Aspirin Cures My Bad Breath And Fungal Issues


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Oct 6, 2012
@Dolomite, it is not just menopause; any stage of life which causes hormonal shifts, high levels of estrogen will encourage fungal infections as will diabetes, contraceptive pill, antibiotics etc.

Have you checked your zinc and iron levels. C. albicans and other fungal species will steal zinc in a similar manner bacteria sequesters iron to increase their virulence. So if you find you have problems maintainingg iron and zinc levels, then the culprit could be fungal infections.

Zinc supplementation is often recommended for fungal infections. The zinc deficiency seen in the presence of fungal infections may be interpreted as a sign that supplementation is warranted. However in the same manner the body has evolved sophisticated strategies to keep iron from bacteria; is true for zinc and fungal infections.

Are we doing more harm, giving more zinc when the body is trying its hardest to remove zinc from the system to prevent fungal virulence?

Role of Calprotectin in Withholding Zinc and Copper from Candida albicans

They assume that if immune system markers are in range that you cannot be having problems. Then they prescribe anti-anxiety medications.

Drs are taught to write prescriptions for pharmaceuticals medications. They do their best with the tools they have been given. Antidepressants are the answers for difficult cases. In the old days, you would have been given a hysterectomy upon entry into menopause. We should be grateful for progress. They are slowly catching on. I could not get insulin done a few years ago but last week I order insulin for my daughter and was totally stunned when the dr order it for me. So times are a changing, but still extremely slow for my liking.

Have you had your vitamin D levels checked? You don't want too little and you don't want too much.

A major component of the antimicrobial action of Vitamin D is through the production of peptides which have antimicrobial as well as anti-endotoxin activity. Vitamin D stimulates the expression of potent antimicrobial peptides, such as cathelicidin and β defensin 2,22 which exist in neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer (NK) cells and epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract.23 Macrophages, lymphocytes and monocytes have VDRs that, with 25(OH)D stimulation, increase the expression of these antimicrobial peptides.24,25 Jeng et al.18 noted a positive relationship between vitamin D levels and cathelicidin levels in acutely ill patients.

Antimicrobial implications of vitamin D

Would MSM help?

Peat is specific about flowers of sulphur, so I don't know about MSM. He could have easily recommended MSM but didn't. I wouldn't use it because it is a processed isolated powder that sits on the shelf. Therefore it will be prone to contaminants like fungal and bacterial spores. I am pedantic as Peat is about these issues. Sulphur is easily obtained in the diet. Raw egg yolks are good sources, gelatin broth is great because you get the glycine and sulphur for detoxification. Vegetables in comparison to animal sources and especially seafood simply do not compare. I guess the cruciferous vegetables are always going to be a poor man's source as beans are a poor man's source for protein. Still it would be good to know for when times are tough.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Do you or anyone else understand the mechanism for the sulfur.
I thought I'd read that flowers of sulfur turned the blood of the fungi/yeast into sulfuric acid and killed them due to that but I can't find the quote so I could be mistaken.


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Oct 6, 2012
@Blossom, many many thanks for this pearl. WOW if this is true; how awesome. Flowers of sulphur needs to be added to our armamentarium.

This is why he specifies just a pinch or two and not something we should implement routinely.

It is not intended to change the pH because we could use HCL and he is not advocating copper sulphate which is a fungacide, so why specifically sulphur? What does sulphur do that the others don't?


Mar 29, 2014
Ray recommends flowers of sulphur. Is this to aid the sulphation of unconjugated estrogens?
the acidity can help kill of mold and bacteria. all the sugar and fruit could be making you alkaline a great place for mold and bacteria. that is why they recommend cranberry juice for UTI the acidity helps kill of the bacteria and I have had good results with LiVER can coffee.
I'm all for cranberry juice against UTI's but I don't think it's because it's acidic, I think it's one of the sugars in it making it hard for bacteria to stick to the UT lining. Urinary alkalinisers are also used against UTIs.
I agree with you that molds don't generally like acid.

Peat does not like cruciferious vegetables as the goitrogens interfere with thyroid function.
My reading of Peat is that he's wary of large quantities of some of the cruciferous veges, eg raw cabbage, for goitrogenic reasons, and doesn't seem to think we should get most of our calories or protein from them. But I'm not sure that he's completely against eating moderate amounts and forms of them sometimes. He speaks favourably of leaf broth for minerals, naming kale amongst good sources. Also broccolli greens got a favourable nutrition mention at least once.

I thought I'd read that flowers of sulfur turned the blood of the fungi/yeast into sulfuric acid and killed them due to that but I can't find the quote so I could be mistaken.
I read a poster saying that, but so far I've only seen Peat recommending flowers of sulphur, not describing how it might work. I'll be curious if you or Ella or anyone find a mechanism.
I'm not having much luck with searching the forum. Was it 1 tsp once, or 1/4 tsp three days in a row? 1/4 tsp 3x


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm not having much luck with searching the forum. Was it 1 tsp once, or 1/4 tsp three days in a row? 1/4 tsp 3x
I couldn't find it either so I looked through Benedicte's Program and found this-
"Half a teaspoon per day of sulfur powder for a couple of weeks will usually remove a fungus/yeast infection in the intestine."

That would explain why it's been hit or miss for me at times since I've never taken it for more than 3 days in a row.


Jul 11, 2017
@Peatful FOS is a fermentable fibre and it would certainly cause a population explosion. Specifically, Klebsiella, E. Coli and Clostridia sps; these are not gut friendly in my world view. Also the fungus Aspergillus is used in its production. People like me are extremely sensitive to Aspergillus, it would be disasterous. It is my number enemy. I would much rather eat those vegetables high in FOS and I do. I love leeks, barley and artichokes as I could eliminate the food waste faster than if I had taken the naked FOS. I can also use the raw carrot & bamboo to prevent population explosion if the fibre from these rich FOS foods were hanging around too long, undergoing digesting. However, the effects of naked FOS would be noticed fairly rapidly as the populations of the microbes double every 20 minutes, due to their toxic gaseous metabolites. I avoid FOS like the plague due to Aspergillus.

FOS is heavily promoted as being gut friendly. I think too gut bug-friendly than cell-friendly.
Aspergillus produces conidia which is extremely difficult to kill. It has evolved strategies which enables it to gain entry into cells without triggering an immune response. Quite shocking really. It waits until the host is compromised and then unleashes its destruction. Have you seen the certificate of analysis and do they even check for these conidia?? I think of them as stealth missiles.

As females in a modern world; estrogen detoxification and excretion is going to be more difficult for us than our male peers. We need to focus on keeping our livers as healthy as can be. I think of all those young females that think alcohol binging is fun and it truly makes one shudder.

Using activated charcoal can quickly bring relief from the symptoms you describe.

Have you investigated how your liver is handling estrogen and whether is following beneficial pathways? I really need to spend some time understanding the sulphation of estrogen and how we can influence more inactive estrogen through this pathway. I am starting to think that in our haste to push estrogen out into the system; in some of us who are estrogen dominant or have sluggish or lower numbers of those sulphur attaching enzymes may be causing other problems.

If we place great effort on pushing estrogen into circulation, we risk it being sent back to the liver to be dealt with once again. With an overburden liver, these estrogens, easily pass into the cell due to their highly fatty nature. In the sulphated form, they are rendered water-soluble and less likely to enter the cell and easily excreted into the urine.

Peat does not like cruciferious vegetables as the goitrogens interfere with thyroid function. There may be more reasons that are not apparent to me or others. If one is iodine replete, then goitrogens may be of no consequence. We could still utilise the sulphur (to sulphate estrogens) from these vegetables by retaining the water they are cooked in (by making soups) without displacing iodine from thyroid sites.

Peat has also stated that we need less iodine the healthier we get. In which respect healthier? When thyroid is functioning optimally? When we have reduced our estrogen levels and balanced our hormones? When we don't have an excess of adipose tissue, when we have defatted our liver, pancreas??? How do we measure this? What metrics do we base it on?

I need to stop asking these questions.

I believe @Peatful was talking about trouble with Flowers Of Sulphur not the FructoOligoSaccharides. These abbreviations can tricky.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I couldn't find it either so I looked through Benedicte's Program and found this-
"Half a teaspoon per day of sulfur powder for a couple of weeks will usually remove a fungus/yeast infection in the intestine."

That would explain why it's been hit or miss for me at times since I've never taken it for more than 3 days in a row.
Please what type of sulfur?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I used to just scoop it into my mouth and chase it down with fluid. Putting it in a capsule seems like a much better idea! It kind of stinks.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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