U.S. OKs Genetically Modified Potato With Lower Cancer Risk


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Oct 3, 2014
God ******* damnit. And that's after both Colorado's and Oregon's GMO labeling laws were rejected. Once I make my website, I'm going to write about this and the GM oranges.

I don't understand what's wrong with people. Why in the hell would they not want mandatoey labeling of GM ingredients? Average people are mentally ill. This chaos will only be amplified with the huge GOP victory. Hopefully GM potatos will not permanently contaminate the regular potato strain. It's such a core, great food. Same with oranges.


Dec 1, 2012
I have little to no problem with GM crops and think they're a net positive for society, but I do find it annoying they aren't labelled.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
I'm sorry to tell you, Kenobi, but it's worse than you think.

I posted a link to an article about mutation breeding here. My followup post has some info on potatoes.

IIRC, the EWG says 90% of the people favor GMO labeling. It surprising our legislatures don't support it, since we have the best Congress money can buy. :shock:


Oct 3, 2014
BingDing said:
I'm sorry to tell you, Kenobi, but it's worse than you think.

I posted a link to an article about mutation breeding here. My followup post has some info on potatoes.

IIRC, the EWG says 90% of the people favor GMO labeling. It surprising our legislatures don't support it, since we have the best Congress money can buy. :shock:
Maybe the younger people favor it more than the older people, or the older people don't do internet research as much. There are a lot more older than younger people voting on elections, especially ones that aren't presidential.

Another factor: Older people don't have to worry about dying early from GM poison, or hell, maybe they even want to die. Today's old people are not healthy people. They are merely dying slower than the old people of the past.

I wonder if there is any statistics available that show who voted this year.

jaa said:
I have little to no problem with GM crops and think they're a net positive for society, but I do find it annoying they aren't labelled.
Well if you ate them for a while you would have a problem with them.



Jan 22, 2013
it really shows the plutocracy factor that is happening, when 90% of the citizens want something, the congressmen know, and yet none pass it, or even propose it seriously, and no one can do anything about it. Its amazing how Colorado and Washington have citizen initiate votes on their ballots, so when the majority of citizens want something it can bypass the whole congressmen propose bill, congressmen majority rules line of things. In every other state it seems the congressmen just listen to whoever pays them, which is usually big corps, and usually big corps interest is against the majority of citizens. Just don't buy GM food as much as you can, and don't buy ***t you don't need, and don't buy anything (as much as you can) that would filter money into such companies

edit: in reality though, everything already is labeled. If it doesn't specifically say 'organic' or 'non GMO' on the label, you can be guaranteed, almost 100% of the time, that it contains the cheapest, lowest quality, GMO, and filler ingredients the company could get to increase their profit margin. Ive actually worked at restaurants in the past...and like, no matter if its a cheap or 'nice' restaurant, they pretty much all use the same ingredients from restaurant supply companies, and they are just regular quality ***t youd buy off the shelf at a regular grocery store
Nov 26, 2013
Kenobi said:
Another factor: Older people don't have to worry about dying early from GM poison, or hell, maybe they even want to die. Today's old people are not healthy people. They are merely dying slower than the old people of the past.



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
BingDing said:
I'm sorry to tell you, Kenobi, but it's worse than you think.

I posted a link to an article about mutation breeding here. My followup post has some info on potatoes.

Oh man. :cry:


Oct 3, 2014
pboy said:
it really shows the plutocracy factor that is happening, when 90% of the citizens want something, the congressmen know, and yet none pass it, or even propose it seriously, and no one can do anything about it. Its amazing how Colorado and Washington have citizen initiate votes on their ballots, so when the majority of citizens want something it can bypass the whole congressmen propose bill, congressmen majority rules line of things. In every other state it seems the congressmen just listen to whoever pays them, which is usually big corps, and usually big corps interest is against the majority of citizens. Just don't buy GM food as much as you can, and don't buy s*** you don't need, and don't buy anything (as much as you can) that would filter money into such companies

edit: in reality though, everything already is labeled. If it doesn't specifically say 'organic' or 'non GMO' on the label, you can be guaranteed, almost 100% of the time, that it contains the cheapest, lowest quality, GMO, and filler ingredients the company could get to increase their profit margin. Ive actually worked at restaurants in the past...and like, no matter if its a cheap or 'nice' restaurant, they pretty much all use the same ingredients from restaurant supply companies, and they are just regular quality s*** youd buy off the shelf at a regular grocery store
I agree with this advice. Save your money, only buy necessities, and try to save on necessities too. People will not use your profits productively. I'm saving my money to make a difference later on. I'm thinking about starting a nonprofit organization for reform of laws on LSD and/or shrooms, like what NORML is to marijuana. But maybe the website I'm working on which will promote those drugs will be the most efficient way to spend my money. I dunno yet. I will learn about law and business, and hopefully think of a great way to make these substances more common.

People suffer of unconscious pain and repress it instead of confronting it. Other than teaching how to confront it, which is guarenteed not to work for many people, substances that amplify the unconscious while shutting off the repressive mechanism are the only hope for these people. This is the problem. People develop addictions to just about everything if they have unconscious pain, RP IIRC said that people do things that seem to correct their internal issues. Same thing. Psychedelics are powerful enough to curb drug addiction. Kind of a thread hjack, but why do people develop these dangerous foods for money? Why do people prefer to be ignorant about unpleasant truth? It's all connected. Psychedelics also make people realize how everything is connected. People lose their routine mode of thinking and perceive things purely.


Jan 22, 2013
nicely said, and I wish you good on your endeavor!

its true, and that's why people who have tuned back into nature realize that society at large suffers a major conscious problem, that is probably or in large part due to lack of psychedelic spiritual type experiences. They assume religion is spirituality, but its kind of the opposite. Tuning into your highest faculties and nature is real spirituality, which substances can tune you into. The way my brain is wired now would not have been possible at all...who I am now, without plant re tuners being used throughout the years. Some people have actually postulated that is why the world is run amuck and generally insane, considered 'normal', because initially humans evolved in groups who always were grounded by using such substances...it was how it was for every culture around the world, and animals consume such substances in nature. I can say for certain, with no doubt in my mind, that if people on a large scale begin appropriately using psychedelics of natural plant origin, things would change big time and it would finally become apparent to the majority of people how shameful their life and the way people at large are living is


Jun 17, 2014
pboy, i agree with a great deal of what you say, but it's easy for you, and me, and probably a lot of people reading here, to do that, because we aren't brain damaged.

but. latest research in personality disorders show they have serious, significant brain damage. not all of them had mothers who had ok thyroid function, ok health, ok nutrition, while they were pregnant. a huge, I think likely increasing number in the population are brain damaged, probably starting from the top, with President Obama (narcissistic personality disorder). these people are always battling their physiologically induced feelings of emptiness, urges to hurt people, aggressiveness, which consume their thoughts and leave little time for enlightenment. moreover, if they have all these problems and proven brain damage, maybe their intellectual capacity is actually diminished as well, so they not only give little time to these endeavors due to other problems, but even if they did, they might be unable due to brain damage that is only starting to be recognized.

what I'm trying to say here in just a few words is that some people really can't help it, until those in a better situation (like you and me) learn to recognize and treat their brain damage, if that is possible at all. and it's a huge number of people who are in that situation.
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