
  1. M

    Taurine made from plant fermentation

    Has anybody tried taurine supplements that are made from microbial fermentation of plants instead of chemical reaction which involves highly toxic ethylene oxide that probably will contaminate the taurine?
  2. Candeias

    Taurine prevents hepatic fibrosis in rats treated with iron and alcohol

    "Taurine enhances the metabolism and detoxification of ethanol and prevents hepatic fibrosis in rats treated with iron and alcohol The study examines the effects of taurine on the metabolism and detoxification of ethanol in liver fibrosis induced by simultaneous administration of iron carbonyl...
  3. Candeias

    Taurine stimulates bone formation and inhibits bone resorption; Possible substitute for bisphosphonates

    The title says it all and the article has very interesting statements. "Abstract The recent finding that bone tissue contains high amounts of taurin1; has prompted the investigation of taurine’s role in bone. This has resulted in the surge of reports yielding two major breakthroughs. First...
  4. Candeias

    Taurine and its vast renoprotective capacity

    After some research I was impressed by the countless studies related to Taurine and kidney protection, so I will post some of ones here: Protection of Taurine Against Arsenic-Induced DNA Damage of Mice Kidneys "(...) Pathologic changes and DNA damage in the mice kidney were examined by HE...
  5. Mauritio

    Testosterone and androgens increase, estrogen lowers Taurine

    A big part of the taurine in our body comes from our bodies synthesizing it from the amino acids methionine and cysteine via different enzymes. Peat has often talked about the harmfull effects of those two amnino acids in particular. In contrast, he had more good things to say about the amino...
  6. TruffleGnocchi

    Video with visuals: Taurine - a supplement for longevity? -- The Sheekey Science Show

    Here is a video on youtube by The Sheeky Science Show. Going over some results of some studies, showing graphs and other data, explaining potential benefits and some mechanisms. Taurine - a supplement for longevity Some timestamps and extracts from the video: 1:02 taurine...
  7. Nokoni

    Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging

    https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn9257 Studying various animals, Singh et al. found that the amount of the semi-essential amino acid taurine in circulation decreased with age (see the Perspective by McGaunn and Baur). Supplementation with taurine slowed key markers of aging such as...
  8. haidut

    STUDY: Glycine may treat depression; MEDIA: Glycine may cause depression

    The level of misreporting in mainstream media is reaching criminal levels. For example, there have been many studies discovering that an increase in the activity of the serotonin transporter (SERT), which results in lower levels of extracellular serotonin, results in alleviation of depression or...
  9. S

    Adhd Drugs That Don't Harm Your Health

    Are there any ADHD medications that aren't so bad for your health? I was diagnosed with adhd and my doctor put me on ritalin. But in the forum I read that Ritalin would be estrogenic and would lower body temperature. I already take caffeine, taurine and thiamine to help me. Any help is appreciated.
  10. Mauritio

    Glycine + Taurine protect against lead toxicity

    HED= 1,5-3g Abstract: Lead (Pb) is a highly toxic heavy metal widely dispersed in the environment because of human industrial activities. Many studies revealed that Pb could adversely affect several organs, including the male reproductive system. Pb-induced reproductive toxicity could lead to...
  11. Sherbert

    Is nutricost an ok brand (for getting bulk aminos)? if not what is? thnx

    is nutricost an ok brand (for getting bulk aminos)? if not what is? thnx
  12. cs3000

    Taurine 30mg/kg improves fat digestion / absorption ~20% (bile connection)

    https://www.nature.com/articles/pr19852006.pdf?origin=ppub ^ Looks useful for people who get fatty stools / problems with low bile. Taurine conjugates fat soluable bile acids produced by the liver & gives them an added water soluble property which helps in the process of fat absorption through...
  13. FitnessMike

    Your Taurine experiences?

  14. C

    Help, High cholesterol and triglycerides

    Hi guys, i have recently done blood work and it turned out with: total cholesterol = 279 mg/dl HDL = 34 mg/dl Trig = 311 mg/dl Magnesium = 1.80 mg/dl Total Ca = 9.90 mg/dl Vitamin D = 92 nmol/L Im 24yo male, my diet is peaty low pufa, high carbs and protein, high fruits. Last year i had...
  15. FitnessMike

    Did you noticed better glycogen taking taurine?

    as above.
  16. Mauritio

    GABA decreases flouride inuced hypothyroidism; more effective than thyroid hormone

    This study shows that GABA increases thyroid hormones that were downregulsted from fluoride ingestion in mice . This shows what a pro metabolic and protective effect GABA has on the body . So people drinking high fluoride water might want to stack up on GABA for thyroid protection . "Subacute...
  17. Lokzo

    ?TUDCA: The Holy Grail For Liver Health?

  18. IROM

    Alpecin shampoo: Caffeine, Taurine and Niacinamide (are corporations on to Peating?)

    Just bough this German brand: Alpecin. It contains caffeine, taurine and niacinamide. After a long search for a perfect ready-made shampoo, I may have found it. I was looking in American stores for the longest time and all the caffeine shampoos have garbage like hemp oil or other seed oils...
  19. Hans

    Outstanding stack for higher libido (and bigger balls)

    I started a new experiment for boosting testosterone using a few things which include the scrotal application of vitamin K2 (thanks to Haidut for starting a thread about it long ago). I didn't expect much but actually got a very interesting boost in libido...a different kind that I haven't...
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