Temperature Regulation Issues--Insomnia, Nerve issues


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Oct 28, 2020
I'm turning to this group for advice because you all are so smart!
Trying to be concise here: I am having severe issues with body temps. The feeling is that I am swinging between freezing and burning constantly throughout the day. I think it may be that my body is going low, so there is an overcompensation, then it revs up hot. When It goes hot, we are talking DRIPPING sweat. That might not be what is actually happening, but that's what it seems. I realized over the last few weeks that I am freezing all the time but would take my temp and it would be 97.5-98.2. Now, in the last few days I am so cold, I take my temps and they are 96.3, 96.5, 97.1. I am not sleeping one minute because of it and it is making me insane. The air hurts my skin. Taking a shower/getting out is dreadful with the temp changes. Out of the shower I am on fire, then freezing.
Background and possible contributing factors: 3 months post op spinal fusion. I had complications 3 weeks post op with severe nerve pain in leg and foot. They put me on Gabapentin and Lyrica. Gaba i stopped after about 1 month and Lyrica I stopped last friday after weaning down. I am only going off it because I thought it was the reason for my cold/hot issues but I still have pain in leg and foot. Pain is not as bad as in the first month or two. I am on oxycodone--was on a lot but have been only taking 1 or 2, 5mg per day now and trying not to take these because I thought this was contributing to the temp issues. Ultimately, I made an appt for my GP but feel like this is a complicated issue and not something they will even know what to do. I also was put on compounded thyroid meds 25 days ago but have been on Armour for 20 years.
I read some forums about opiates causing cold flashes and using benadryl or zyrtech to help histamine release. Tried benadryl the last two nights but not helping. Only 25 mg.
Any idea where I go from here?
I am literally in hell right now.
Mar 10, 2021
I'm turning to this group for advice because you all are so smart!
Trying to be concise here: I am having severe issues with body temps. The feeling is that I am swinging between freezing and burning constantly throughout the day. I think it may be that my body is going low, so there is an overcompensation, then it revs up hot. When It goes hot, we are talking DRIPPING sweat. That might not be what is actually happening, but that's what it seems. I realized over the last few weeks that I am freezing all the time but would take my temp and it would be 97.5-98.2. Now, in the last few days I am so cold, I take my temps and they are 96.3, 96.5, 97.1. I am not sleeping one minute because of it and it is making me insane. The air hurts my skin. Taking a shower/getting out is dreadful with the temp changes. Out of the shower I am on fire, then freezing.
Background and possible contributing factors: 3 months post op spinal fusion. I had complications 3 weeks post op with severe nerve pain in leg and foot. They put me on Gabapentin and Lyrica. Gaba i stopped after about 1 month and Lyrica I stopped last friday after weaning down. I am only going off it because I thought it was the reason for my cold/hot issues but I still have pain in leg and foot. Pain is not as bad as in the first month or two. I am on oxycodone--was on a lot but have been only taking 1 or 2, 5mg per day now and trying not to take these because I thought this was contributing to the temp issues. Ultimately, I made an appt for my GP but feel like this is a complicated issue and not something they will even know what to do. I also was put on compounded thyroid meds 25 days ago but have been on Armour for 20 years.
I read some forums about opiates causing cold flashes and using benadryl or zyrtech to help histamine release. Tried benadryl the last two nights but not helping. Only 25 mg.
Any idea where I go from here?
I am literally in hell right now.
Sounds like some nerve issues and a toxic build up from the meds. My dad’s girlfriend fell and broke her hip and was on pain killers, and having nerve numbness in her feet and hands and Ray Peat said to alternate milk and Concord grape juice.
Mar 10, 2021
"Magnesium supplements are usually irritating to the intestine; milk provides both magnesium and calcium in a safe way. Increasing her blood sugar helps with pain and might help numbness too. Is she using drugs for the pain? Concord grape juice, alternating with milk, helps to increase blood glucose and decrease inflammation and pain." -Ray Peat


Feb 25, 2021
I'm turning to this group for advice because you all are so smart!
Trying to be concise here: I am having severe issues with body temps. The feeling is that I am swinging between freezing and burning constantly throughout the day. I think it may be that my body is going low, so there is an overcompensation, then it revs up hot. When It goes hot, we are talking DRIPPING sweat. That might not be what is actually happening, but that's what it seems. I realized over the last few weeks that I am freezing all the time but would take my temp and it would be 97.5-98.2. Now, in the last few days I am so cold, I take my temps and they are 96.3, 96.5, 97.1. I am not sleeping one minute because of it and it is making me insane. The air hurts my skin. Taking a shower/getting out is dreadful with the temp changes. Out of the shower I am on fire, then freezing.
Background and possible contributing factors: 3 months post op spinal fusion. I had complications 3 weeks post op with severe nerve pain in leg and foot. They put me on Gabapentin and Lyrica. Gaba i stopped after about 1 month and Lyrica I stopped last friday after weaning down. I am only going off it because I thought it was the reason for my cold/hot issues but I still have pain in leg and foot. Pain is not as bad as in the first month or two. I am on oxycodone--was on a lot but have been only taking 1 or 2, 5mg per day now and trying not to take these because I thought this was contributing to the temp issues. Ultimately, I made an appt for my GP but feel like this is a complicated issue and not something they will even know what to do. I also was put on compounded thyroid meds 25 days ago but have been on Armour for 20 years.
I read some forums about opiates causing cold flashes and using benadryl or zyrtech to help histamine release. Tried benadryl the last two nights but not helping. Only 25 mg.
Any idea where I go from here?
I am literally in hell right now.

I'm so sorry you're suffering right now. I had spinal fusion a few years ago and it was a difficult recovery. I am in a Facebook group for people with spinal fusions and would be happy to send you a link if you DM me.

This is just a thought, I'm definitely not an expert or a doctor, so take this with a grain of salt and talk to your doctor:

Your body is still in shock and recovering from such an invasive surgery. It will take up to a year for the fusion to fully fuse. Your body is in an emergency state right now trying to recover, so some non-critical bodily functions will slow or shut down. I didn't have my period for a while after my surgery. My skin and hair were not as healthy during recovery because all my body's resources were going towards healing. My circulation was pretty bad too.

I remember being freezing cold too - an almost insatiable cold. It's one of the things I remember most clearly. A hot pad or heated blanket helped me.

I'd try to get off the painkillers asap - 3 months post-op is a long time to still be on painkillers and I'd hate for you to get addicted to them. Your body may be having withdrawal from going off of this. IMO coming off the painkillers was worse than the day or so after my surgery. Aspirin with K2 is what I use now for pain but be careful if this causes tinnitus.

I'd also try to really nourish your body with lots of calories - more than you usually eat. If you can stomach them, things like Häagen-Dazs ice cream, lots of milk and good carbs, fruit, and sugar. Even some starches if you can digest them like oat bran, rice, sourdough. Mexican coke is really good too if you can't stomach anything else. Your body needs resources and energy to heal. Do what you can to increase your calories.

Again, I'm so sorry that you're suffering, and if you need any spinal fusion advice specifically, feel free to ask!

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
I am not a doctor, but I have had a very long and invasive Orthopedic surgery , ORIF right ankle, where 9 screws and plate remain. my temperatures were all over the place for about 3 months , and I believe it was my adrenals were stressed. I never used any pain meds, I had zero pain, still no pain just stiffness. However, I dont know how old you are, but hormone imbalance can cause temp fluctuations, and Thyroid meds work better when there is good amount of circulating Progesterone if you are Female. no need to get a prescription you can order it and use the cream. it will warm you and help heal your adrenals. so will pregnenolone.

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
Also, my doctor prescribed meq8 potassium, which helped me stay warm. I take this daily, 2 pills twice a day. I eat a ton of salads and potatoes and veggies, but I sweat a LOT and have trouble keeping salt and water in due to Adrenal dysregulation. this problem was caused by my low thyroid status which no doctor would treat, and my adrenals had to kick in and almost died. I suffered so much stress from not being treated for thyroid, and huge hormone imbalance. I am on replacement hormones and I feel almost as good as I did 30 years ago. I am 61. periods stopped 10 years ago, and thats when all hell broke loose.


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Oct 28, 2020
Thank you for all the great advice. I should’ve said I am a 51 yo female. For clarification, im still on pain meds for the severe nerve pain in my foot which was a complication after surgery, not for my back. This nerve pain is something entirely different and I fear might be long lasting. I am definitely eating fruit, milk, salads, chicken, and veggies, potatoes…but not robustly as my appetite is low. I am trying to eat something every 3 hrs to keep my blood sugar stable and avoiding cortisol or adrenaline spikes. I will get some Concord grape juice and try the aspirin/K2. I do have progesterone drops and just kind of stopped using them because I was stuck not knowing what to do. I will start those back up again too. I know progesterone is always a good thing. My GP today ran some blood work and also did give me a rx for Lyrica at 1/2 dose so that I could wean slower as she thought maybe stopping last Friday was too abrupt. Maybe but my goal is off Lyrica and oxy ASAP. I had to laugh because she ran thyroid “panel” and said “I only check TSH because that’s the most informative”. If anyone knows basics of thyroid issues TSH tells you almost nothing. Anyway, so my thoughts were correct that they would not know what to do. I appreciate the responses and ideas to help steer me to better health. Thank you!

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
Sounds like you understand how things work, however, at your age, you are in Menopause for sure, and unless you take a GOOD amount of Progesterone, (if your periods are erratic or stopped) you have stopped ovulating and are Estrogen Dominant, and will need Progesterone at a high dose to counteract estrogen. I take oral Progesterone called "Prometrium" 200 mgs at night, and use cream in the daytime if I feel a cold spell coming on. the pills you only absorb 10% but without them I have sleep issues and jaw clenching/teeth grinding. the by-product of eating these progesterone pills is Allopregnanolone, which in itstelf is anti-anxiety and calms the nervous system so you sleep like a baby! Furthermore, the 2 drugs you are on are definitely not good and you definitely will be better off without them. they mess up your brain and adrenals and can cause permanent problems like tremors and such. the nerve pain you mention, if that is what it is, will resolve with time. when your estrogen in high, and not balanced with progesterone, skin sensitivity is at an all-time high, and your pain threshold is way lower. Progesterone will fix this. dont be afraid to take it. maybe order some cream, or if you live in USA you can go to the drugstore and get some. slather it on, at least a double dose or more morning and night . it should make you feel warm and calm within 20 minutes!
Mar 10, 2021
Thank you for all the great advice. I should’ve said I am a 51 yo female. For clarification, im still on pain meds for the severe nerve pain in my foot which was a complication after surgery, not for my back. This nerve pain is something entirely different and I fear might be long lasting. I am definitely eating fruit, milk, salads, chicken, and veggies, potatoes…but not robustly as my appetite is low. I am trying to eat something every 3 hrs to keep my blood sugar stable and avoiding cortisol or adrenaline spikes. I will get some Concord grape juice and try the aspirin/K2. I do have progesterone drops and just kind of stopped using them because I was stuck not knowing what to do. I will start those back up again too. I know progesterone is always a good thing. My GP today ran some blood work and also did give me a rx for Lyrica at 1/2 dose so that I could wean slower as she thought maybe stopping last Friday was too abrupt. Maybe but my goal is off Lyrica and oxy ASAP. I had to laugh because she ran thyroid “panel” and said “I only check TSH because that’s the most informative”. If anyone knows basics of thyroid issues TSH tells you almost nothing. Anyway, so my thoughts were correct that they would not know what to do. I appreciate the responses and ideas to help steer me to better health. Thank you!
Let us know how things go. We all are rooting for you.


Nov 9, 2020
Steve Richfield talks about the body's temperature set point and how this can be affected by general anesthetic. It may be worth a read if you're curious, it does sound like your body is going a little wild and I really hope you can start to find some things that help you feel better.

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
After I came home from right ankle ORIF surgery with pins and plates remaining, i felt so hot like a fever for about 2 weeks and went in to emergency thinking i might have an infection. my temperature was indeed elevated to 99.5 but tests were negative, they did not administer any antibiotics, but the did remove the cast both times and re-casted it. it resolved and then I became cold and hot, my thermostat has been broken since Menopause, and I am on hormones and thyroid. its caused by adrenal dysregulation in my case. any amount of stress, causes me to freeze and a drop of 1 degree. only application of Progesterone helps. I believe I am Adrenaline dominant. I need large amounts of Progesterone to combat this. its the only thing that has helped me, and I am glad my hormone doctor had me read Dr. Platt's hormone book and his latest book Adrenaline dominance has helped me and my son who has GAD and is has Aspergers. I am on 3 grains NDT and bio identical hormones. my temps drop after meals, cold if i wait too long to eat, sweat upon waking, sweat profusely when active, its crazy and I am never comfortable or feeling just right. been that way for 11 years. perfect bloodwork, look 10 years younger than I am. Oddly I make no estrogen whatsoever, it doesnt register on bloodwork even estrone stores are low. yet I am chubby and after meno fat is supposed to make estrogen. not me...I therefore have to supplement it, along with the rest.


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Oct 28, 2020
Taking in everything you have responded and have seen a slight improvement over the last few days. Don't get me wrong, I am still hot and cold--mostly very cold and also complete insomnia all week but I am not drenched in sweat since I am awake and just take off my layers or take off the covers. I am back using progesterone drops a few times daily. I also realize the timing might coincide with the change to my extended release thyroid med. I was on Armour 120 mg for ~20 years but still very hypothyroid. All the dr.'s wanted to increase more than 120 but I have always had more anxiety, imbalance, etc. So I went down to 90 mg but then gaining more weight, cold, etc. I think I have a T4-T3 conversion problem. Anyway 3-4 weeks ago my new dr. compounded thyroid med to extended release and it never occurred to me maybe that is causing some issues. The last two days I went back to Armour 90 in the morning. Maybe this is helping but not the answer. My hypo symptoms and labs are showing I am still not optimal. So....is this a perfect storm of perimenopause, post surgical stress, going back to work stress, thyroid med change all coming together? I feel as though adrenaline could be a problem for me too and I am a stressful person in general. I think healing adrenals, keeping adrenaline in check, maybe lowering thyroid, progesterone, grape juice/aspirin, weaning down lyrica, peat eating all will help get me back. I didn't think it is relevant but I was diagnosed with Malignant Hyperthermia 6 years ago...almost died in surgery from anesthetic reaction that causes your body temp to rise and organs to shut down. I know I do have an issue detoxing meds as well so i am taking a lot of liver supporting supplements. I have never taken as many meds as I have in the last few months so I'm sure my liver is screaming. Thank you all again for your advice:).


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Oct 28, 2020
Okay, another horrible night of just minutes of sleep. I am a walking zombie. Until I get this sorted fully I need something to sleep but the only acceptable thing is cyproheptadine, correct? I only have Unisom but I’m likely taking that tonight as weighing the lack of sleep vs non-ideal sleep aid probably worth the negatives.
I do everything possible for a good sleep routine but this cold/hot situation is overtaking it all. And I think I’m developing a nervousness or bad association when it is time to go to bed because I am dreading this torture.
Is there a place to buy cyproheptadine without rx?

More details on what is happening:
Get into bed with thick socks, sweats, tshirt and sweatshirt with robe on because I’m too cold to take it off. Get under covers and in about 10 min shed the robe because I’m comfortable. Then experience cold chills all over with intense wave of goose bumps. At some point shed socks and sweatshirt because I’m hot. Same thing with waves of cold chills throughout the whole night. In 5 minutes this happens about 3 times as I am laying completely still…over and over. Dread getting up to use the bathroom because the air is so cold and hurts my skin. I have no idea what a dr would even test for! They did a metabolic panel the other day and everything was normal.


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Oct 28, 2020
Also, PROFOUND growth in fingernails. This is odd. I e not been able to grow my nails for 20+ years. Weak, tearing, brittle…Indicative of the thyroid issues that have not been optimized. The last 2-3 weeks my nails are long and very, very strong.
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