Any Hope For America?


Jan 22, 2013
I could write volumes on this, but do you guys think there is any hope for America anymore? like from what I see, if there isn't a revolution in the next 20 years, there will be full out slavery, and the people wont even realize it. Its already hanging on by a thread, on the verge of that. Is there any hope that people will realize they have to make civilized decisions? Does anyone even know what being a citizen of a country is? Im actually at a loss now, theres no one to talk to, no outlets, and everyone I come across on a day to day basis is extremely dedicated and invololved, ignorantly, in making the problem worse, and is part of it. No one can even conceive of what it means to be a real person of a civilized society anymore. All outlets are owned by govt with guns who don't have anyones well being in interest other than their own, everyone is slowly losing money and in a musical chairs because of the fraudulent money and banking system, the media hides everything and pits people against each other, everyone pollutes the air everyday, the police is further militarizing, even if citizens did stand up, the powers that be have such technology now that it seems a futile effort. This has profound effects on the world, because once America...which it almost is, is a military enslaved nation, with aspirations to rape and pillage and enslave the rest of the world, has lost its only chance of a civil uprising, theres no hope. I wonder what Russia and china are thinking right now. As far as I can tell, they are better than America, but are probably sh***ing bricks at the slow loss of any hope via the American people, and now they willingly submit and partake in supporting, via their everyday actions, the militaty industy who is controlled by a few thousand elites who literally control the minds and lives of all the citizens, have them mindlessly building the whole thing, and who's only goal is to have everyone under subjugation to them, providing them all the luxuries and security

this is really fcking bad, I swear. If people want me to elaborate and give practical solutions, that on a day to day basis will make a difference, I will...but if you wanna not realize you are in the middle of a war of sorts, at home, and you are slowly losing ground, and wanna close your eyes and keep playing along, then I wont waste my time


Oct 18, 2013
Thomas Piketty has written some really good things about the current trends and where it will lead us. He more or less predicts a French style revolution before too long as we are now seeing wealth disparity of the old noble houses and the commoners.


Jan 22, 2013
that's the problem, that has always been what has happened in nations where the govt started becoming belligerent. Back then, it was man power vs man power, swords and shovels vs swords, even guns vs its guns vs riot squads and the military, theres basically no hope of that. Its entirely appropriate and should be done in reality. The point of government is to be a few people who carry out things like postal service, and a sheriff who investigates crimes. They are supposed to be outnumbered and out manned, gunned by the people...and work on their behalf. Its the opposite now, and the people don't even realize what is happening. Normal people throughout all time have always, every day, had their eye on the environment and other people, forces. No one realizes that this is a necessary healthy normal part of being a human, a citizen. You are supposed to call out and de badge anyone who does anything harsh or wrong. Our entire monetary system is a losing game of musical chairs, where the 'tax and interest' go to a govt that further surpresses thought and health via the manipulative, falsified edication system and history, the distractions and closed off ness to real life, what it means and takes to be an independent thinker and liver in life, no talk about whats going on, the medical system and food now is used and designed systematically to weaken people. The tax money goes to further bolstering and arming the police, and to commiting haneous war crimes and killing innocent people across the world. This is happening right now, and everyone who is ignorantly playing along is funding and supporting war crimes, and the further pollution of their mind and life, and offending and making the task harder for any people with a brain left that realize what it takes to be a citizen and human and what needs to be done


Jan 1, 2013
There will always be hope, as long as Americans do what the Russians and the Chinese didn't, and that is hanging to their guns.


Mar 29, 2014
The inertia of systemic oppression is heavy, the anti-human (and anti-life) forces are strong, and the work needed to change things around is large. Fortunately there are many picking it it up, in many ways. There have been some really massive demonstrations pushing for positive change or against more extreme oppression or environmental destruction. From the perspective of a non-USer, I'd say there is hope but not certainty that it can be turned around in time. Since the US MIC is currently the world's biggest bully, the rest of us would be glad if you can get her under control. :):

The constitutional right to bear arms so far seems mostly to result in USers shooting each other in large numbers, not in any defence of the people against oppression. Divide and conquer can be more effective if people are armed too. Culture must play a key role too, since the Canadians have just as many guns and don't keep shooting each other.

There has been some study suggesting that non-violent action has been more effective for social change in the past.
The black blocks in demonstrations seem to just give the police an excuse for even more extreme violence.
No guarantees about what it will or won't work in the future though.

This is one of the sources of varied intelligent commentary I have referred to at times:


Jan 1, 2013
tara said:
Divide and conquer can be more effective if people are armed too.

How's that ?


Apr 12, 2014
Pboy, I love your posts and how much you care about things; I hope you don't get too stressed out about how jacked up the world is.

The ironic thing, in my mind, is that THIS website represents the only possible hope for changing America or mankind in general (because China and others are all pretty messed up too).

If you look at the generally happy/relaxed/zoned-in (apparently) cultures of the world (certain old tribes of Native Americans, Filipinos, Thais) they all have many citizens that eat a near Peat diet by default. I think it is a mistake to not correlate the general behavior with the general diet. All the cultures I named were at some point decimated by barbarous invaders that they were completely unprepared for; their focus was NOT on conquering and destroying because they were just happy in their present state. It is easy to believe the world is a happy and safe place when you, internally, are happy and safe.

I see nearly ANY outside focus as a symptom of unhappiness/discontentedness. The preoccupation with technology by present-day America is a symptom of deep unhappiness and obsessiveness caused by high stress hormones. Go visit some Filipinos in the smaller towns where their diet can be optimal, and you will instantly hear around you the full spectrum of human emotions: laughing, fighting, arguing, consoling… This is how life is supposed to be. Why would you want your life's focus to be outside of these basic experiences?

Politicians generally achieve their positions because of a cutthroat desire to control others for gain. If these politicians were to suddenly begin eating Peaty, and they stopped being so obsessively needy of power and desperate to pull themselves out of vulnerability range of fellow human beings, then maybe…

Well, it might be a stretch, but the thing is that I see these changes in myself. Personality change is the hallmark of an awesome diet; too many people get wrapped up in "I feel this way/that way." How are you acting? Are you doing fun/creative activities? Is your happiness/curiosity/charm so effervescent that it is transferring onto other people?

I made some really good tweaks to my diet about 2 weeks ago (following hints from Mittir's diet) and I have now been working on the music album that I have been planning in my mind for TEN YEARS. Ten years of no work, only vague plans and daydreams of it. And now I am getting busy, kicking ****, rolling my sleeves up. Never in a million years would I point the finger at a diet as being the cause for such a behavior change if I hadn't studied Ray Peat, but clearly, diet was the only thing to create these changes. I can't, in good conscience, even take credit for anything I create anymore; I haven't done anything; all credit goes to the milk/farmers-cheese/juice/coffee haha


Jan 22, 2013
right? no wonder people considered their food as gods, in a way

awesome response man, I appreciate...and I agree, diet is so huge people don't actually realize, well im sure some do...but not the majority of people. It would be nice if they realized that air and water matter also, I many health articles or diet magazines speak of the necessity for clean air? or quiet time in nature?
Ive come to a realization recently due to a move...ive realized that humans cannot develop to their full potential without being in a place that is quiet and natural. There isn't a way...most of the insights ive ever had have been in such locations. I think we are meant to develop in such places, like people always have, just like a plant needs sun and oxygen. For most people living in apartments and within the city, there is almost no way they could even grow mentally enough to realize the situation they are really living in. Its quite sad, but also self induced. Just like when something tastes bad on the tongue, its an indicator of a poison and bad things to come, no one seems to draw the connection that if its unpleasing to the eye, its probably harmful, if its not pleasant to the ear, its probably harmful, if it isn't pleasant to the nose, its probably harmful. They've (I cant even say we, because I have had no part) created a living environment that is literally saturated with offenses to our body and mind, and then people add to it with even more useless personal things. Expecting people to develop mentally when 98% of the food, water, air, and sights, sounds, smells...are offensive and carcinogenic most of the time, is like expecting fruit trees or flowers to grow in a barren field covered in might get some malformed weak things and weeds at best

the first start is with the food though I believe, and information and examples of results are the start or getting that moving in the right direction


Apr 12, 2014
Yeah this is very true. I hadn't made that connection yet, but clearly your five senses aren't lying to you. Good point.

Looking at the scraggliest of trees can still induce a bit of happiness inside me. But at the same time, my artistic side begs me to feel something when I look at an oil rig out of place in a farm field or at a picture of planets deep in the solar system. Neither of these are healthy places to be physically, but they call to me in a different way. (perhaps this line of thought has no place in the conversation; I feel like my creative mind is currently nudging out my logical mind in a way….)

As far as changing the world goes:

I've been working on a way to trick the masses into eating RP style. Joe Public simply can't be trusted to do the work required to fully understand RP, but what if a new diet craze were to start promising women to look like Jessica Alba after 6 months of eating x, y, and z… ?

After 6 months (if they stuck with it) they'd be fully invested with their new routine, they would feel great and have no desire to change.

We would create new "beauty" reasons for every RP food. Coconut oil can be the way to prevent acne; milk can be the way to normalize hormones to allow for beautiful bone development; apple juice can be the way to get a toned butt; coffee can be the way to improve their sex lives, etc.

We'd say "Don't worry! Everyone gains weight in the beginning of the Jessica Alba diet. It's just the toxins coming out of your body. Stick with it!"

Haha, I'm clearly more interested in convincing the women so that I get the benefit of being surrounded by bounties of sexy girls; gorgeous to look at, and, more importantly, a delight to be around. I suppose it's in my best interest to convince the men as well though (world peace, happier planet and all that) lol

The Jessica Alba Diet as a business venture could be monetized in some way and all proceeds could be put towards lobbyists to push a straight RP health agenda in big government.

Of course, I would never in a million years attempt to make money for personal gain off of RP's work. The idea sickens me and I wish nothing but the worst for anyone attempting to do so. This goes starkly against everything the man stands for (and funny enough, RP's lack of commercialism is my main selling point when I pitch the diet to friends).


May 23, 2013
I think it was through Dr. Peat that I came across Pottenger's Cats. Dr. Pottenger raised cats for their adrenals and uncovered some frightening realities about food and health. If you transpose this on the human condition, especially first world industrial countries like America, you can see what got us in this predicament... the industrialization of food. You may also see an upcoming zombie apocalypse :eek:

Dr. Pottengers work:

In one study, one group of cats was fed a diet of two-thirds raw meat, one-third raw milk, and cod-liver oil while the second group was fed a diet of two-thirds cooked meat, one-third raw milk, and cod-liver oil. The cats fed the all-raw diet were healthy while the cats fed the cooked meat diet developed various health problems.

By the end of the first generation the cats started to develop degenerative diseases and became quite lazy.[citation needed]*By the end of the second generation, the cats had developed degenerative diseases by mid-life and started losing their coordination.
By the end of the third generation the cats had developed degenerative diseases very early in life and some were born blind and weak and had a much shorter life span. Many of the third generation cats couldn't even produce offspring. There was an abundance of parasites and vermin while skin diseases and allergies increased from an incidence of five percent in normal cats to over 90 percent in the third generation of deficient cats. Kittens of the third generation did not survive six months. Bones became soft and pliable and the cats suffered from adverse personality changes. Males became docile while females became more aggressive.[citation needed] The cats suffered from most of the degenerative diseases encountered in human medicine and died out totally by the fourth generation.[citation needed]

The scary part is that it took four generations of traditional eating for the cats to produce healthy offspring.

Think about what the kids of America are like today and you might see the second or third generation of Pottengers cats. What happens when we get to the fourth or fifth generation??

Besides that, we need to start thinking about what citizens will do when ALL jobs are automated?


Jul 22, 2012
SaltGirl said:
Thomas Piketty has written some really good things about the current trends and where it will lead us. He more or less predicts a French style revolution before too long as we are now seeing wealth disparity of the old noble houses and the commoners.

I agree, SaltGirl.
From what I've read
his main idea seems to be that wealth tends to concentrate more and more over time.
It doesn't trickle down.
It trickles up.
The relative spreading out of wealth seen in the U.S. post-WW2 era
he says was an aberration.


Nov 30, 2012
We're already slaves thanks to the 14th amendment. Understanding that and the fact that America is a corporation and not a country has helped me. The Act of 1871 ended the old America; we've been off the Constitution since then. You mention that people don't know what it means to be a "real citizen" anymore. That's because we're not real to the U.S. corporation; we're numbers on paper. I started researching this on You Tube last month. It has to do with legalese and something called maritime law.

As far as the military goes, America is actually the revived Roman Empire; that is one reason why it's so emphasized. ... man-Empire

And also, America is home to one of the 3 city states that rules the world, Washington, D.C., which is apparently the military capital of the planet. This You Tube videos explains:

The video is from the Grace Powers documentary Ring of Power which I HIGHLY recommend.

A theory that has also helped me understand what's happening is called the 4th Turning by Neil Howe and William Strauss. They say that history is affected by a 90 year cycle called a "saeculum". We're at the end of a cycle that began after WW2; they say that this part of the saeculum is a "4th turning" which causes the issues that have built up in society to come to a juggernaut resulting in a sweeping away of the old order. The crisis began in 2008 with the crash and election of Barack Obama.

I think things are bad and will probably only get worse. I do not have much hope for the next cycle; I think it will be about the same only with more conformity. Lately in the news there's been a lot of debate about vaccinations, for example. The controversy has gone on for 200 years. So what's happening now won't be magically solved. It will continue, probably for the rest of our lives.


Feb 12, 2015
I guess it's cuz I'm young, but America hasn't given me a reason to be patriotic so I'm probably getting the heck out of here and moving to the Philippines, which is funny since I've wanted to go there before I even cared about diet. When I watched "The Village" by M. Night Shyamalan I longed to have been born in a place like that, not for the monsters but for the fact that it was a small village secluded from the rest of the world and they didn't know what was outside the borders because the "monsters" we're said to be out there, so their society was built around the people, and it's far easier to have a good government when you don't have so many people to govern.


Sep 13, 2012
With the pottenger cats you forgot to add the next paragraph: "At the time of Pottenger's Study the amino acid taurine had been discovered but had not yet been identified as an essential amino acid for cats. Today many cats thrive on a cooked meat diet where taurine has been added after cooking. The deficient diets lacked sufficient taurine to allow the cats to properly form protein structures and resulted in the health effects observed. Pottenger himself concluded that there was likely an "as yet unknown" protein factor that may have been heat sensitive."

But yes the point still stands that deficient food leads to degeneration.


May 12, 2014
I don't know what the future will bring, but we have the present. We can organize and act. We can directly engage power structures -- like Peat is doing -- each in our own way. We can also act to empower those who are most disempowered and in this way undermine power structures.

And yea, it's great to get away and recharge from time to time. But if I get away long enough, I want to come back!


Mar 29, 2014
sunmountain said:
I don't know what the future will bring, but we have the present. We can organize and act. We can directly engage power structures -- like Peat is doing -- each in our own way. We can also act to empower those who are most disempowered and in this way undermine power structures.

And yea, it's great to get away and recharge from time to time. But if I get away long enough, I want to come back!


May 27, 2015
According to quigley, if the monolithic institutions of weetern civ can't be bypassed, if a new mode of expansion can't be discovered, then we will desfend into further defay, and abject slavery. Its good that we're trying to expand into space. I dont think guns will make a difference, iraqis had guns, it hasnt helped them. On the contrary, ik a gun owner, but believing in guns to prevent collapse is the subconscious equivalent to civil war. If we all talked to each other, neighbors, etf, that would be different. If we turned off the tv. bypass is the key word


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
burtlancast said:
There will always be hope, as long as Americans do what the Russians and the Chinese didn't, and that is hanging to their guns.
You are beautiful, sir.

On another note, I'm voting for Trump. Simply because he's a badass. All the politicians suck, and I'd rather vote for the baddest.


Nov 8, 2014
Bernie Sanders doesn't suck, he's America's only hope for real. But really though, what kind of timeline does the human race have I a monumental shift in conciousness doesn't happen soon and I mean tomorrow? I give us 50-100 years tops before estrogen and pollution wipe us out. Either that or a plague.

Edit: and I certainly hope that was a joke about voting for Trump. He epitomizes what is wrong with our country.
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