ttramone sleep log


Dec 31, 2012
Hi all

I've decided to really address one aspect of my lifestyle that I thought wasn't too bad, but am realising has probably been quite terrible.

One of the ongoing problems I've had prior to and since Peating, is constant fatigue/tiredness. There has been many improvements and progress, but not really with this.

So anyhoo, the other morning I took my temp and pulse on waking, and then after eating breakfast took them again and they both dropped quite significantly. I had never noticed them doing that previously. And I've been noticing that I am really groggy in the morning; get tired after breakfast and then really don't do anything at all until around midday - really sucks. I've actually been like this for years - just hard to get perspective on yourself when you've been sick for ages.

To address this, I've done two things.

1. About 45-60 mins before bed, I take 750mg of taurine and about 10-12 mcg of T3. I take the taurine because it is relaxing and is supposed to help with reducing adrenaline (I believe that is correct?). I decided to take the T3 because of something Peat said about needing T3 to help your muscles relax. One of my sleeping issues is that I toss and turn trying to get to sleep because I'm uncomfortable - my body aches. Now I've been like that for so many years that I actually forgot that is not normal. So I guessed perhaps it's hard to fall asleep (and stay there) because I literally can't relax.

2. I make a concoction of orange juice, sugar and salt - around 400 mls. It's pretty obvious why I would do this - I'm assuming that I am falling into a stress state pretty quickly, and am definitely in a stress state by the morning. I drink a little before I go to bed, and if I wake up, or even just when I'm seem to be sleeping very slightly and can make myself wake up, I chug the drink.

I've only being doing this for four days and I have to say the results have been sensational. I feel like a different person. Although I still feel a level of fatigue, it has been greatly reduced. I have not 'crashed' at all throughout the day - that has not happened for at about 6-7 years. I feel the same level of energy nearly all day, although the first day I felt like napping in the afternoon.

I'm getting almost 9 hours sleep (that is f******* miracle for me!) and wake up less groggy. I seem to be waking up twice in the night and having a drink. I fall back to sleep very quickly and don't need to pee. I feel more motivated and wanting to be social and get out of the house which has been a sanctuary and prison for me.

It's early days, but I wanted to share this as I know others have similar problems. I'll report back in a week to see if there are changes either negative or positive.

I'll just add that for a while I've done other things for sleep too that are worthwhile: lighting, f.lux, and turning off phone/electrical.

I also started at the same time, the caffeine, aspirin and niacinimide potion a la haidut. That stuff is amazing. I feel so calm and centred when I take it. It has definitely not affected my sleep and I take it twice a day. Thanks haidut!


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I love hearing success with sleeping difficulty. That problem plagued me for years until discovering Peat. I now always have something before bed that supplies sugar, salt, protein, calcium and a little fat before bed and that seems to make a huge difference. Conventional wisdom would have us believe that a bedtime snack would make one gain weight but that's just not true! Imagine how many people could avoid sleeping pills with this one simple measure! Thanks for sharing your success ttramone, I'm sure it will inspire others having difficulty sleeping!
Jan 24, 2014
ttramone said: "I've been noticing that I am really groggy in the morning; get tired after breakfast and then really don't do anything at all until around midday - really sucks. I've actually been like this for years - just hard to get perspective on yourself when you've been sick for ages."

I could have written these very same words myself....sad, but true. I have been severely hypothyroid for decades and it has affected me so deeply that I have had to be self-employed because I am so slow in the morning. There is simply no way I could ever get to work on time with any sort of regularity. I have not tried taurine yet, but have recently found that T3, salted OJ and two ounces of pecorino romano before bed seem to be helping me. Thanks so much for sharing, I look forward to hearing how these measures workout for you.

Running to get taurine...


Jan 3, 2014
That's wonderful! I ache too and take similar measures which help me get to sleep quite well, but then I wait up again, and again! glad it's working for you.


Aug 9, 2013
ttramone, it's like I wrote this ! Describes my sleep exactly. It hasn't really improved on Peaty diet.

Where do you get the taurine from?


Dec 31, 2012
Hi guys - thanks for the support, and sorry to hear you have the same problems. It's so painful not getting refreshing sleep....

Blossom - I'm thinking about adding a little bit of gelatin, and some fat to my drink. Do you use coconut oil? If so, do you find it too stimulating? I might try a bit of cheese before bed too like thebigpeatowski.

tbp - let me know how you go with the taurine. I think even possibly a big dose of niacinamide might do the trick as well.

sueq - I'm still waking up twice a night and having a drink. Hopefully at some stage that will cease. Although I've actually thought about purposely waking myself up say 3 hours after I go to sleep, and having some T3 and OJ/food and going back to bed to see how that affects my energy levels. But I'll see how I go with this method for a month or so first.

aquaman - I've been getting most of my supplements from - they apparently have no additives and are pretty good price. The taurine from them seems to do the trick so I can recommend them.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I've been alternating my bedtime snack lately. O.J. with salt and eggshell calcium (CO with this) is one common thing I have. Hagen daaz with sugar and salt is one of my favorites(1/4 c) and milk with sugar and salt is another regular on the menu. CO doesn't seem to bother me at night.


Dec 31, 2012
Thanks Blossom. I might try just a tsp of coconut oil. Although I love ice-cream, even just a small amount keeps me up. My body responds really well to it.

At some point I will try milk and sugar. Should be very calming.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I think the bigpeatowski's suggestion about cheese with juice sounds great! I usually take cheese to work because it's convenient to travel with so by the time night rolls around I've usually had plenty already. I just recently added the CO when I have juice in hopes that it would carry me through the night better. I usually just put about 1/2 of a tsp in my mouth and swallow it down. One thing I've wondered about is this: My spouse can't fall asleep without the television on and I can't fall asleep with it on. Even though I put on a eye mask and wear ear plugs I can still tell if the television is on and don't fall asleep until it's off. What do you make of that? Maybe I can sense the light or EMF's? I honestly don't know.


Jan 22, 2013
HAve you tried cynoplus? I was taking a 1/4 pill right when I got into bed for several months then I slacked recently. My sleep suffered. Then I started taking it again and voila-sleeping soundly again.
Jan 24, 2014
ttramone said:
Thanks Blossom. I might try just a tsp of coconut oil. Although I love ice-cream, even just a small amount keeps me up. My body responds really well to it.

At some point I will try milk and sugar. Should be very calming.

Ice cream keeps me up too, I get boiling lava hot and can't sleep....perhaps I should eat it for breakfast? Coconut oil with honey and salt does the same thing, I end up tossing and turning all night while too warm.

Sugared milk with a pinch of salt is DELISH!


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
thebigpeatowski said:
ttramone said:
Thanks Blossom. I might try just a tsp of coconut oil. Although I love ice-cream, even just a small amount keeps me up. My body responds really well to it.

At some point I will try milk and sugar. Should be very calming.

Ice cream keeps me up too, I get boiling lava hot and can't sleep....perhaps I should eat it for breakfast? Coconut oil with honey and salt does the same thing, I end up tossing and turning all night while too warm.

Sugared milk with a pinch of salt is DELISH!

What about butter and honey?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
YUMMY! Butter and honey, I wonder if we could come up with a candy recipe for this combo, and a bit of salt of course. :D


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
paper_clips43 said:
thebigpeatowski said:
ttramone said:
Thanks Blossom. I might try just a tsp of coconut oil. Although I love ice-cream, even just a small amount keeps me up. My body responds really well to it.

At some point I will try milk and sugar. Should be very calming.

Ice cream keeps me up too, I get boiling lava hot and can't sleep....perhaps I should eat it for breakfast? Coconut oil with honey and salt does the same thing, I end up tossing and turning all night while too warm.

Sugared milk with a pinch of salt is DELISH!

What about butter and honey?
paper_clips43 you have me determined now to come up with a recipe using butter and honey! If I come up with anything good I will try it out and post it. If anyone knows of a way to do this please share!
Jan 24, 2014
I used to live on butter and honey on saltines when I was in my twenties. I would eat an entire tube of saltines and darn near a whole stick of butter along with half the honey bear in one day.....mmmmm, I miss saltines.

What about exercise? I don't currently exercise, but I'm getting the "itch" to do so. I have heard that it can help with sleep, if done properly and not in excess.

I worked in the yard yesterday, it felt good to move around..... but it was also a painful reminder of how out of shape I am.

Sorry ttramone, I am not much help. :roll: Please keep us posted with your sleep experiments....


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I have no experience with candy recipes Blossom but off the top of my head maybe something frozen? Maybe coffee beans dipped in butter and honey and frozen?

EDIT: And salt! Gunna put a dash of salt in my honey butter mix next time.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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