?

Ask yourself this and see how Assange has to be the one looking in and SCOTUS prosty John Roberts looking out from the prison bars.

Now this is the true perversion.


Aug 5, 2015
What crimes did General Flynn and Roger Stone commit? How was their prosecution not the biggest political crime of this century? Both men were totally abused by Democrats with their Russian hoax. Gallagher was completely exonerated in court and when you listen to him his defence is very convincing. He was a victim of an act of revenge from a few lefty subordinates. All his longterm comrades contradicted the accusers. Gallagher was denied legal representation and imprisoned for month under abusive conditions, daylight deprivation, which can be deadly and is illegal in most western societies. The conviction of Paul Menaford for a decade old money laundering operation was just another staged coup because his complicit was Tony Podesta, a top democrat operative who wasn't prosecuted at all. At last Trump has the lowest number of pardons of all presidents with less than 100 compared to Obama with over 1900 pardons (including commutations). Your post sounds like copied from the Guardian.

P.S. Lord! This is your 10th Drumpf bashing post on this forum. Do you have to restart a thread every time so people don't see your lame accusations debunked over and over again?

You dont just cure Trump Derangement Syndrome with information. Who cares about blatant election fraud akin to 3rd World Countries.
The Trump bashing witch hunt will always be more important.


Jan 1, 2013
Hearing something from the source persons mouth is infinitely more valuable than someone else interpretation of it.

The Telephone game is dangerous. People fall for it all the time.

Couldn't agree more.

Gallagher poses himself as a victim of jealous people down to get him. Typical of psychopaths.

The 5 min video i saw of him he expresses absolutely no remorse for posing with a dead corpse for a picture. He was found guilty of that.


Jan 1, 2013
You dont just cure Trump Derangement Syndrome with information. Who cares about blatant election fraud akin to 3rd World Countries.
The Trump bashing witch hunt will always be more important.
How do you explain Trump pardoning Clint Lorence ?

The guy ordered his men to shoot in cold blood a 12 year old girl.

Guess that's your kind of guy.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
How do you explain Trump pardoning Clint Lorence ?

The guy ordered his men to shoot in cold blood a 12 year old girl.

Guess that's your kind of guy.

Textbook HowAboutism.
Go on and you concede that all your vile accusations were false.
My kind of guy goes to war for only good reasons and he has his soldiers back. Facing off an enemy who fights asymmetrical means he will hide behind civilians and innocent people will die. If then the leader grand stands and turns against his own soldiers he's a piece of s... All this 'murderers' are soldiers who were set up by a corrupt military justice system, that needs to justify its own existence. Judges and prosecution get prizes for convictions which are completely staged. Accussed soldiers are denied basic rights like legal representation, witnesse testimonials are denied, soldiers and their families are under psychological torture. Gallagher is now challenging the military court system and that's why the main stream media is hating on him and Trump who is exposing them.
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Sep 19, 2016
I don't see the problem of taking a photo with a dead corpse. People do it all the time with all kinds of animals. It's just hunting mentality. An appreciation that you’ve lived another day and won a battle.

I think the main problems I see are empathy and context. If you can put yourself in the other persons shoes, and accept them for who they are, then a better understanding can be reached.

Unless you've been in a situation where everyone is deriding you and you haven't done wrong, then you might have a hard time understanding. It sucks. That's why we have a lot of the war machine (and prisons) in the first place. People get rejected from the system, or are put in a position where they have to leave it to survive, and forced to fight in the modern day Colosseum as a slave or gladiator amongst enemies or as a free for all.

Finger-pointing is where it all starts.


Jan 1, 2013
From the comments section:

Tom Davis Jon7 hours ago • edited

Agree we need a Patriot Party - but to work for Secession of the 18 States that objected to the Fraudulent Election in the case to the SCOTUS, where they REFUSED TO HEAR THE EVIDENCE.
Biden's 30+M Shamnesty ENDS Any Hope for a Conservative POTUS EVER AGAIN - even w/o a single fraudulent-vote, from here on. Those swing-state votes were only worn by Trump by a percent or two, due to the 3rd Worlders already here.
To put it simply, We Are Outnumbered By SCUM in the "Old USA" which Ceased To Exist when Free and Fair Elections ended in 2000.
And NO - Not Trump as "Dear Leader" again. It was disgusting watching him pander to felons, degenerate-perverts, and foreigners here to Take Our Careers and Destroy Our Families. EVERYONE but "White Christian Citizens" had representation under Trump. No "Platinum Plan" for Family Values, with a NYC-Values (contradiction in terms) leader. We are DONE with That crap.
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