Sexuality And Libido Through A Peat Prism


Aug 9, 2013
Curt :-) said:
This topic was of particular interest to me because I have always been fit, well dressed/groomed, and am regularly told that I am a reasonable looking dude, yet get zero attention from girls whatsoever. If there was in fact some sort of pheromone thing going on here, it would explain a lot, as I have had low T forever (but it's slowly coming back up now thanks to Peating).

I don't want to pop your balloon here, but it MAY have a difference, but very minimal.

What attention do you expect from women? That they stare at you, walk over to you and seduce you?? It just doesn't happen. Unfortunately as a man you have to make the first move, and rarely do you get strong enough obvious signals to make this pain-free.

What's more determinant of a man than the smell of his testosterone is if he goes for what he desires with an air of detachment, and is able to project his own personality without crumbling, and accept that he'll get "rejected" a fair amount of times. If you're out, 90% of meeting women comes down to just going and talking to them, simple.

if you are out in a bar, you can expect at least 75% of the women you speak to, to just not be interested for various reasons that you can't control, down to them, their situation in life, the setting of where you are, and then another portion down to you, you just have to build social freedom and talk to women you're attracted to, be able to realise when you have a connection and don't be shy to show or tell them, and accept when you don't and move on and not relate it to you as a person. There's no magic tricks or words that work on everyone, or even the majority. I guess you have to talk to 10 women to find one where both of you are physically and emotionally attracted to each other and she is in the right head space to be meeting someone at that particular moment in time. Most relationships develop through your extended social circle and work environments anyway, so you're better working on your life and life situation in general, not worrying about women smelling your testosterone levels ;)

It sounds like you're waiting for a woman to talk to you for 1 minute, or even just see you, and put up a green light saying "I want you, now come get me". It's not going to happen! Go talk to people, socialise, have fun, do hobbies, meet more people. Ask your friends to set you up with someone they think you would get on with. Simple, and yet very difficult at the same time :)


aquaman said:
What attention do you expect from women? That they stare at you, walk over to you and seduce you?? It just doesn't happen.

It happens a lot actually. Women these days if they decide they want to have sex with you as soon as they meet you, they aren't afraid of making it happen. There are tons who do that.

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
@Aquaman, Huh?? Im simply talking about women being receptive and open in conversation. In other words, I'm talking about the vibe a woman puts out. At no point did I suggest that I sit on a perch and wait for women to walk past and salivate over me (or my smell). It seems as though you took a bit of what I said and then just ran with it in some other direction. I'm not ***t with women; I talk to them/work with them everyday, I have female friends, I've had many relationships, I just feel that there may be something else at play. I don't know anything, I'm just open to discussion. It's an interesting topic, even if you're fantastic with women.


Mar 12, 2014
I'm new here. But for a long time watching this forum.
Could you help me? Of course, like many others, I kept a low carb diet.
Very damaged my sexual health (low libido). I even made ​​gynecomastia. I
try some of your advice and it works! Most zinc, B6, vitamin E, BCAA,
tyrosine, aspirin, low fiber. Libido is now better and gynecomastia at
least it does not hurt. Do you have any type to increase sexual
stamina(supplements)? Before paleo diet I was able to usually around five
minutes. Now, unfortunately, only 30 seconds to 1 minute. Also, before I
was able several times a night, and now only once.
I am 33 years old, male. I am also racing cyclist. I know it's not
Peatarian, but it's my life I'm doing it for 15 years.
Thank you very much!

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
Hey man. I recall Charles Poliquin talking about a study that found male cyclists had higher estrogen levels than athletes doing a similar volume of work, apparently because they we're "sitting on their prostate". Sounds dubious to me, but I just thought it was worth throwing out there.


Mar 12, 2014
Thank you for your response.
Of course, over the years I know that aerobic exercise is not very healthy.
But I like it.
It is interesting that I have not had any problems before low carb.
Perhaps the low carb causing adrenal fatigue.
Or a thyroid problem, although I have TSH 1.2
Can I do against estrogen something else than take vit. E, coffee, aspirin?
A fight stress keep constant blood glucose levels and take niacinamide?
And of course a lot of BCAA.
Do you have any ideas?
Thyroid medication is not available in my country (Czech Republic)
Thank you!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm starting to think that physically/energetically we exude something when in a very good or optimal state of health that makes us truly attractive. I know that I have had looks and comments in the last couple of months and I had not experienced anything like for the last several years. I do not really wear much make up or have on super stylish clothes but will catch people staring. Obviously I take it as a compliment but it has to be my health because nothing else is different. In fact I'm a bit heavier which most people would assume would be less attractive, but I sure get noticed more. It could be better body proportion and symmetry I suppose. It seems to me it pays off to just focus on health and let the rest fall into place.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
coloron said:
Thank you for your response.
Of course, over the years I know that aerobic exercise is not very healthy.
But I like it.
It is interesting that I have not had any problems before low carb.
Perhaps the low carb causing adrenal fatigue.
Or a thyroid problem, although I have TSH 1.2
Can I do against estrogen something else than take vit. E, coffee, aspirin?
A fight stress keep constant blood glucose levels and take niacinamide?
And of course a lot of BCAA.
Do you have any ideas?
Thyroid medication is not available in my country (Czech Republic)
Thank you!
I think stopping low carb is a valuable step. Haidut has posted on lowering estrogen with vitamin e. Coffee and aspirin are often used in a Peat inspired approach. It's important to have coffee with a meal or at least plenty of milk and sugar or honey to avoid a stressful reaction in the body. Usually the optimal TSH is lower than what you report but you still may be able to improve the number with a thyroid supportive diet. Incorporating many of Peats recommendations over time should be useful. I continue to reevaluate as I heal!


Mar 12, 2014
I wrote it wrong.
I do not do low carb for a year.
But at the end I ate a lot of starches and also made ​​it possible problems.
The Peat eating'm about 3 months = no starch (just a little rice), lots of OJ, honey, sugar, milk, some fruit, dairy products, offal, carrots, salt, coconut oil, gelatin.
A lot of problems left but the one I described, I still (premature ejaculation).
Maybe it really hormonal problems and go away over time?

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
I think it's just a time thing man. When I first started Peating I played with a lot of supps to try to increase libido, but none of it did a lot. Fast forward six months and libido is decent. It's slowly getting better every week (as is other health issues).
I'm not sure about the premature ejaculation issue. I've never had to deal with it.


Mar 26, 2014
I'm playing around with regular aspirin intake, any other males noticed a libido increase?

Edit: Found this through search and didn't know it was an 8 page thread. Will read.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Premature ejaculation is strongly correlated with high adrenalin, estrogen and serotonin. The drug clonidine is successfully used to treat the condition, and it does that by reducing both adrenalin and serotonin. Can't find the study right now but you can search PubMed.


Apr 12, 2014

You're an interesting guy; I have not previously heard of anyone manipulating their Testosterone into as high a level as you have.

Can you expand on exactly what you were doing to get over 1500 ng/dl Testosterone?

I see where you talk about the protein mix you are on, BCAA's, zinc, B6, vitamin E, but what exactly was your diet/other supplementation like in the weeks leading up to this high T measurement?

Thanks a lot for contributing your ideas. I'm going to order some Estroban soon (were you taking this mixture before your T measurement?).


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
sm1693 said:

You're an interesting guy; I have not previously heard of anyone manipulating their Testosterone into as high a level as you have.

Can you expand on exactly what you were doing to get over 1500 ng/dl Testosterone?

I see where you talk about the protein mix you are on, BCAA's, zinc, B6, vitamin E, but what exactly was your diet/other supplementation like in the weeks leading up to this high T measurement?

Thanks a lot for contributing your ideas. I'm going to order some Estroban soon (were you taking this mixture before your T measurement?).

Raising the T as high as possible was just an experiment I did for a month. The diet was my normal high-protein, high-sugar diet, and also I noticed that a lot of the foods I eat had quite a bit of cholesterol so that certainly helped with providing the raw materials.
The supplements were: 15g of taurine a day in divided doses; 6g-7g of aspirin in divided doses; 2,500mg of mixed tocopherols; 45mg of vitamin K2 (menatetrenone); 30mg of zinc; 10mg of B6; 1,500mg of thiamine; BCAA ( don't remember exact dosage); tyrosine (1,500mg with each BCAA dosage); caffeine (200m-400mg), niacinamide (sometimes up to 8g a day).
Obviously this is not a healthy schedule, and I am emphasizing again that it was done purely as en experiment. I don't want this forum to be flooded by bodybuilders and other athletes obsessed with "raising T". If you read Peat carefully you will see that he is not a very big fan of testosterone. In fact, he thinks it has been implicated in diseases such as ALS.
Anyways, just responding to the question.


Apr 12, 2014
To me, improving the sex hormone cascade is one of the great riddles of the human body and one of the many reasons I elected to get my phd in the health field. If we have a solidly tested answer towards upping sex hormone production, then the suffering of a massive amount of people will be reduced and I can go to people (such as my own father, who is being duped into Testosterone replacement therapy) and present them proof of how to improve their lives with (somewhat) common nutrition.

Perhaps you only see the abuse potential, but imagine having a Testosterone level below 50 and trying to function as a man. Not too much fun.

I appreciate your response.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
sm1693 said:
To me, improving the sex hormone cascade is one of the great riddles of the human body and one of the many reasons I elected to get my phd in the health field. If we have a solidly tested answer towards upping sex hormone production, then the suffering of a massive amount of people will be reduced and I can go to people (such as my own father, who is being duped into Testosterone replacement therapy) and present them proof of how to improve their lives with (somewhat) common nutrition.

Perhaps you only see the abuse potential, but imagine having a Testosterone level below 50 and trying to function as a man. Not too much fun.

I appreciate your response.

Understood, if testosterone levels are that low then raising them a bit would probably give a big boost to motivation, energy and libido. However, if the levels are that low it strongly suggests either hypothyroidism and/or lack of cholesterol in the diet. In that case, I would recommend also trying to raise metabolism since without properly functioning steroid metabolism it will be difficult to keep high testosterone levels for long. Also in hypothyroid people much of the testosterone tends to get aromatized, so high testosterone may end up contributing to the stress condition.
I hope this helps and the health issues get resolved.


New Member
Jul 14, 2014
aquaman said:
I don't want to pop your balloon here, but it MAY have a difference, but very minimal.

What attention do you expect from women? That they stare at you, walk over to you and seduce you?? It just doesn't happen. Unfortunately as a man you have to make the first move, and rarely do you get strong enough obvious signals to make this pain-free.

What's more determinant of a man than the smell of his testosterone is if he goes for what he desires with an air of detachment, and is able to project his own personality without crumbling, and accept that he'll get "rejected" a fair amount of times. If you're out, 90% of meeting women comes down to just going and talking to them, simple.

if you are out in a bar, you can expect at least 75% of the women you speak to, to just not be interested for various reasons that you can't control, down to them, their situation in life, the setting of where you are, and then another portion down to you, you just have to build social freedom and talk to women you're attracted to, be able to realise when you have a connection and don't be shy to show or tell them, and accept when you don't and move on and not relate it to you as a person. There's no magic tricks or words that work on everyone, or even the majority. I guess you have to talk to 10 women to find one where both of you are physically and emotionally attracted to each other and she is in the right head space to be meeting someone at that particular moment in time. Most relationships develop through your extended social circle and work environments anyway, so you're better working on your life and life situation in general, not worrying about women smelling your testosterone levels ;)

It sounds like you're waiting for a woman to talk to you for 1 minute, or even just see you, and put up a green light saying "I want you, now come get me". It's not going to happen! Go talk to people, socialise, have fun, do hobbies, meet more people. Ask your friends to set you up with someone they think you would get on with. Simple, and yet very difficult at the same time :)

Haidut... Thank you so much for your contributions and depth of information here. I acquired things necessary and I've been running your protocol for a week. I have a blood lab scheduled for Aug 1 which I will report back on.

Let me say that I created an account here specifically to bump what aquaman wrote (and yes, I'm a long time RP fan)...
*sorry not trying to take the OP in a different direction but wanted to contribute from experience to possibly help my brothers...*


I agree absolutely with everything aquaman wrote and have experienced it often, just like that. I've done 2 *proper* cycles of AAS and I have realized an "interesting effect" in social situations but I would rather place the success of those interactions on self-confidence, eye-contact, body language, positive energy, and the quality of conversations rather than pheromones or dominant alpha-male garbage... (sorry, I'm hard on that one.)

If I could add anything of noteworthiness... From my experience, attractive body language and eye contact are a reflection of self-confidence. I can't stand the TED talk where she teaches you to manipulate your body language from the outside-- that is so backwards... It's like treating symptoms and not the core problem. Anyway, sorry for the rant but, let your body language and eye contact speak through your self-confidence... If you're doing AAS you're most likey going to the gym regularly, which is fortifying your self-concept (I hope you aren't eye-f yourself in the mirror too much :D but you get what I mean)...

I believe all of that is what gives us that presence when we're out socializing...

A note about "the game" and it's power of turning a good guy into a douche ...
"The game" was contrived and is a cheat-system that undermines real personality, feelings, and often tells lies. People want you to believe in them, like I want you to believe in me. So believe in the female you're targeting and absolutely feel free to give her a hard time here and there lol... Women are all over intentions so if you carry them in what you say and do with some class and style you will separate yourself from the rest and find happiness in your resolve.

Calibrate. Know what you can pull off and when. Lastly, what I've learned most recently from women in my interactions is that a little self-deprecation (humor) here and there is often a well-received and humble display of modesty and self-acceptance.

I hope I helped someone here. I'm always learning...

Cheers, --Liberate


Nov 22, 2013
The only thing that works for me in the libido/erections/performance area, is going super low fat. It works every time for me. If I throw a block of cheese in, spread throughout the day, my sex drive will plummet.

My diet is basically wheat free pasta (made from rice - low fibre), tomato, skimmed milk (at least 2 quarts), oranges (yes, the actual fruit, and can eat up to 10 a day), grapes and liver (30g each day). Watermelon, is expensive and time consuming to eat, but if I'm at home I'll have one of those. Potato comes in occasionally (with lots of salt).

So yeah, very low fat. I have found a low fat diet has been more successful to me sexually than a £120 deer antler product I recently bought.

I supplement with vitamin E, D, b6 and K2. Although these don't do anything at all when I am eating high fat.

80/10/10 (well, given the protein I take in, more like 60/30/10), for the win!

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
@dukez07, interesting. I've been eating very low fat for a while now and not really getting the results I want in the libido department. My diet is mostly juice, milk, cheese, rice, and coke. I'm always snacking on gummi bears and other kinds of candy. I've been playing with B6, taurine, zinc and BCAA's, and not really having much luck. In fact I feel like my libido is actually on the decline. I'm not sure what else to try as I can't really afford to keep playing around with supplements.

I've tried deer antler too. Nothing.

I'm assuming Haidut is already in good health. I think his exact protocol would not have such a dramatic effect on us hypo folk.
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