Vitamin K can regenerate the liver



Feb 26, 2018
Wow 🤯 amazing find! 👌

Excuse my ignorance, what’s the “d” in 45mg/d stand for? Decilitre?! Idk 🤷‍♂️🙊

How did you make that correlation? ie due to high brain inflammation? (Genuinely asking)
its per day.

I also didnt really like mk7 ultimately. It felt strong at the beginning but it never really improved anything noticeably.


Feb 26, 2018
Thanks bro, how much mk4 do you take a day?
Normally just 4mg/week. Atm Im taking 6mg/day to help liver function and as an anti-viral.


Feb 26, 2018
This study shows very convincingly how beneficial K2 (MK4) is for liver health.

They gave liver cancer patients in remission a daily dose of 45mg of MK4 and looked at the recurrence rate of the cancer and at their survival rate.
At 12 Months the recurrence rate was 4.5 times lower in the K2 than in the no Vitamin K group.
At 36 months it was less effective, but still almost 30% less than the control group.

"The cumulative recurrence rates in the menatetrenone group were 12.5% at 12 months, 39.0% at 24 months, and 64.3% at 36 months; and the corresponding recurrence rates in the control group were 55.2%, 83.2%, and 91.6%, respectively (P = 0.0002)."

The most interesting part is the survival rate: in the K2 group there were 23% more people still alive after 36 months.
That's a lot for a simple, cheap and completely safe Vitamin.

And we are talking life or death here.
Worldwide 700 000 people die of liver cancer per year. If that study holds true (relatively little participants, but still...) Vitamin K could safe 160 000 lives per year, basically for free. And that's just on the liver front. It has a lot of other benefits as well.
It's also likely that the number would be a lot higher if the supplementation started not only after the cancer has been diagnosed but in an earlier stage like liver cirrhosis or fatty liver disease.

"The cumulative survival rates for the patients who received menatetrenone were 100% at 12 months, 96.6% at 24 months, and 87.0% at 36 months; and the corresponding survival rates for patients in the control group were 96.4%, 80.9%, and 64.0%, respectively (P = 0.051)."

- The effect of menatetrenone, a vitamin K2 analog, on disease recurrence and survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after curative treatment: a pilot study - PubMed


Jun 19, 2023
K2 MK4 and coffee are extremely helpful for the liver. The liver is well known to be an organ that is particularly prone to regenerate and regrow and recover from even serious liver disease. I think fatty liver is caused by PUFAs, although there are a lot of dubious studies that say otherwise.
Now I read here that fructose can be VERY toxic to the liver... sort of anti-Peat, no?

I wish I could drink coffee often, I love it... but I get palps from it... allergic? Caffeine? Not sure.
Mar 10, 2021
Now I read here that fructose can be VERY toxic to the liver... sort of anti-Peat, no?

I wish I could drink coffee often, I love it... but I get palps from it... allergic? Caffeine? Not sure.
I eat fruit, but not too much, and I do adhere to Ray Peat’s suggestion on it, to eat juicy fruits raw and starchy fruits like apples and pears cooked. Avoid the peels and seed, and avoid their starches even better. Fruit can put on weight, but balancing it with sucrose helps that. I thin my fruit juices with water to keep the fructose calories down…

@tanksniwagod posted…

“Those studies were terribly designed. Peat recommends eating sucrose, honey, fruit, and juice, not 100% isolated fructose. So, their results really don't apply.”



Jun 19, 2023
I eat fruit, but not too much, and I do adhere to Ray Peat’s suggestion on it, to eat juicy fruits raw and starchy fruits like apples and pears cooked. Avoid the peels and seed, and avoid their starches even better. Fruit can put on weight, but balancing it with sucrose helps that. I thin my fruit juices with water to keep the fructose calories down…

@tanksniwagod posted…

“Those studies were terribly designed. Peat recommends eating sucrose, honey, fruit, and juice, not 100% isolated fructose. So, their results really don't apply.”

Seems strange that fructose is now controversial... so many people eating fruit over the decades... had to imagine that is is really bad... Peat loved it, Dinkov loves it...

Mar 10, 2021
Seems strange that fructose is now controversial... so many people eating fruit over the decades... had to imagine that is is really bad... Peat loved it, Dinkov loves it...


What is the purpose of fruit in nature if it is not to eat it? What about the Garden Of Eden? I think anything in excess is bad, and knowing how to properly prepare foods is important. We are lazy eaters nowadays, willing to eat animal food just how animals eat it. I am not passing up ingesting all of those beautiful colors, vitamins and minerals in fruit, while thinking supplements are better? I suppose if someone has an impaired liver it is a different matter, the same as being diabetic with impaired kidneys, unable to eat much meat. Fruit is a common staple in a centenarian diet, but I am not so sure fruitarians live so long, so I think the key, like anything, else is moderation. This is a great video!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
What is the purpose of fruit in nature if it is not to eat it? What about the Garden Of Eden?
I agree, but we are not in the Garden anymore, unfortunately. And fruits have been bred and modified to be sweeter and sweeter. We are not getting the same fruit now as they were in the Garden. Plus so many people are dealing with compromised livers they can handle less and less fructose.
Mar 10, 2021
I agree, but we are not in the Garden anymore, unfortunately. And fruits have been bred and modified to be sweeter and sweeter. We are not getting the same fruit now as they were in the Garden. Plus so many people are dealing with compromised livers they can handle less and less fructose.
I agree with you that fruits are not what they were intended to be anymore, but neither are vegetables, grains, meat or dairy. I suspect most people who have not addressed the toxins in their environment, take medications and such have those toxic livers, and need to do something to not add more burden to their decline. If the burden isn’t going to be lightened from fixing their environment, or giving up medications, or from plastics fluoride laden water, then they probably need to give up the fruit. I am just as concerned with the quality of our food chain, and that is why I am trying to grow my own fruit, and what a difference in taste there is from the grocery store.
Mar 10, 2021

This below seems reasonable, and points to a carnivore living longer. I have always struggled to get in even one vegetable and am pretty pleased with myself for the little bit of fruit that I consume in a day, and many days none at all, that is when I rely on raw honey….​

“The right ‘5-a-day’ mix of fruits and vegetables can boost longevity​

Eating two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables every day is the right mix for longevity, according to a large new study from researchers from Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.
“This amount likely offers the most benefit in terms of prevention of major chronic disease and is a relatively achievable intake for the general public,” said lead study author Dong Wang, research scientist in the Department of Nutrition, in a March 1, 2020, CNBC article.
The study looked at 30 years’ worth of nutrition data from more than 100,000 women and men participating in the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, as well as data from 26 other studies that included another 2 million adults worldwide.
Eating more than five servings per day of fruits and vegetables was not linked with additional health benefits, the researchers found.”

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