
  1. C

    The World’s Oldest Family Claims Eating Oatmeal Twice Daily Is The Secret

    https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/eating-porridge-twice-da-long-life-secret-world-oldest-family-donelly-1075-years-meat-vegetables-a7868486.html They carefully avoid a fasted state by digesting carbs all night and then eat an early breakfast.
  2. Candeias

    Effects of oats on leaky gut in preventing endotoxemia and ameliorated liver damage - Studies

    Peat mentioned the consumption of oats this year, which was unexpected for a lot of people here, here are two interesting studies. Preventing gut leakiness by oats supplementation ameliorates alcohol-induced liver damage in rats "Alcohol caused gut leakiness that was associated with both...
  3. C

    Fermenting oats (aka sourdough oats) for better digestion.

    Any one else given this a try? Have been preparing oats this way recently and they seem to be gentler on the digestive system. Worth a try!
  4. L

    Ray Peat on oatmeal and oat bran

    Has Ray Peat said something new about oatmeal and oat bran?
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