
  1. J

    Sulfur in Black Seed oil.

    Anyone know if there are any sulfur molecules in Black seed oil? I've gotten contradicting information from different companies. I'm searching for some clarity. Thank you!
  2. J

    Quercetin Metabolism, sulfate?

    Hi all! I’m very confused and hope someone can help me. I really would like to take Quercetin for my MCAS but I also have hydrogen sulfide Sibo which causes sulfur intolerance. There’s conflicting information regarding quercetin becoming metabolite of sulphur in the body. When I message...
  3. CosmicDancer444

    Flowers of Sulfur Links +

    Any recommendations for clean non-toxic brands of Flowers of Sulphur (FOS) & 10% Sulphur soap for both topical & internal use? Also does anyone know if FOS is the same/has the same benefit as MSM? Any advice & experience using FOS/MSM for topical issues/Vaginal PH imbalance/Yeast infections etc?
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