progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

  1. haidut

    Almost 20% Of Multiple Sclerosis Diagnoses Wrong; Treated With Dangerous Drugs

    As many forum users may have noticed, there has been a dramatic increase in celebrities announcing they or a loved one have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). The condition affects the central and peripheral nervous system and can lead to profound muscle weakness requiring the use of...
  2. haidut

    The JCV uses a serotonin receptor to infect cells

    The JCV is the potantial cause of the dreaded PML condition, which may effect people with "autoimmune" conditions (MS, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis) receiving immune-suppresive therapy. It looks like the JCV requires the 5-HT2 receptor for successful cell infection and 5-HT2 antagonists may block...
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