Heavy bleeding


Apr 17, 2014
I have recently discovered Peat's work and have switched to his diet. I am 48 years old and in perimenopause. About 8 weeks ago my cycle was late, wouldn't start for anything. Then I started spotting and about 2 weeks ago, the flood gates opened and I have had surreal flooding. Didn't know a human could loose that much blood and still be alive. It has slowed but I am still bleeding. I had this happen last year and my OBgyn said hysterectomy next step. I am looking for a new doc. I have a prescript for 100 mg bio-identical progesterone that I take at night. I got my progest-e in the mail yesterday but am not sure where to start. My temps are low and I bought American bio logics thyroid glandular but again do not know where to start. Any guidance would be much appreciated. I would like to keep my uterus but wouldn't mind taking the progest every day for no period as I have had enough. Thanks.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hoodlt, welcome to the forum.

I think it was Peatarian who said when some women start getting healthy they need to shed off a lot of stuff that has been left there. However, I have no clue whats going on but hopefully some others will chime in.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome Hoodit. I've often thought that I could have saved my own uterus if I had known about Peat's work years ago when I was experiencing similar issues. You could try a small amount of vitamin K to begin with as you work on healing your hormones. I have taken the Life Extension Super K formula and was happy with it. Thorne makes a superior K as well. Currently I'm using estro-ban which contains a,d,e and k but it might be optimal at this point to add just K and gauge your response. Others may have a different view on this and I welcome their input wholeheartedly. I will also point you toward the Long Natural Health website since it has Progest-e dosing instructions. For a situation like yours you may opt for uninterrupted dosing on the Progest-e for a while and I wouldn't blame you a bit. I do think in severe circumstances it is sometimes warranted. On the particular thyroid you mention I'll have to admit I have no knowledge or experience with that product. I'm sure others will weigh in with some more ideas.


Jul 24, 2013
Hoodlt said:
I have recently discovered Peat's work and have switched to his diet. I am 48 years old and in perimenopause. About 8 weeks ago my cycle was late, wouldn't start for anything. Then I started spotting and about 2 weeks ago, the flood gates opened and I have had surreal flooding. Didn't know a human could loose that much blood and still be alive. It has slowed but I am still bleeding.... I got my progest-e in the mail yesterday but am not sure where to start. My temps are low and I bought American bio logics thyroid glandular but again do not know where to start...

Lots going on here and I don't know the full context. For discussion, here are some notions:

If you have been bleeding daily for two weeks, and it's been mostly heavy, please make sure you check with a doctor and have a lab test to make sure you are not dangerously anemic. If it has not already been done, get thyroid blood tests and ask the doctor for the exact numbers, not the doctor interpretation. Obviously, if there is marked or sudden dizziness, weakness, pain, etc., see a doctor.

Consider starting the Progest-E immediately. I would suggest at least a couple of trial doses of 3 to 4 drops, during the evening or day, at a time when you can rest or sleep if you need to. Rub the Progest-E oil into the gums or lips, for quick absorption. In sufficient quantities, (bio-identical) progesterone IS sedating.

A "successful" trial means mainly no added symptoms, though of course symptom relief is desirable. Drowsiness, dreaminess, sedating effects are "okay". Rarely, even small amounts of Progest-E swiftly boost thyroid function, so a person gets very racy with rapid heart beat. Then some adjustment would be important. Of course, if the Progest-E is sedating, arrange things so there is no driving nor dangerous activities during these hours.

As long as the trial goes okay, consider promptly switching over entirely to the Progest-E form of progesterone. The "high dose" instructions (3 drops 5 times per day, for example_ seems applicable in this case. The Ray Peat instructions from Long natural health can be found here:

http://www.longnaturalhealth.com/sites/ ... ctions.pdf

It's easiest to judge measures when they are done one at a time. If things are manageable, see how things go for at least a few days. In the meantime, further track resting pulse and temperature as a measure of thyroid function. Also, go through some list of hypothyroid symptoms, to see how many fit your life history. It may be that tuning thyroid function is important, but Progest-E adjustment sometimes quickly relieves things.

With the fluid volume loss with bleeding, be mindful to get generous nutrition for fruit sugar, minerals, and protein. Sometimes table salt (sodium, as a condiment or with cooking, or baking soda) is helpful for uterine muscle cramping/pain. The vitamin K or Estroban (D,E,A,K) suggestions are good too.


Apr 17, 2014
Have an appointment with a new doctor and will have them check the iron. I have been able to tell when the anemia sets in as my arms get tingling sensation. I have been doing raw liver shooters and that helps (yes, very brave!). I am going to try the Progest-E and see if I can make that work for me. Thanks for the recommendations and the website. I am determined to save my uterus. It has served me well to this point. Thank you all! Also, with the vitamin K, I have Thorne Research Vit. D with K2. Would this work or would I need a straight K or K1 or k2?


Feb 12, 2014
Hi Hoodlt-welcome.

A few years before menopause, I also started with very heavy bleeding and went to the gynecologist who sent me for a laparoscopy. Luckily, there was nothing that would indicate having a hysterectomy.

Did you get a laparoscopy? I say a second opinion would be beneficial for your peace of mind.

Read as much as you can on RP website and the audio interviews should be helpful.

Good luck!


Apr 17, 2014
Thanks. I have had 2 ultrasounds and 2 biopsies. The first biopsy came back mildly hyperplasic and they discovered a small cyst. They were going to do an ablation but I had a violent reaction to the idiotic ulcer drug they gave me for pre-op (I later found out that was to make the surgery quick so he could fit in more during the day). It has taken months to recover from that reaction (it wiped out my entire stomach lining). 2nd ob-gyn put me on 100 mg of bio-identical (at my request) progesterone for just 2 months and the hyperplasia and the heavy bleeding went away and I went back to a 28 day cycle. She said if the bleeding came back, it would mean a hysterectomy. Spotting came back in March, flooding back in April. I am scheduled to see a new doc at the end of April (earliest they could get me in and I was literally bleeding to death). I am going forward with the Progest-E and will follow dosing on Long natural health. I have nothing to lose at this point. Also will eat like a Peatatarian.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hoodlt said:
Have an appointment with a new doctor and will have them check the iron. I have been able to tell when the anemia sets in as my arms get tingling sensation. I have been doing raw liver shooters and that helps (yes, very brave!). I am going to try the Progest-E and see if I can make that work for me. Thanks for the recommendations and the website. I am determined to save my uterus. It has served me well to this point. Thank you all! Also, with the vitamin K, I have Thorne Research Vit. D with K2. Would this work or would I need a straight K or K1 or k2?
I mentioned K for its coagulant action. If it were me I would probably take what I had on hand since both K1 and K2 should have the same effect. This is simply something I might try if faced with a similar situation. Props to you on working toward saving your uterus. I'm confident by studying Peat's work you will be successful. It sounds like you are already well on your way!


Jul 24, 2013
Hoodlt said:
Have an appointment with a new doctor and will have them check the iron. I have been able to tell when the anemia sets in as my arms get tingling sensation. I have been doing raw liver shooters and that helps (yes, very brave!). I am going to try the Progest-E and see if I can make that work for me. ...Also, with the vitamin K, I have Thorne Research Vit. D with K2. Would this work or would I need a straight K or K1 or k2?

Hopefully, the anemia testing can be done more swiftly than waiting to see the new GYN doctor. It's not just the iron, it's the hemoglobin/hematocrit to see if the red blood cells are sufficient, not just the iron. It's good you have experience with an anemia warning sign.

While I get no commissions from any company, I think the Thorne product is good quality. The vitamin K (MK-4) amount is low compared to, say, the Life Extension or Estroban products. Taking more K2 via the Thorne liquid means taking more D, so it's hard to adjust them separately.

I don't think that K2 has been studied specifically for heavy menstrual bleeding. My guess is that in the short term, augmenting closer to 1 mg (1000mcg) than 200 mcg may be helpful. But it sounds like you are getting K2 & K1 by eating liver.


It might be asked of either the new or old doctor why the bio-identical progesterone was quite helpful for the two month time frame. (Were you using oral or transdermal progesterone?)


Apr 17, 2014
I will be sure to get all of those tests done. The progesterone was oral, taken 1 x per day at night. I will definitely ask and it seems that everyone here has had a great deal more success with Progest-E than with a prescription bio-identical progesterone. Since I am desperate for some relief for this, I am also going to try a colonic to get rid of some of the excess estrogen. I think someone above mentioned it might be my bodies way of eliminating what it doesn't need. Glad to get rid of the estrogen, won't live through another 2 weeks of losing that much blood.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
My suggestion on the vitamin k was merely meant as a possible short term strategy that might help relieve some your suffering. My intention was in no way to play medical doctor. I'm not even sure it will help but wanted to mention it just in case because I know what you are going through can be quite disturbing. Good luck and please keep us posted.


Feb 7, 2013
Hoodlt said:
I am going forward with the Progest-E and will follow dosing on Long natural health.
This is exactly what I did and within 3 days of high doses of Progest-E my heavy bleeding/clotting stopped as did my hot flashes. I was stunned by how quickly the Progest-E worked to stopped the heavy bleeding. Like you, I was take aback that anyone could bleed so heavily as I had never before had bleeding and clotting like that. I now only occasionally have heavy bleeding as monthy menses are no longer regular (I am 53) and I make sure I have Progest-E on hand to quickly knock back the estrogen levels whenever there is a need.

I also use Estroban daily.

YMMV of course but I do advise to follow the high dosing suggested in the Long natural health article.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.

And lastly :welcome2 to the forum Hoodlt


Jul 24, 2013
Hoodlt said:
...The progesterone was oral, taken 1 x per day at night... it seems that everyone here has had a great deal more success with Progest-E than with a prescription bio-identical progesterone. Since I am desperate for some relief for this, I am also going to try a colonic to get rid of some of the excess estrogen. I think someone above mentioned it might be my bodies way of eliminating what it doesn't need. Glad to get rid of the estrogen, won't live through another 2 weeks of losing that much blood.

Excuse the excessive caution: If the phrasing is literal: "won't live through another 2 weeks of losing that much blood", then please see a doctor promptly. It's not about surgery, it's about simply keeping the blood supply sufficient. A physician would prefer to correct severe anemia first, apart from life-threatening situations.

You may have a gratifying result with the Progest-E, compared with the oral bio-identical form.

I suggest a little caution about getting a colonic in the near term. First, a colonic will cause water absorption short term, which may dilute the blood and cause blood mineral changes, even with "balanced" colonic solutions. Second, in many areas the water supply itself is not ideal, so a colonic may increase the burden of pollutant absorption. Third, I am not impressed with the purging/detox approach. I've seen many variations, never with a clearly good result.

For estrogen/endotoxin protection, grated carrot salad, or shredded cooked bamboo shoots, or occasional activated charcoal may be helpful.


Apr 17, 2014
Thanks for all the welcome and kind words. I really feel like I am on a path to recovery and would never assume these words to be substitutes for doctor's orders. I just happen to know that the medical docs in my area really don't know much of anything about bio-identicals or NDT and so if you are going to go this route, you go it alone. Last year, in the same situation, I trusted the docs and was moving forward with an ablation. I was given an ulcer medication for the ablation and came very close to death with NOT a word from the offending doctor. Gonna keep plugging forward with the Progest-E and I will stay in touch and let you know how it all works out. Blessings to all!
Jan 24, 2014
:2cents I used to have extremely heavy bleeding as well, the kind where I could not leave the house for days. I am also familiar with the arm tingling and panicky fear that I was going to die.

Due to my own severe hormonal issues, I personally started Progest-E with a very heavy dose and from that very first cycle (5 months ago) I have had completely normal periods since with very light bleeding, no pain and no cramping. I am 47 years old by the way, Progest-E has been a miracle for me. Also, I am no longer anemic. I hope the best for you and please keep us posted. :)


Apr 17, 2014
Do you take breaks on the Progest-E or do you take it continuously? I am really feeling so much better and have only been on it 3 days.
Jan 24, 2014
I take it orally for two weeks and topically (on my chin cuz I HAD a beard! plus on some zits) for the other two weeks. I still have twenty or so very stubborn whiskers left, but I used to have hundreds (literally nearly four hundred) prior to Progest-E. I never have PMS anymore, my periods are totally normal. Fair warning tho, I took mega doses in the beginning and it can be very sedating. I slept for the first two months :lol:

I'm so glad you are seeing results already!!!


Apr 17, 2014
Mini-update. That Progest-E is a miracle. No more flooding. Tiny spotting if I go more than 3 hours without it (taking 5 doses spaced out during the day). Getting my strength. Will continue on this route and Peat diet. Need to read up more about NDT. Does anyone know if you can get Thiroyd through Amazon? Or do you order directly from them. I had been tracking temps but fell off that a bit. I am always low!!! Thanks all!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Incredible. :hattip


Jan 3, 2014
Wonderful! Just great. Made my day to read this. By the way RP has an article on bleeding and clotting - I remember he says the two are closely related, 2 sides of the same coin. Definitely recommend reading it.
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