What Does A Serotonin/estrogen Dominant Society Behave/look Like


Nov 18, 2012
pboy said:
I think that kind of business is more estrogen, adrenaline, and NO than it is, cortisol also, than it is serotonin. Seretonin is more like...a give up vibe...a be numbed but not in pain, just no dope or drive...just a kind of float with the wind state. The kidn of thing that makes people do inhumane and harsh aggressive things is the more estrogen cortisol adrenaline side of things. Basically its a feel threatened vibe or most of the time, literally, well being is threatened..its just the kind of society that's been made, and any dietary thing that irritates intestines also promotes that part of the brain, even caffeine which is why...ultimately stimulants aren't ideal. They can be seemingly useful for survival and staying afloat in this society that's been made and collective conscious being carried by the people, but ultimately for human well being and potential we'd create something where adrenaline was never necessary. Dopamine has to do with action that has to do with fun, exploration, expansiveness, learning, curiosity, happiness, sharing, all together enjoyment and captivation...it happens only when there isn't threats, and dopamine is also responsible for imagination, creativity, meditation, and healing to a large extent. Theres a huge albeit difficult to notice for most, but really not, difference between dopamine and adrenaline...dopamine quickly degrades into adrenaline if the situation is not a self love, fun thing, and more of a battle thing...that's how life has been set up for us since school, parents, and into the work place and college. The part of brain that deals with love and creativity and insight, is basically all but shut off in such states...so its no wonder most people are dumb (not dumb..just major, major ignorant..and therefore destructive) and only living in concepts and no joy and little love, outside of thier close family and friends to a small extent, even there lotta drama. Seretonin actually protects from the cortisol adrenaline estrogen aspects to an extent, but it doesn't bring joy, energy, motivation, like dopamine does. It happens when you're in a situation of with which dopemine outlets are stunted, and adrenal outlets are futile...basically the days will go by, you can go through them simply and gracefully, but with a sad melancholic tone to it, not really grow, energy is a slight drain in feel, and not outgoing or uplifting. If serotonin state goes on too long you're heart and digestive function will weaken and desire to even be alive, but in short term its protective, rather than bang head against wall and get no where and hurt yourself or burn bridges

The problem in our society is by far adrenalin cortisol, and its all because dopamine inevitably degrades immediately for m ost people, soon after they wake up, based on the forecast of the day and how much time and space they have. Your body senses a threat to deal with before the happy fun insightful mind, loving, inspiration...think kids, excited ton of energy but not like in a battle, so for most dopamine degrades into adrenaline, you go meet the threat of the day...but unfortuneately, you get home at night, body knows whats gon happen tomorrow, and doesn't really let it down until sleep, then cycle repeats. Its the mind prison that's been referred to....this is why vacation or like...that's dopamine, when actually can live basically instead of fight...and if people around you are cool and/or you're more alone, it can greatly increase the chance of that

The sad thing is humans when in a dopamine free state, naturally harmonize, don't pollute, care more about others and theenvironment, its a loving vibe cause you're so happy you naturally want to stay that way and increase it, people are better at thier jobs, more creativity, more teamwork, amd everything that needs to be done in life can happen oyfully, in fact, also, more efficiently and effectively than it is now.

Some butt hurt people long ago got in power and forced their s*** onto the world, basically...lol

Thanks for this post (as well as your recent other posts), you describe how I have felt basically most of my life. In last few years I have had same sort of idea intuitively. I believe many people see and feel that something is wrong or missing in their life and are looking for "the answer" or "solution", in diets, religions, other belief systems, maybe extreme sports or other activities. Or just medicate it. I know I still am looking, hehe


imagine the opposite of LSD

high strung
rigid and orderly
lacking humour and personality
worrying about bills and the mortgage
slightly paranoid
probably a bit more violent, and less patient.
not listening to others

now LSD:
open minded
aware of surroundings
less racist
at ease
a sense of freedom

the opposite of LSD is the serotonin/estrogen society


Oct 18, 2013
I can only speak for myself, but when my estrogen was measured very high I was incredibly aggressive. There were points where I'd just think that ripping someone's head off was a normal response to someone annoying me or asking me questions. After that I have noticed that periods where my estrogen is high I tend to be much more aggressive.


Oct 5, 2014
ypgogibk said:
now LSD:
open minded
aware of surroundings
less racist
at ease
a sense of freedom

the opposite of LSD is the serotonin/estrogen society

Do you think it's only LSD ? I've found the very same effects with MDMA, Psilocibe, Ayahuasca, and, to some extent, cannabis. Although I find cannabis "numbing" in a way. At least compared to the others mentioned.


Nov 30, 2012
Such_Saturation said:
cantstoppeating said:
It wouldn't look like the capitalistic-toned videos posted in this thread.

High serotonin promotes reserved, helpless and submissive behaviour. The behaviour seen on wallstreet/capitalistic and similar environments is often the opposite i.e. can-do, achieving and proactive, hormonally it corresponds to high testosterone and low cortisol which can't be sustained by high serotonin or estrogen.

A high serotonin society would be very passive and reserved with a high intolerance to risk. Such a society wouldn't progress beyond industrialisation.

Obviously such a society doesn't exist because it only takes a few low serotonin/estrogen folks to push forward and pull up the rest of the high serotonin/estrogen folks with them.

But what do you think helps those people to work twelve hours a day just to climb the ladder? What makes them backstab their colleagues to gain that spot in the employer's heart? What gets the PhD student through the night? What makes a child eat a raw human heart without feeling a thing? I stacked the videos by social prestige... by power... and it's turtles all the way down. The guys in Liberia are still better off than the Kowloon Walled Citizens, because at least they still have the sun and the stars to look up to.



Nov 30, 2012
cantstoppeating said:
It wouldn't look like the capitalistic-toned videos posted in this thread.

High serotonin promotes reserved, helpless and submissive behaviour.

It might look like the losers portrayed in films like Sideways, Bridesmaids, and Saturday Night Fever. In these movies the characters are depressed, down on their luck, struggling, unable to cope, surrounded by dysfunction, etc.

pboy says:
The sad thing is humans when in a dopamine free state, naturally harmonize, don't pollute, care more about others and theenvironment, its a loving vibe cause you're so happy you naturally want to stay that way and increase it, people are better at thier jobs, more creativity, more teamwork, amd everything that needs to be done in life can happen oyfully, in fact, also, more efficiently and effectively than it is now.

How can we escape dopamine? Isn't that what we need to get motivated to help ourselves?

But I agree it does seem to divert people into pleasure/sensation seeking and away from socially constructive goals.
Nov 26, 2013
Well you can try a dopamine blocker and see how constructive you get :lol: that is apart from maiming yourself and constantly moving your legs for no reason.


Dec 21, 2014
I always believed that if you were a "gangsta" obsessed with "getting respect" from everyone, you had a serotonin problem.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I always believed that if you were a "gangsta" obsessed with "getting respect" from everyone, you had a serotonin problem.
I believe that when you desperately ask for respect, and no respect can seem to fill the pot, you once suffered from a big lack of respect, or multiple ones, or at a Young age, and this has affected the nervous system. The old story is not finished inside the persons.

You can talk about whatever neurotransmisor, serotonine etc, I think you are more interrested by the behaviour than by the name of what causes the behavior...
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
The official average body temperature in Japan is 36C, you can easily imagine they would lack energy to behave other than like slaves.
Ho, even worse tan I thought, then what they commonly have is a freeze response instead of fight and flight!
It can make sense, socially.
I mean that for example, women are expected to have an easier Access to escape tan to fight, for obvious strenght reasons, so girls are socialy oriented to fear response.
On the contrary, a fear response is not socialy so aceptable for a boy, and anger is more accepted, because it correspond to the fight response.
The freeze response is when you block either fear or fight.
The activation stays under apparent calmness.
And this devores life energy.
And lowers matabolism. and I sucpect that it can also does so with no weight gain in that case. It should be something else tan hypothyroidsm. I know a lot about freeze response and others at behavior level, but not at hormon levels, if some one knows this....


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
From what I've read, Hunter gatherers are egalitarian, have more free time as they have to work less hard to survive, and are found to be ingenious, creative and flexible thinkers while we are less open and more narrow. I blame the agricultural revolution. The first one! Crop growing gave people for the first time something to lose, something to hoard, something to defend/desire; something to keep and pay soldiers with, a way to amass wealth and power and create class and unbalanced ownership of resources. Hunter gatherers might do better without succumbing to the new way but without their own armies they could be forced, overrun and enslaved by farmers. Since the farmers won we've had male deities and cruelty, malnutrition, specialization, governments and all the rest of it. Since we can't turn back the clock I think the best we can do is inform ourselves of the depth, subtlety and deep internalization of our distortion and enslavement by society and attempt to reintroduce personal control inasmuch as it's possible, considering that keeping us ignorant and brainwashed is the major means of control currently, stacks the deck against us and makes our attempts pretty feeble compared with what we could have been. that's my take on it, for what it's worth.

You have to read "tending the wild" from Kat Anderson!
She explains fully how the californian culture was working, and hunter gatheres are not what we usualy think about, but much better in terms of confort of life, because they are not going around trying to get some food by chance. They know the place fully.

As you says, and those extracts are great, their life has been romanticised as well, and was harsh according to our standards.
But Kat andesons says for example that they had a very good level of body health and capacities, according to the conscious steepness of some anciant paths, that could have been done less steep. So, what is hard for us is not for them. And what we accept can be foolish for them.
I want to try camas to know if they are good!
60% of their food was vegal, and 40% animal, if I remember the correct order....

By the way, societies relying on meat cannot grow in number that much as vegetarians.....
And all problems came from starving people who had to go else where and move.
Who else wouold want to venture to new places where you do not know where to find food?
Hunter gatheres were moving in well know places, not new places.
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
its as simple as cortisol basically ruins health, even with a good diet. it suppresses growth, thoughts, creativity, sleep, immune system, GI function, including bowel, and kidneys and bladder. Basically if guys simply stopped being douches and girls didn't nag or start drama, and no one postured or carried out some fake ego for whatever reason, everyone's health right away would tremendously go up.
Some Asian cultures kind of prove it, they might work hard and have non optimal diet, but people there are straight up with each other and more cool in general, they don't fear each other like westerners do and always have to look out to be huckstered and taken advantage of. Native americans are an even better example, there was no such thing as classes, everyone was healthy without medicine...they might get physically injured or rub some poisonous plant or get bit or something, that was it. Its as much a spiritual concept as it is a tangible big deal, and health factor, but actually being loving, open and not a douche basically is better for everyone on every level, if everyone simply did that, things would pretty much pan out to being very very good, at least not bad, or no one could complain about anything other than life itself
The entire neurotic health and in general, mindset and way of behaving, that most people have, all has to do with lack of people being real, and instead constant cortisol in public situations and even in peoples homes all from neurotic mask full of false philosophies and beliefs garbage people live by and hide. Step one is people being real with themselves and others..this is what I know and have experienced, maybe this maybe that, and then say they really aren't sure or don't know about other things, and realize we're all kind o strangers to an extent in life itself. No one knows whats really going on, we're here, and no one wants to suffer or be in stress, and people wanna feel good and have fun and ..feel really good. That's the common goal, hiding from that or acting like its something else just stalls everything, when people don't even realize that about themselves, they cant realize it about others, and realize how simple it is to actually live by that and that if everyone did that, people would be really cool and not ever bs anything, and in general cortisol and stress would nearly vanish other than actual environmental life challenges like weather and stuff

I have to understand better what does cortisol and when, but basically yes I agree. Cortisol helps not to feel weekness, fatigue, so that you can go on. Great in an urgency period, but not all the time!
I can tell you that I do not get rid of my body hairs, and that it is difficult to do, I can feel the internalized social pressure. So yes, social pressure can be difficult to overcome. And it is also tirering including when you know you are right.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I live in a place where I was not born.
So I can see more by comparison.
Here it looks great and calm and Little violence. But it is a Little bit like what salt girl says about Japan.
A lot is hidden.

I did not know about bureaucratic problema and land / property / right to live where I live, when I bought it. I could register myself at the town hall as a resident with this address. Someone was living there before. And much before, 2 children were born there, onne is even a plane pilot in the states, and he not fr from retirement! And at the cabildo, which is the local government, they tell me that it is illigal to live here, and that it was illigal before too.
The fact is that indeed, the scenary is protected though agricultura is authorised, without plastic nursery etc.
The other fact is that the last 2 owners left uggly stuff like visible cement and bricks, or even building. The building are not visible from above and culturally common, because it is a cave, an opened one, on the side.
I have bettered all this, hidden what was modern, and I want to make some agricultura, and even have a botanic garden. I want this for toourist as well as schools, and show the great variety of the introduction of plants in an island, thanks to migration, the history of la palma through plants.
I also want to help people with chemical and electric hypersensitivity, because this place is well protected.
I should have done nothing, even to correct the scenary, and it is a mess.
I have discovered that this is common, and I have fallen into a trap, because people knew and said nothing to me at the beginning. Tthe great social sport is called in spanish "te denuncio". It means that people frighten you with telling whatever administration to visit you.... So, people come work, and they know they will never repair any mistake, or they can treat you however they want, they can get angry at you, ask you many things....
One week ago, the owner of a shop visited me, because he wants me to pay a bill that I do not know about, I did not sign the paper. I could do nothing against them before, when they made me pay twice the same, becausse it was my "fault", I forgot to take the bill after paying. So they know I am the kind of easy to get person....
But now I think my health is far more important than my money.
So when he told me he was going to call the SEPRONA to come and make me whatever problema, I said I did not mind. I just cannot live like this any more. I am even happy, because i will no more be afraid of other persones, and I will "denucia" them as well . I know I will suffer more menace of any kind. Socially, people use anger when they are not right, but to make pressure on you.
This is totally cultural, I had never felt this before.


What a fascinating thread! Thanks to everyone for contributing. I am curious about the emotional/hormonal links. Makes sooo much sense...
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