No Libido/hypogonadism Need Help Please


Aug 27, 2015

I am seriously frustrated with my progress so far and really need some help to finally end this suffering. I have absolutely no libido and I feel tired/depressed all of the time. I am fairly sure I have low testosterone and need to bring it back up as soon as I can. I am a twenty three year old male, average body fat with a fair amount of muscle.

I was peating a few years ago with great success and was very very healthy, however I took a job in a remote site, basically ate the standard american diet for ten months, and became sick again (dumb I know).

My pulse and temps are optimal, which is confusing as I don't feel healthy.

I am currently taking (orally):

pregnenolone at 300 mg/day
niacinamide at 300 mg/day
taurine at 500 mg/am and pm
lysine at 500 mg/am and pm
thyroid at 3/4 of a cynoplus and 1/4 cynomel (spread out though the day)
magnesium 300 mg/day
Vitamin A @ 40,000 IU/day
Vitamin D at 5,000 IU/day
Cyproheptadine at 1/2 a pill/day

My diet is pretty standard peat (eggs, meat, gelatin, milk, fruit, potatoes), I don't eat low fat because I need a lot of calories (I work a labor job and power lift four times a week) and I don't see how I could get a lot of food down with low fat.

The week I started thryoid I had four days where I felt completely healthy, slept great and had a awesome libido, however this all disappeared after that week and has not returned.

the Cyproheptadine is the only thing that gets me to sleep through the night, and has been a god send.

I have on hand:


I am also considering clomid if none of the above work for me.

I should also add that I get plenty of sun light and use bright light when indoors.

I really would like to keep the drugs to a minimum (I already feel like I am taking a ton of sups), although I plan on trying out the bromo next if things do not pick up.

I would like to continue lifting, although a nagging voice in the back of my head tells me that I should take a break until I feel healthier, losing muscle mass would surely depress me more though as I have body dysmorphia issues.

Really would appreciate any comments or suggestions, I feel like hell and want out.



Nov 28, 2014
Do you have any lab work? Or more detailed medical history? It would probably help to give a better picture of what's going on. This seems like a lot of supplements for someone your age. If it were me, I would consider reducing or eliminating some things, rather than adding something else. But I don't know the context of your situation.


Aug 27, 2015
No I don't have current lab work, however I felt exactly like I do now a few years ago and had low test at the time confirmed by a lab. Last time this happened I was able to recover using diet only.

I would consider eliminating something, however the diet does not seem to be working on its own.


Jun 8, 2014
Why so much pregnenolone and Vitamin A/D? Seems a little overboard for any age especially yours. No K2?

Before trying anything drastic I would try reducing or even dropping the pregnenolone/thyroid, reducing A/D, and adding K2. Maybe just a little Pregnenolone/DHEA 5mg combo like Haidut's supplement. I'm getting positive results with it.

How many calories would you estimate you are eating? With your hard labor job + power lifting I could see you easily needing 4000 absolute minimum.

Although fruit and potatoes are good foods, I find that they take up too much room if I need a lot of calories for days that I'm more active (I think whole foods often don't provide nearly the number of net calories that calorie counters claim). How many potatoes do you eat? They were a large part of my diet for a couple years and I think I may have built up too much potassium in relation to my sodium. I'm eating very well salted white rice instead right now and noticing an improvement in metabolism. Consider eating more refined foods. Flours, sugars, and coconut oil to get more net calories.

How long have you been taking cypro? Lots of people have reported a reduction in libido from use at some point. Likely has something to do with some dopamine antagonism.


Aug 27, 2015
Brian said: Why so much pregnenolone and Vitamin A/D? Seems a little overboard for any age especially yours. No K2?

Before trying anything drastic I would try reducing or even dropping the pregnenolone/thyroid, reducing A/D, and adding K2. Maybe just a little Pregnenolone/DHEA 5mg combo like Haidut's supplement. I'm getting positive results with it.

How many calories would you estimate you are eating? With your hard labor job + power lifting I could see you easily needing 4000 absolute minimum.

Although fruit and potatoes are good foods, I find that they take up too much room if I need a lot of calories for days that I'm more active (I think whole foods often don't provide nearly the number of net calories that calorie counters claim). How many potatoes do you eat? They were a large part of my diet for a couple years and I think I may have built up too much potassium in relation to my sodium. I'm eating very well salted white rice instead right now and noticing an improvement in metabolism.

I take that much vit A because that is what I need to clear my acne. Any less and I get Acne spots.

I don;t have an answer for the vitamin D, I just take that much, Ill drop it for now and see how things go.

Like I said in the OP my pulse and temps are good (98.6, and 78-86 bpm), but my libido is still non existent and I feel like ***t. Looking at a beautiful women is literally like looking at a piece of beard to me, absolutely no emotional reaction.

I eat around 4200 cals everyday, although thinking of bumping it up to 4500ish. I have a huge appetite though and could easily down 6000 cals, but I am maintaining my weight on 4200 currently so I figure I am getting enough.

In terms of the potassium build up I take four large (size 00) gelatin caps every night full of sodium to counter this. I usually only have two potatoes a day, most of my diet is dairy.

What dose would you suggest for the k2?

I have only been using cypro for a few weeks, I have not had a libido since Feb or March of this year.
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Jun 8, 2014
Joocy_J said:
Brian said: Why so much pregnenolone and Vitamin A/D? Seems a little overboard for any age especially yours. No K2?

Before trying anything drastic I would try reducing or even dropping the pregnenolone/thyroid, reducing A/D, and adding K2. Maybe just a little Pregnenolone/DHEA 5mg combo like Haidut's supplement. I'm getting positive results with it.

How many calories would you estimate you are eating? With your hard labor job + power lifting I could see you easily needing 4000 absolute minimum.

Although fruit and potatoes are good foods, I find that they take up too much room if I need a lot of calories for days that I'm more active (I think whole foods often don't provide nearly the number of net calories that calorie counters claim). How many potatoes do you eat? They were a large part of my diet for a couple years and I think I may have built up too much potassium in relation to my sodium. I'm eating very well salted white rice instead right now and noticing an improvement in metabolism.

I take that much vit A because that is what I need to clear my acne. Any less and I get Acne spots.

I don;t have an answer for the vitamin D, I just take that much, Ill drop it for now and see how things go.

Like I said in the OP my pulse and temps are good (98.6, and 78-86 bp), but my libido is still non existent and I feel like s***. Looking at a beautiful women is literally like looking at a piece of beard to me, absolutely no emotional reaction.

I eat around 4200 cals everyday, although thinking of bumping it up to 4500ish. I have a huge appetite though and could easily down 6000 cals, but I am maintaining my weight on 4200 currently so I figure I am getting enough.

In terms of the potassium build up I take four large (size 00) gelatin caps every night full of sodium to counter this. I usually only have two potatoes a day, most of my diet is dairy.

What dose would you suggest for the k2?

I would just buy some thorne drops and experiment with different dosages. You might need a higher dosage for awhile since you haven't been using any while taking a very high amount of A and D.

Can you list your diet on a typical day of how you reach 4200 calories? I don't think eating clean and a lifestyle of hard labor + powerlifting go together. If you really want to do all of those things at the same time, I think you will need to start eating more dirty. Fatty, sugary Ice cream and milk shakes, hamburgers, sugar added to juice, etc.

When I was working in a tree removal company one summer my boss ate the most refined food possible and he was extremely ripped with a really jolly, fun personality. When you work long hours in the sun I think that's the only way to keep stress hormones low.
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Aug 27, 2015

Milk four cups - 409 cals
fructose 2 tbsp - 90 cals
egg two - 180 cals
coconut oil 1 tbsp 180 cals
honey 2.5 tbsp - 160 cals
Peaches 2 - 117 cals
Total: 1136 cals

Throughout the day/snack:

OJ 4 cups - 450 cals
gelatin 4 tbsp - 90 cals
Total: 540 cals


Greek yogurt 4 cups - 680 cals
grapes - 400 cals
fructose 2 tbsp - 90 cals
Total: 1200 cals


Greek yogurt 1 cup -170 cals
chocolate .25 cup -220 cals
grapes - 40 cals
plum - 30 cals
Total: 460 cals

oyster 8 oz - 125 cals
potato 1 - 160 cals
butter 1 tbsp - 100 cals
Milk 4 cups - 409 cals
fructose 2 tbsp - 90 cals
plum 1 - 30 cals
Total: 914 cals

Daily Total: 4250 cals


Jun 8, 2014
Joocy_J said:
oyster 8 oz - 125 cals
potato 1 - 160 cals
butter 1 tbsp - 100 cals
Milk 4 cups - 409 cals
fructose 2 tbsp - 90 cals
plum 1 - 30 cals
Total: 914 cals

Daily Total: 4250

8oz of oyster per day? Are these canned? If so that's way too much. It would be near 200mg zinc and 20 mg copper, plus probably too much mercury and cadmium at a time to be safe.

Is that 4 cups of greek yogurt in one sitting? Is it low fat? That would be near 100grams of protein. Way too much at once. That would send your stress hormones through the roof.

It looks like you are trying to eat pretty clean. I would go much dirtier and reduce protein intake to no more than 30 grams at a time with at least 2x carbs and a good amount of fat. More meals if you have to. Switch out the fructose for sucrose so that you also get some glucose to fuel your activity. Maybe some heavily sugared chocolate milk shakes. You could freeze them over night so they are cold when you drink them by lunch and afternoon. I also think you could use more glucose since you want to lift weights. Does your job involve lifting? Maybe add sandwiches, hamburgers, and french fries to your diet. Starch is much better at filling muscle glycogen.

I had a co-worker when I was doing Geology fieldwork who was the buffest, horniest guy I had ever met. His eating style was lots of small meals to his taste of refined carbs, fats, and really not that high of protein. The only exercise he really did was rock climbing several times a week.

You are basically asking your body to perform the work of a professional athlete. So you either need to eat like one or really tone down your weight lifting. Probably best to drop it completely for a few weeks and regularly take de-loading weeks once a month from now on.


Jan 12, 2014
stop the cyproheptadine, it is probably doing more harm than good at this point. Stick with aspirin (IF YOU ACTUALLY NEED IT). You are just throwing everything you can at this and overloading your body. Way too many supplements too. throw these in the trash can:

niacinamide at 300 mg/day
taurine at 500 mg/am and pm
lysine at 500 mg/am and pm
magnesium 300 mg/day

pregnenolone is way too much too. keep it under 150 mg per day. and yes, stop the weight lifting 100% until you feel 100%. its that simple. your body needs to allocate resources to rebuilding your health, not recovering from a workout.

it's not a science project man. your doing great with the food part, but the supplements are just overboard. just stick with pregnenolone, thyroid, the fat solubles and aspirin(as needed)


Oct 5, 2014
"I eat around 4200 cals everyday, although thinking of bumping it up to 4500ish. I have a huge appetite though and could easily down 6000 cals, but I am maintaining my weight on 4200 currently so I figure I am getting enough."

I think this is your problem. You probably really do need 6000 calories. Power lifting 4 times a week is also probably too much, especially with only 4200 calories. Some of the supplements you are taking will cause you to burn through sugar faster, so this is likely further increasing your caloric requirements.

Since serotonin and acne are problems for you I recommend trying an antibiotic which can stop both of these problems at the source by killing off bacteria. I recommend minocycline, but it is a strong antibiotic and will likely further increase your caloric requirement by 500 or so calories/day.

To obtain more calories, consider concentrated fruit juices. I use products similar to this one:

With a concentrated juice you can get 100 calories/oz and consume quite a lot of juice without any concern for the water content. The product in this example will give you 3520 calories in just 32 oz of juice which would ordinarily only provide 450 calories.

I think that honey is also a good source of calories as 1 tablespoon provides 70 calories.


Nov 28, 2014
You've gotten some good advice so far. I will add just a couple things.

Taking thyroid without any labs to help guide you in what you're doing is reckless IMHO. At the very least you need to know TSH (plus total t4 and t3 if possible) and cholesterol levels. If you don't want to go through doctors, you can probably get it done privately, depending on where you live. If you live in the U.S. this place has good prices:
No more expensive that the cost of all the supplements you're taking.

It's also doubtful you need the vitamin D if you are getting lots of sunlight in the summer.

Please consider the food recommendations from the others. It's quite possible you just need more calories to support your level of activity.


Apr 26, 2014
As a fellow sufferer of Hypogonadism I fully appreciate how you are feeling and can resonate with you in many ways.
I think a lot of what has been posted already is really good advice. Like myself in the past, you seem to be stressing and trying too hard to increase your testosterone and libido. Relax, you will beat your Hypogonadism - but it takes time and there is no quick fix. The following have helped me increase my testosterone lab figures and increased my libido:

I would also agree to drop the majority bar thyroid and pregnenolone. I can understand the appeal to mega-dose and try every supplement under the sun and I too have done the same. There is not one supplement that I feel has made a noticeable contribution or has aided my health. I have tried all your supplements and more. In fact, I believe they can worsen the situation. Most have many fillers and other irritating compounds that damage the gut and intestinal lining leading to increased serotonin and estrogen. Peat mentions Sillica being one of these added fillers in a KMUD interview and this is common to most pills and supplements. Added to that pills need to be broken down, and place a tremendous strain on organs (especially the liver). There is a picture Danny Roddy posted a while ago showing him throwing away a lot of supplements and this really resonated with me. I have personally found that dropping my myriad of supplements has improved my digestion and subsequent bowel transit time.

Secondly, what is your fibre intake like? and how many BMS do you have a day? Gut health directly correlates to libido. A new-found hero of mine (for curing my chronic constipation that spanded 4 years) is Konstantin Monastyrsky. I would advise you to listen here:

Also check out his website. Remember if you are eating a lot of whole fruit your will be inadvertently eating high fibre.

I would focus on exclusively easy digesting foods and avoid as many gut irritants as possible. I would keep fibre at 5g or less per day (this means excluding most whole fruits and drinking juice). Also, If that means plenty of white rice to get in the required calories, so be it. ultimately you need energy.

The anti-starch proposition, whilst merited and useful to some, would in my opinion and experience, not be useful in your case. Without starch, it would be incredibly difficult to hit your caloric requirement without the diet being be too liquid dense or high fibre. Eat foods that agree with you and drop those 'Peat friendlies' that do not. If orange juice is bloating you out - drop it, or find a non-problamatic alternative e.g. pulp free. Experiment with different brands of food and find those that digest the easiest. Make sure your food is actually being digested and used by your body.

I would be happy to discuss this personally with you if you wanted.
Good luck and have patience my friend.


Aug 27, 2015
Brian said:
Joocy_J said:
oyster 8 oz - 125 cals
potato 1 - 160 cals
butter 1 tbsp - 100 cals
Milk 4 cups - 409 cals
fructose 2 tbsp - 90 cals
plum 1 - 30 cals
Total: 914 cals

Daily Total: 4250

8oz of oyster per day? Are these canned? If so that's way too much. It would be near 200mg zinc and 20 mg copper, plus probably too much mercury and cadmium at a time to be safe.

Is that 4 cups of greek yogurt in one sitting? Is it low fat? That would be near 100grams of protein. Way too much at once. That would send your stress hormones through the roof.

It looks like you are trying to eat pretty clean. I would go much dirtier and reduce protein intake to no more than 30 grams at a time with at least 2x carbs and a good amount of fat. More meals if you have to. Switch out the fructose for sucrose so that you also get some glucose to fuel your activity. Maybe some heavily sugared chocolate milk shakes. You could freeze them over night so they are cold when you drink them by lunch and afternoon. I also think you could use more glucose since you want to lift weights. Does your job involve lifting? Maybe add sandwiches, hamburgers, and french fries to your diet. Starch is much better at filling muscle glycogen.

I had a co-worker when I was doing Geology fieldwork who was the buffest, horniest guy I had ever met. His eating style was lots of small meals to his taste of refined carbs, fats, and really not that high of protein. The only exercise he really did was rock climbing several times a week.

You are basically asking your body to perform the work of a professional athlete. So you either need to eat like one or really tone down your weight lifting. Probably best to drop it completely for a few weeks and regularly take de-loading weeks once a month from now on.

I only use the oysters two days per weeks, not everyday.

I will try to reduce my protein intake per meal, but I don't have a lot of time to eat meals during the day.

I don't think that sandwiches and hamburgers are a good idea as I feel horrible on industrial food in general the more whole food I eat the better I feel. I will eat more starch though and switch the fructose for honey.

I wish I could eat like your coworker and be healthy, but honestly when I ate like that before I got into nutrition I had a lot of health problems, primarily depression/anxiety.

Yes my job involves lifting, but I will be returning to college in the fall so it will be over soon.

jaywills said:
As a fellow sufferer of Hypogonadism I fully appreciate how you are feeling and can resonate with you in many ways.
I think a lot of what has been posted already is really good advice. Like myself in the past, you seem to be stressing and trying too hard to increase your testosterone and libido. Relax, you will beat your Hypogonadism - but it takes time and there is no quick fix. The following have helped me increase my testosterone lab figures and increased my libido:

I would also agree to drop the majority bar thyroid and pregnenolone. I can understand the appeal to mega-dose and try every supplement under the sun and I too have done the same. There is not one supplement that I feel has made a noticeable contribution or has aided my health. I have tried all your supplements and more. In fact, I believe they can worsen the situation. Most have many fillers and other irritating compounds that damage the gut and intestinal lining leading to increased serotonin and estrogen. Peat mentions Sillica being one of these added fillers in a KMUD interview and this is common to most pills and supplements. Added to that pills need to be broken down, and place a tremendous strain on organs (especially the liver). There is a picture Danny Roddy posted a while ago showing him throwing away a lot of supplements and this really resonated with me. I have personally found that dropping my myriad of supplements has improved my digestion and subsequent bowel transit time.

Secondly, what is your fibre intake like? and how many BMS do you have a day? Gut health directly correlates to libido. A new-found hero of mine (for curing my chronic constipation that spanded 4 years) is Konstantin Monastyrsky. I would advise you to listen here:

Also check out his website. Remember if you are eating a lot of whole fruit your will be inadvertently eating high fibre.

I would focus on exclusively easy digesting foods and avoid as many gut irritants as possible. I would keep fibre at 5g or less per day (this means excluding most whole fruits and drinking juice). Also, If that means plenty of white rice to get in the required calories, so be it. ultimately you need energy.

The anti-starch proposition, whilst merited and useful to some, would in my opinion and experience, not be useful in your case. Without starch, it would be incredibly difficult to hit your caloric requirement without the diet being be too liquid dense or high fibre. Eat foods that agree with you and drop those 'Peat friendlies' that do not. If orange juice is bloating you out - drop it, or find a non-problamatic alternative e.g. pulp free. Experiment with different brands of food and find those that digest the easiest. Make sure your food is actually being digested and used by your body.

I would be happy to discuss this personally with you if you wanted.
Good luck and have patience my friend.

Thanks, I will probably message you latter.

sweetpeat said:
You've gotten some good advice so far. I will add just a couple things.

Taking thyroid without any labs to help guide you in what you're doing is reckless IMHO. At the very least you need to know TSH (plus total t4 and t3 if possible) and cholesterol levels. If you don't want to go through doctors, you can probably get it done privately, depending on where you live. If you live in the U.S. this place has good prices:
No more expensive that the cost of all the supplements you're taking.

It's also doubtful you need the vitamin D if you are getting lots of sunlight in the summer.

Please consider the food recommendations from the others. It's quite possible you just need more calories to support your level of activity.

I don't think it is reckless - my pulse and temps always go up or down based on how my thyroid I am taking, my body responds to it really well , I will eat more calories though.

Sea said:
"I eat around 4200 cals everyday, although thinking of bumping it up to 4500ish. I have a huge appetite though and could easily down 6000 cals, but I am maintaining my weight on 4200 currently so I figure I am getting enough."

I think this is your problem. You probably really do need 6000 calories. Power lifting 4 times a week is also probably too much, especially with only 4200 calories. Some of the supplements you are taking will cause you to burn through sugar faster, so this is likely further increasing your caloric requirements.

Since serotonin and acne are problems for you I recommend trying an antibiotic which can stop both of these problems at the source by killing off bacteria. I recommend minocycline, but it is a strong antibiotic and will likely further increase your caloric requirement by 500 or so calories/day.

To obtain more calories, consider concentrated fruit juices. I use products similar to this one:

With a concentrated juice you can get 100 calories/oz and consume quite a lot of juice without any concern for the water content. The product in this example will give you 3520 calories in just 32 oz of juice which would ordinarily only provide 450 calories.

I think that honey is also a good source of calories as 1 tablespoon provides 70 calories.

Thanks, I was on minocycline for awhile and I didn't notice any difference though.

answersfound said:
stop the cyproheptadine, it is probably doing more harm than good at this point. Stick with aspirin (IF YOU ACTUALLY NEED IT). You are just throwing everything you can at this and overloading your body. Way too many supplements too. throw these in the trash can:

niacinamide at 300 mg/day
taurine at 500 mg/am and pm
lysine at 500 mg/am and pm
magnesium 300 mg/day

pregnenolone is way too much too. keep it under 150 mg per day. and yes, stop the weight lifting 100% until you feel 100%. its that simple. your body needs to allocate resources to rebuilding your health, not recovering from a workout.

it's not a science project man. your doing great with the food part, but the supplements are just overboard. just stick with pregnenolone, thyroid, the fat solubles and aspirin(as needed)

I can't sleep without the cyproheptadine, so no I won't stop taking it.

I will stop the other sups though thanks.
Aug 18, 2015
thorne k2 drops are going to make a world of difference for u.. i did D with and without it.. and damn.


Aug 27, 2015
mayweatherking said:
thorne k2 drops are going to make a world of difference for u.. i did D with and without it.. and damn.

What are your doses? thanks


Aug 24, 2013
Joocy_J said: Hi,

I am seriously frustrated with my progress so far and really need some help to finally end this suffering. I have absolutely no libido and I feel tired/depressed all of the time. I am fairly sure I have low testosterone and need to bring it back up as soon as I can. I am a twenty three year old male, average body fat with a fair amount of muscle.

I was peating a few years ago with great success and was very very healthy, however I took a job in a remote site, basically ate the standard american diet for ten months, and became sick again (dumb I know).

My pulse and temps are optimal, which is confusing as I don't feel healthy.


Really would appreciate any comments or suggestions, I feel like hell and want out.


Hi Joocy,

Yes any time a male is lacking motivation and/or sexual attraction it is an indicator of low Testosterone. You would really benefit from getting labs done so you know your numbers, so please do as soon as you can. Only take pregnenolone 300mg once a week, more than that can actually be counter-productive.

Can you be more specific about the kinds of supplements you are taking. What kind of magnesium is it? What kind is the vitamin A? I don't know what the general consensus is but I don't take Vitamin A derived from fish oil, as that seems to me to be a very high source of volatile PUFAs. You could also be taking a magnesium that is bound to something causing harm. The biggest consideration for your condition is that, especially at your age, you shouldn't have to be taking all these things to have optimal health, and so I think that points to something chronic that is probably blocking your natural health from coming through.

Iron is a big cause of this. You haven't really been alive long enough to accumulate a catastrophic amount of PUFAs, and so if I had to guess I would probably assume you have high iron, which can accumulate in the thyroid and gonads and other important organs and cause chronic damage. What is your hair quality like? Eyesight? Weight? A high Iron constitution would correlate with bloating, dry, graying, thinning hair, and thick tongue coating. This is because Iron, in addition to blocking cellular energy, feeds bacteria and fungus which in turn increases endotoxin. You can use cilantro to quickly and naturally chelate iron (but if you look it up online many sites suggest to use chlorella. DO NOT. Chlorella is high in iron).

One important note: Do you drink alcohol? If you do, do not expect to see any improvement in any conditions, only deterioration. Alcohol is the number one killer of testosterone and is more destructive than any supplements/diets are protective. You cannot outdo the effects of alcohol. You must completely abstain if you want your testosterone to return.

One more thing I'd suggest: increasing your intake of calcium carbonate, specifically with meals that are low in calcium, to maintain a higher calcium/phosphorus ratio. I use eggshells ground up but you can also buy in supplements. Ease into calcium supplementation or else you will end up in the hospital with hypercalcaemia. Also, the yogurt has a lot of lactic acid in it which can lower your metabolism. Instead have ricotta or cottage cheese, or use casein protein.
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Aug 24, 2013
Another note: While Lysine helped grow back my hair and increased my libido, it also knocks out Nitric Oxide, and sometimes you just need some NO for a good hard-on. I cycle off and on with Lysine just to make sure I have some NO once in a while, but I stay on Lysine more often because it eliminates my depression, and chronically elevated levels of NO, as are common with pre-workouts and high stress metaboslisms, can be very harmful. Try reducing lysine and see if that helps, but if you have any kind of depression or skin problems you might have to find a balance between too much and too little lysine.


Aug 27, 2015
natedawggh said:
Joocy_J said: Hi,

I am seriously frustrated with my progress so far and really need some help to finally end this suffering. I have absolutely no libido and I feel tired/depressed all of the time. I am fairly sure I have low testosterone and need to bring it back up as soon as I can. I am a twenty three year old male, average body fat with a fair amount of muscle.

I was peating a few years ago with great success and was very very healthy, however I took a job in a remote site, basically ate the standard american diet for ten months, and became sick again (dumb I know).

My pulse and temps are optimal, which is confusing as I don't feel healthy.


Really would appreciate any comments or suggestions, I feel like hell and want out.


Hi Joocy,

Yes any time a male is lacking motivation and/or sexual attraction it is an indicator of low Testosterone. You would really benefit from getting labs done so you know your numbers, so please do as soon as you can. Only take pregnenolone 300mg once a week, more than that can actually be counter-productive.

Can you be more specific about the kinds of supplements you are taking. What kind of magnesium is it? What kind is the vitamin A? I don't know what the general consensus is but I don't take Vitamin A derived from fish oil, as that seems to me to be a very high source of volatile PUFAs. You could also be taking a magnesium that is bound to something causing harm. The biggest consideration for your condition is that, especially at your age, you shouldn't have to be taking all these things to have optimal health, and so I think that points to something chronic that is probably blocking your natural health from coming through.

Iron is a big cause of this. You haven't really been alive long enough to accumulate a catastrophic amount of PUFAs, and so if I had to guess I would probably assume you have high iron, which can accumulate in the thyroid and gonads and other important organs and cause chronic damage. What is your hair quality like? Eyesight? Weight? A high Iron constitution would correlate with bloating, dry, graying, thinning hair, and thick tongue coating. This is because Iron, in addition to blocking cellular energy, feeds bacteria and fungus which in turn increases endotoxin. You can use cilantro to quickly and naturally chelate iron (but if you look it up online many sites suggest to use chlorella. DO NOT. Chlorella is high in iron).

One important note: Do you drink alcohol? If you do, do not expect to see any improvement in any conditions, only deterioration. Alcohol is the number one killer of testosterone and is more destructive than any supplements/diets are protective. You cannot outdo the effects of alcohol. You must completely abstain if you want your testosterone to return.

One more thing I'd suggest: increasing your intake of calcium carbonate, specifically with meals that are low in calcium, to maintain a higher calcium/phosphorus ratio. I use eggshells ground up but you can also buy in supplements. Ease into calcium supplementation or else you will end up in the hospital with hypercalcaemia. Also, the yogurt has a lot of lactic acid in it which can lower your metabolism. Instead have ricotta or cottage cheese, or use casein protein.

Hi nate,

The magnesium is magnesium carbonate from bulk supplements
The vitamin a is Dr. Clark brand, and it is packaged in olive oil

I don't know if I have an Iron problem, but I did have a TON of stress this past year, which I think caused my drop in testosterone.

I have tried getting labs from my gp, but they refuse to test my testosterone levels. Seriously this pisses me off to no end, I don't know how some of them even get through med school.

My hair is not thin or grey, but is it very dry, my eyesight is bad, but it has always been that way.

My weight is 200 pounds at 6'4" tall, I wear a size 32 jean, so I am not fat by any standard.

I will shell out the cash for private labs soon, I just need to find a cheap source.

What dose of cilantro do you use?

Would you suggest stopping red meat consumption?, I usually have four to five servings of red meat a week.

I don't drink alcohol at all and haven't for probably three years.

The yogurt I use is strained, so I think that lactic acid content is low. I will try the calcium carbonate though.

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Aug 27, 2015
Ps what should I get tested besides testosterone that would be helpful? I would like to get as few labs done as possible as I am a student and low on cash. Thanks
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