Raised "freckles"


Jan 3, 2013
I've grown a couple raised "freckles" on my forearms. They're not really freckles. They're flesh colored, or maybe a tad yellow. Any idea what these might be?
I've been Peating for a couple years now- meaning my PUFA intake has been low (certainly a lot lower than before I had these freckles).
I don't seem to be burning this summer, which is nice because I'm very fair skinned.
I seemed to notice these new bumps after a re-feed this last fall and winter. However, I've also increased my Vitamin A more recently and I'm wondering if these spots are somehow related to excess Vitamin A- although they appeared before I really increased my dosage (I think I was only on 2500 iu or so and only recently in last month or so increased it).

Anyone have any ideas what these could be?


Jul 22, 2012
You know, Katty, I think I may know what you're describing.
I had some things like that.
Did they come up quickly?

In my case they did,
and then, after a while, and changing my thyroid supplements and other stuff
they just went away.
Actually, they seemed to change and I was able to just easily scrape them off.

I figured they were some kind of wart.
I got a couple on the side of my head,
and others on my arms or legs...can't recall exactly.


Feb 20, 2013
narouz said:
In my case they did,
and then, after a while, and changing my thyroid supplements and other stuff
they just went away.
Actually, they seemed to change and I was able to just easily scrape them off.

RP discussed how DHEA and T3 cured moles. It seems like in your case T3
did the job. I was thinking about buying DHEA today, i ran out.
I developed a small patch of hypopigmentation before starting peat.
It has almost disappeared recently and i think it is a result of increased T3.
I have been using DHEA on and off for several years and i think that helped
but not as much as T3.
Moles, DHEA, Etc by Ray Peat


Jan 3, 2013
I'm not sure if they came up quickly. I don't remember them being there about a year ago, and then maybe 2 or 3 months ago I noticed they were there.
Actually, one of them I've had since I was little- it's on the top of my left wrist. It formed when I started wearing a watch when I was younger- I must have been allergic to the metal or something on it. And a small, flesh colored bump formed-- sort of dry-ish. I think I tried to pick it off a couple times, and it would always come back. It was small and I didn't notice it much for many years-- and then recently when these other bumps formed, the bump from the watch seemed to get a bit bigger as well.

Seems weird now that I've been Peating and actually taking thyroid meds that I'd grow these things... why didn't I grow them when I was low carbing for years and eating tons of nuts and seeds? Hopefully they'll fall off eventually.

Hey Mittir,
I'll check out the DHEA link, thanks! I'm a little worried about trying DHEA though--- I had bad reactions to pregnenolone when I tried it, so DHEA worries me too.


Jul 22, 2012
Mittir said:
narouz said:
In my case they did,
and then, after a while, and changing my thyroid supplements and other stuff
they just went away.
Actually, they seemed to change and I was able to just easily scrape them off.

RP discussed how DHEA and T3 cured moles. It seems like in your case T3
did the job. I was thinking about buying DHEA today, i ran out.
I developed a small patch of hypopigmentation before starting peat.
It has almost disappeared recently and i think it is a result of increased T3.
I have been using DHEA on and off for several years and i think that helped
but not as much as T3.
Moles, DHEA, Etc by Ray Peat

Yes, Mittir, I heard those Peat remarks too.
In my case I don't think it was a mole.
My best guess is that it was some kind of wart.
When I changed my thyroid supplement type and dosage,
it seemed to die and I could scrape it off and my skin there was normal.
At the same time I got a few of what I think were small sebaceous cysts on my scalp.
They also went away....


Feb 20, 2013
narouz said:
My best guess is that it was some kind of wart.
When I changed my thyroid supplement type and dosage,
it seemed to die and I could scrape it off and my skin there was normal.
At the same time I got a few of what I think were small sebaceous cysts on my scalp.
They also went away....

RP mentioned that hypothyroid people have high estrogen in skin and that
can promote infections. Thyroid supplement increases progesterone
and over all decreases estrogen.


Feb 20, 2013
narouz said:
Did you hear that in an interview? Don't have a clue which one, do you?

I have surely heard that in an audio interview. I never heard anything like that before
until recently when i was re-listening to his interviews. It is quite odd that every time i hear
one of his interviews which i have heard 10-20 times before i always find something new.
It is in one of the sugar interviews. Recently i was listening to all the interviews on sugar
: 2 from KMUD, 2 from WBM and one from Josh.


Jul 22, 2012
Mittir said:
It is quite odd that every time i hear
one of his interviews which i have heard 10-20 times before i always find something new.
It is in one of the sugar interviews. Recently i was listening to all the interviews on sugar
: 2 from KMUD, 2 from WBM and one from Josh.

I experience the same phenomenon, MIttir.
Coincidentally, I was just listening to the same KMUD Sugar/Sugar2.
Lots of good stuff in those.

What is WBM?


Feb 20, 2013
narouz said:
Mittir said:
What is WBM?

That herb doctors show used to be named "WBM"= western botanical medicine.
They have two sets of sugar 1 and sugar 2 epidoes, that is total of 4 interviews.
If you look at http://www.functionalps.com/blog/2011/0 ... nterviews/ .you will see these 4 interviews. One of these set was named WBM sugar 1 and sugar 2 in josh's old page.

Herb Doctors: Sugar II
Herb Doctors: Sugar I, Cholesterol, Obesity, Heart Disease
Herb Doctors: Sugar Part 1
Herb Doctors: Sugar Part 2


Jul 22, 2012
Mittir said:
narouz said:
Mittir said:
What is WBM?

That herb doctors show used to be named "WBM"= western botanical medicine.
They have two sets of sugar 1 and sugar 2 epidoes, that is total of 4 interviews.
If you look at http://www.functionalps.com/blog/2011/0 ... nterviews/ .you will see these 4 interviews. One of these set was named WBM sugar 1 and sugar 2 in josh's old page.

Herb Doctors: Sugar II
Herb Doctors: Sugar I, Cholesterol, Obesity, Heart Disease
Herb Doctors: Sugar Part 1
Herb Doctors: Sugar Part 2

Thanks Mittir.
I remember being confused by those different names at some point.
I'd just assumed they were the same pair of interviews,
but named differently for some reason.


Jan 3, 2013
Mittir said:
RP mentioned that hypothyroid people have high estrogen in skin and that
can promote infections. Thyroid supplement increases progesterone
and over all decreases estrogen.

So then I still don't understand why these raised spots have appeared after being Peaty for some time. Why didn't they appear when I was on birth control? Why didn't they appear when I was low cal, low carb? Why did they appear after I'm on thyroid meds, when I've been trying to reduce estrogen, and have been low PUFA for several years?


Feb 20, 2013
I was referring to narouz's skin problem. I do not know if narouz has infection or not.
I just wanted to share what RP has said about skin infection. I do not have any
idea what kind of skin problem you have, whether it is related to infection or other issues.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Katty said:
--- I had bad reactions to pregnenolone when I tried it, so DHEA worries me too.

Katty, I have no advice for the bumps, but I'm curious about your reaction to preg. RP describes it as totally safe, but other people have had problems, too. As a precursor to all the steroid hormones it is important, maybe there is a clue about how it works in your experience with it.



Jun 12, 2013
Could they be skin tags? Do you have trouble losing weight, insulin resistance, pcos...?


Jan 3, 2013
BingDing said:
Katty said:
--- I had bad reactions to pregnenolone when I tried it, so DHEA worries me too.

Katty, I have no advice for the bumps, but I'm curious about your reaction to preg. RP describes it as totally safe, but other people have had problems, too. As a precursor to all the steroid hormones it is important, maybe there is a clue about how it works in your experience with it.


Pregnenolone caused acne all around my lip line- I normally have acne, but never in that location. And I tried the pregnenolone separate times (took it for probably a week or two, maybe more, the first time, then at least one other time probably a couple months later) to make sure the reaction was the same. As soon as I stopped taking it, the acne in that location went away. I think it also caused a headache on the left side of my head for a time when I was on it.
It was pure pregnenolone powder from Beyond A Century- no other ingredients.
Not sure what my experience with it is telling me about my body/ my next step, etc.

Peata said:
Could they be skin tags? Do you have trouble losing weight, insulin resistance, pcos...?

Hey Peata-
I have skin tags too- but these are different. Just raised bumps on my forearms that are in freckle shape but lighter in color. I thought they might be from too much Vitamin A since they're almost yellow.... But I really think they're closer to my flesh color.
But thanks for the thought =)
On a positive, most of one of my skin tags fell off after a couple weeks of spraying it with magnesium chloride. The tip got brown and finally just fell off. I think the "stem" is still there, but hey, partial victory :)


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Thanks for the response, Katty. Acne around the lip line is a mystery, but I'll bet you a nickel you'll figure out an answer, sometime down the line.

I composed an answer to another of your posts but never posted it, mostly just said get replete in all vitamins and minerals and get adequate protein. It sounds like you have a good handle on the basics, though.

Skin. What do we know about skin? It is an endocrine gland, melanin is responsible for color. That is a protein, right? AGEs create leathery skin. Liver spots are oxidized PUFAs and iron. The fat soluble vitamins are active there, I think. Soaps and lotions might affect skin. What else do you know about skin?


Jan 3, 2013
Hey BingDing- thanks for the response! I hope I have to give you that nickel! Actually not terribly worried about these spots, just trying to figure out what they are saying about my system as a whole.

I like your skin questions... definitely a useful way to brainstorm things.
Unfortunately, I don't know enough about skin or some of these issues. Guess that means I have to study up. Though it would be easier if we could all meet in groups and brainstorm things together =)


Jul 22, 2012
I'm sorry if this is pulling the topic of course,
I've wondered what happens to age spots
if one stops eating PUFA almost completely
and 4 years go by...

I mean: they are essentially lipofuscum (sp?), yellow fat.
After 4 years, doesn't one's fat get recycled?
Does that mean the age spots get recycled?

Sometimes I've had what seems to be an age spot
and I've been able to scrape it off with my fingernail.
(I've been scrupulously avoiding PUFA for over 2 years.)
I wondered whether it was an age spot coming to the surface and going bye bye.

Wouldn't it be pretty to think so. :D


Jan 3, 2014
I also find skin interesting as a window into our health.topical Niacinamide is giving me better skin but not doing anything to a couple of age spots. They faded a bit, shrunk a bit, but nothing since. My husband has a big mole that has lightened and got a bit smaller. When I walk past beauty salons advertising rejuvenating treatments I smile because peating is the real secret to younger skin.


Jan 3, 2013
narouz said:
I'm sorry if this is pulling the topic of course,
I've wondered what happens to age spots
if one stops eating PUFA almost completely
and 4 years go by...

I mean: they are essentially lipofuscum (sp?), yellow fat.
After 4 years, doesn't one's fat get recycled?
Does that mean the age spots get recycled?

Sometimes I've had what seems to be an age spot
and I've been able to scrape it off with my fingernail.
(I've been scrupulously avoiding PUFA for over 2 years.)
I wondered whether it was an age spot coming to the surface and going bye bye.

Wouldn't it be pretty to think so. :D

So are you suggesting that eating low PUFA is making my skin issues come to the surface but that they will then fade away? I'd love to think that were true. My gut tells me that something else is going on... I feel like I'm getting more spots and more stuff on my body since Peating =( Wish I could figure it all out.

sueq said:
I also find skin interesting as a window into our health.topical Niacinamide is giving me better skin but not doing anything to a couple of age spots. They faded a bit, shrunk a bit, but nothing since. My husband has a big mole that has lightened and got a bit smaller. When I walk past beauty salons advertising rejuvenating treatments I smile because peating is the real secret to younger skin.

I agree-- the problem is, my skin has been terrible since Peating. Feel like my health has declined in some ways. Feeling cranky about it tonight =(
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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