
  1. J

    Artichoke extract, yellow stool

    Hi guys! I'm asking for my mother but why would Artichoke extract make the stool colour go from brown to yellow? I thought it was suppose to help bile flow. And yellow stool would indicate lack of bile no? So what is this extract doing if not improving that? Should she continue? She...
  2. cs3000

    Taurine 30mg/kg improves fat digestion / absorption ~20% (bile connection) ^ Looks useful for people who get fatty stools / problems with low bile. Taurine conjugates fat soluable bile acids produced by the liver & gives them an added water soluble property which helps in the process of fat absorption through...
  3. M

    Forming Bulk

    When I eat grains, my stool becomes bulkier, which is obviously good, because it feels like more bacterial junk is being carried out with it. But eating grains comes with its own problems, at least for me, and so I can't eat them on a regular basis. I don't seem to have problems with white...
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