Weird Edema On Feet After Taking Wormwood. Please Help


Jul 3, 2016
I took 4 organic wormwood (artemisia Absinthium) capsules at the same time for 5 days. 400mg each. Quit yesterday.

When waking up I noticed mild edema bumps on my feet.

I also notice now my belly is slightly bloated or swollen. I've went to the ER yesterday and doctor checked for all vital signs with stethoscope and feeling but everything was okay. Also she did not notice abdominal swelling. She did not get me blood tests. She said that the swelling wasn't that relevant and that normally kidney failure causes big swelling like you're feet or hands would be like cushions.

I have taken mastic gum capsules 4 years ago for 2 days. During the night, I had terrible itching all over my body that was felt till the bone. Doctor sent me away and didn't want me to get blood test because just before I had it tested too for unrelated issue. 1 person online reported saying her kidneys and stomach were permanently damaged due to taking mastic gum capsules. I would later read that mastic gum contains resins, which are very harmful to the kidneys.

So I'm afraid my kidneys have been damaged and compromised ever since and that this could have to do what has happened yesterday and the days while I was using wormwood.

Also, as I've written in a different topic (but said it was for a friend for anonymity, that's the only topic I did that for) I used antipsychotic drugs in the past. I was prescribed them for an emotional breakdown mimicking a psychotic episode. I had quit them cold turkey and ever since I've had pain just below to heart on the chest occasionally, and also tachycardias. There are dopamine receptors among more in the heart so that has me worried too my heart is compromised.

So I'm afraid it could be some type of heart failure or heart problem too.

While taking the Wormwood I felt a sensation as if my heart stopped beating for 2 seconds in bed and feeling very faint in those 2 seconds. Later I also felt an electrical jolt to the right in my left chest.

I suffered chest pain yesterday. But the pain worsened when pressing the chest the doctor noticed so she didn't think anything of it and I think it could've been a flare up of my costochondritis (inflammation of chest) which I had in the past.

Here's a study of 2 seperate cases of rhabdomyolysis induced kidney failure due to wormwood usage:

Pictures of edema in feet:



The edema bumps are greenish upon closer examination. The edema bump is worse in the right feet.

I also think there could be edema in my calves as where the muscle is supposed to be it feels really loose and watery. I always thought that was fat and since it's not shaped odd I didn't notice so I thought it might be worth mentioning. I live a very sedentary lifestyle and don't often exercise or even move enough.

I'm a 24 years old male.

What could all of this be. Should I be worried? Could this be signs of either kidneys problems or heart problems or both?

This whole suspicion of hidden edema elsewhere in my body like my belly and calves just makes me feel afraid too.

I hope someone can give me some comfort and advice on this.



Jul 3, 2016
Do you have any kidney numbers? GFR? Creatinine?
Doctor didn't see indication for it unfortunately..

Noticing today I have just slightly noticeable edema in my face.

The edema could be because thujone is a GABA antagonist which is a stimulant and quitting a stimulant can cause edema I heard from a friend.


Wormwood is a powerful parasite killer. I have extensive experience with it- it could be a parasite die off- also , the ammt that you took is pretty high. The bloated stomach , IMO, is probably the same thing. The only thing that even helped me when I had similar die off was Salt/C/ Iodine- to get the kidneys going .


Jul 3, 2016
Wormwood is a powerful parasite killer. I have extensive experience with it- it could be a parasite die off- also , the ammt that you took is pretty high. The bloated stomach , IMO, is probably the same thing. The only thing that even helped me when I had similar die off was Salt/C/ Iodine- to get the kidneys going .
Yeah what danishispsychic said -
you killed off stuff
Thanks! But what could explain those edema bumps? Also in both the same location of both feet.


Jul 27, 2013
I currently have edema in my right foot. I think it's heart-related although I'm getting a x-ray and ultrasound in two days to rule out that it could be an injury in my foot from playing squash.
The only thing so far that has taking down the swelling was sleeping with my feet propped up about 3 feet hi. What this seems to do is allow the fluid to drain back up into the stomach and kidneys and you just pee that out. I am also concerned in my case that it could be from some kind of blood clot and down the road could turn into a thrombosis so ruling out any kind of changing things in blood thickness and viscosity as well as perhaps taking aspirin to thin the blood but also using carbon dioxide to dilate the vessels seems prudent.
a little background in my case would be that I had suddenly stopped taking thyroid supplementation and although my foot had been a little bit hurting from playing squash it suddenly ballooned out and had been much more painful. At that time I was concerned that it could have been gout. And the swelling hadn't gone away so I went to see my doctor who ruled gout out just by looking at it. And at that time I had a follow-up thyroid panel and I suggested putting on uric acid or urate which all came back within normal range numbers. I tried putting on topically applied lotion such as thyroid hormone progesterone methylene blue vitamin b tincture vitamin a tincture but these two didn't seem to have much of an effect. it was only when I had slept a whole night with my feet propped up that the the water retention went away. now it's still painful and I asked why I wonder if your feet are in any pain or discomfort.


Jul 3, 2016
I currently have edema in my right foot. I think it's heart-related although I'm getting a x-ray and ultrasound in two days to rule out that it could be an injury in my foot from playing squash.
The only thing so far that has taking down the swelling was sleeping with my feet propped up about 3 feet hi. What this seems to do is allow the fluid to drain back up into the stomach and kidneys and you just pee that out. I am also concerned in my case that it could be from some kind of blood clot and down the road could turn into a thrombosis so ruling out any kind of changing things in blood thickness and viscosity as well as perhaps taking aspirin to thin the blood but also using carbon dioxide to dilate the vessels seems prudent.
a little background in my case would be that I had suddenly stopped taking thyroid supplementation and although my foot had been a little bit hurting from playing squash it suddenly ballooned out and had been much more painful. At that time I was concerned that it could have been gout. And the swelling hadn't gone away so I went to see my doctor who ruled gout out just by looking at it. And at that time I had a follow-up thyroid panel and I suggested putting on uric acid or urate which all came back within normal range numbers. I tried putting on topically applied lotion such as thyroid hormone progesterone methylene blue vitamin b tincture vitamin a tincture but these two didn't seem to have much of an effect. it was only when I had slept a whole night with my feet propped up that the the water retention went away. now it's still painful and I asked why I wonder if your feet are in any pain or discomfort.
Thanks for your reply, how unfortunate to hear your problems you're suffering from! My feet are not in any discomfort or pain. It might have to do with your thyroid supplementation perhaps? Thyroid is a very powerful substance, maybe quitting it will give the body some type of shock effect.

If it's your heart that's being weakened, I think it's best to see a doctor for that, and think of maybe using hawthorn to strengthen the pumping action. I think checking your blood pressure is good too to see if that has anything to do with it. Good luck with it and keep us up to date!


Jul 3, 2016
Wormwood is a powerful parasite killer. I have extensive experience with it- it could be a parasite die off- also , the ammt that you took is pretty high. The bloated stomach , IMO, is probably the same thing. The only thing that even helped me when I had similar die off was Salt/C/ Iodine- to get the kidneys going .
Would a natural diuretic like coffee be good or bad for the kidneys?


Thanks! But what could explain those edema bumps? Also in both the same location of both feet.
I don't want to freak you out but I had those and they were parasite related.
Would a natural diuretic like coffee be good or bad for the kidneys?
hard to say i would do coffee enemas to see if dead parasites come out ( ascaris is what it looks like ) drink lots of lemon water - cranberry juice ? tart cherry juice also to break down those crystals- try soaking feet in water with ACV and iodine and/or borax


Jul 3, 2016
I don't want to freak you out but I had those and they were parasite related.

hard to say i would do coffee enemas to see if dead parasites come out ( ascaris is what it looks like ) drink lots of lemon water - cranberry juice ? tart cherry juice also to break down those crystals- try soaking feet in water with ACV and iodine and/or borax
Thanks for these suggestions. Is borax safe?

Would Artemisia Annua (sweet wormwood) work just as well in killing gut bacteria and parasites? I'm asking because sweet wormwood doesn't contain the nerve toxin thujone.


Nov 24, 2017
I’d say it’s kidney related too.
Too much waste for the kidneys overwhelmed them


Sep 12, 2015
Thanks for these suggestions. Is borax safe?

Would Artemisia Annua (sweet wormwood) work just as well in killing gut bacteria and parasites? I'm asking because sweet wormwood doesn't contain the nerve toxin thujone.
Sweet Wormwood effectively expels the parasites responsible for schistosomiasis.


Nov 24, 2017
I currently have edema in my right foot. I think it's heart-related although I'm getting a x-ray and ultrasound in two days to rule out that it could be an injury in my foot from playing squash.
The only thing so far that has taking down the swelling was sleeping with my feet propped up about 3 feet hi. What this seems to do is allow the fluid to drain back up into the stomach and kidneys and you just pee that out. I am also concerned in my case that it could be from some kind of blood clot and down the road could turn into a thrombosis so ruling out any kind of changing things in blood thickness and viscosity as well as perhaps taking aspirin to thin the blood but also using carbon dioxide to dilate the vessels seems prudent.
a little background in my case would be that I had suddenly stopped taking thyroid supplementation and although my foot had been a little bit hurting from playing squash it suddenly ballooned out and had been much more painful. At that time I was concerned that it could have been gout. And the swelling hadn't gone away so I went to see my doctor who ruled gout out just by looking at it. And at that time I had a follow-up thyroid panel and I suggested putting on uric acid or urate which all came back within normal range numbers. I tried putting on topically applied lotion such as thyroid hormone progesterone methylene blue vitamin b tincture vitamin a tincture but these two didn't seem to have much of an effect. it was only when I had slept a whole night with my feet propped up that the the water retention went away. now it's still painful and I asked why I wonder if your feet are in any pain or discomfort.

hi! My mother has edema in her foot, did anything help you ?
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