
  1. Mauritio

    The performance enhancing effects of erythromycin

    This study looked at the performance enhancing effects of erythromycin and other anti-biotics in mice, with some pretty interesting results. Erythromycin was very effective at increasing the swimming time in mice. "After intragastric administration for 3consecutive days, erythromycin showed a...
  2. 8

    Spike proteins and chlorinated pool water

    Does the concentration of chlorine in a public pool prevent spike proteins from swimmers being able to infect others in the pool?
  3. J

    POOLS CLOSED ONTARIO. Now I can't swim

    Forget gyms and pools, I can't even go to the library to return my books.
  4. S

    Bajau People - Seaborne lifestyle

    These people are known for their exceptional abilities in free-diving. They spent on average 5 hours a day in the sea and mostly underwater trying to hunt fish. Previously, I have read some articles regarding health benefits of regular physical activity in water. So when I saw info about the...
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