Spirituality Directly Connects To The Thyroid Gland


Aug 6, 2015
The choice is clear: one can choose a negative path of selfish, ego-driven self absorption, or a positive path of humility, unity, and service to others. The implications of each path are dramatically different and diametrically opposed.

5/31/03: Reading: The Hero's Journey

Written by David Wilcock :
The thyroid gland is challenged in maintaining its balance of the enzyme hormones known as T-1 through T-4, specifically T-3 and T-4. These imbalances perpetuate into the biochemical condition of the gradual degradation of the nervous fibers, which comes about through the disruption of the natural potassium / sodium balances which are required for proper transmissions of (electrical impulses through the) nerve systems.

The hero’s quest in this instance is a function of the degree to which there can be an energetic reconnection with the physical body, the body being the projection of the mind and therefore its teacher and mirror.

Thus, when investigating questions regarding the stability of the nervous system, one must look deep within for the ways in which the self seeks to ensure that shocks will not take place, and in so doing, toughen the emotional body so that there is always a sense of vigilance in the perpetual preparation against imminent apparent attack.

Jordan Peterson's book, Maps of Meaning from 1999, speaks about mythology and heroes and why they are so important to society.
Why myth matters: a review of Jordan B. Peterson’s Maps of Meaning

What does this all mean ?


Jul 2, 2017
Why would i want to "serve" others
I want to have fun and love others and care for them or help them in ways that may benefit them, not "serve" them. I'm not your servant. Lol half-**** new age spiritual language

Either selfish ego or "we're all the same". hmm, seems pretty black and white. What about the middle path?


Jul 2, 2017
that's interesting guys, i said something like this before in a couple group conversations and it was only the women in it that got a little heated over the word "service" like defending it i guess, I wondered why but i didn't ask. but don't flame me lol i'm not trying to be intentionally insulting
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Jun 7, 2016
I find it difficult to give clear answers to the questions because its a mix of biology, new age spirituality, christianity and a psychologists opinion on the new testament bible using Carl Jung's findings on archetypes.

The Hero is just one archetype. Each archetype has is strengths and weaknesses.

David Wilcock on the spirituality in the body… If you take the idea of the body being electric and emitting frequencies than Ray Peats ideas are to become highly spiritual. Some techniques used by spiritual people is to slow down the thyroid so much that they have out of body experiences and altered states on consciousness because of this stress.

"one can choose a negative path of selfish, ego-driven self absorption, or a positive path of humility, unity, and service to others" I think the spiritual quest is to go beyond duality and would assimilate all of what you mentioned. People are all positive or all negative, a mixture of negative and positive. One person my seem ego-driven, self absorbed meanwhile they are doing it provide for their family who the are deeply unified with and serving. Its not simple to look at people or the world in those terms.

If I was reading Ray Peat, David Wilcock and Jordan Peterson at the same time, (I have read all of them) I would be deeply conflicted.

Down the middle of each human heart runs good and evil. I do not agree with the new age on repressing, denying and ignoring the evil in them or seeing their evil in others and then expressing their evil on to the evil of others.

Realising how evil one is and what the new age call shedding light on the dark side of one. Or assimilating the shadow.

Reading beyond good and evil by Friedrich Nietzsche could give more insights.

I read the Gulag Archipelago after hearing Peterson recommending it and in the book Solzhenitsyn realises while he is being treated in horrific ways as a prisoner he realised that he would do the exact same thing if he was in the position by the people doing the brutal acts upon him.

Reading The Gulag Archipelago can make a man realise how evil he is and I think this is why Peterson wants people to read it and why he is so concerned with creating these political and social environments.

I think this is part of why Peat is anti authoritarian.
Nov 26, 2013
Why would i want to "serve" others
I want to have fun and love others and care for them or help them in ways that may benefit them, not "serve" them. I'm not your servant. Lol half-**** new age spiritual language

Either selfish ego or "we're all the same". hmm, seems pretty black and white. What about the middle path?
Or everyone “serves” everyone else. Wow imagine that.


Aug 6, 2015
If we are electrical beings, like the "conspiracy theorists" believe,

then isn't increasing our electrical energy with methylene blue, b vitamins, t3 and glycine the solution

the solution to what ?

overthrowing the federal reserve and bringing in a golden age of hidden technology , telepathy and happiness like graham hancock writes about


Aug 6, 2015
Negative vibes and energy is literally............negative

If we say the definition of energy is just :

thyroid hormone

b vitamins

running through your body relaxing you,

and most people would be deficient in those things, producing a negative flow of energy through the body.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
But sometimes you have to do selfish things that appear only self serving in order to serve the greater good. It’s like love is never separate from hate. You never fully love someone only, you also hate them a little bit too.
Also sometimes being in good health makes me want to be more rational and logical and less moved by whims and feelings about the world and others.
What about the argument that you can’t love anyone unless you love yourself? Well loving yourself appears very selfish to some people. For instance if I’m only serving others out of selfish reasons, is that still selfless? That’s why I never understood belief in karma. If you’re just doing good to collect points well then you’re not very good at all. How about just being good and not expecting anything, ever, in any existence or any plane?
What about the person who never does anything for themselves and then bitterly complains about how they are always serving others, becoming such a drag to be around because they are so self denying. There’s nothing good about that.
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Aug 6, 2015
This doesn't get talked about too much. You think it's worth supplementing?

someone said vitamin mk4 can do the same thing

also, coq10 and methylene blue can't be taken together

for a lot of people it helps though
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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