Bearded Circus Lady


Mar 6, 2013
Ok, I admit, a shameless attempt at getting attention. But I'm thinking that's where I will be heading unless I get some of these issues under control. I am feeling so discouraged!
I have been practicing Peat since january...using NDT since then but switched and have been on thiroyd for about 6 weeks.
In the mornings especially I feel like a fat tick. Aching, painful, weak muscles/joints like someone twice my age...well, with ray peat being the exception.
I have gained about 10lbs. (5'7 -137lbs) since January.
Brain fog
Some hair thinning except on chin area where some darker hairs grow (ugh!)
acne along jawline/neck
random fatigue and muscle cramps
These have been ongoing for approx. 3 yrs. Although I did have a brief time of feeling well enough to run a half marathon last November. All I can attribute that to was sheer determnation and a supplement - "ATP Fuel" . One doctor diagnosed me with lymes based on igenex test and low cd57?
I was hoping these symptoms would show some improvement but at times seem worse.
I'm wondering about high prolactin?

I Would greatly appreciate any advice recommendations!


Feb 7, 2013
5magicbeans said:
Ok, I admit, a shameless attempt at getting attention.

Well, it worked for me! :lol:

My best advice for you would be to email Ray Peat directly and lay your situation out for him.
Jenn's given you some good recommendations as well.
It's always helpful too if you give a good outline of your diet and any other supplements you are taking.
Ray Peat recommended cynoplus and cynomel to me and just in the last 3-4 days since supplementing for about a month (starting dose being 1/8 of a tablet each, now up to 1/2 tablet each), I am now experiencing good results. I am going slow and making steady improvements but I've had undiagnosed hypo since childhood so I have a lot of ground to cover.
I also know that Charlie, Rayser and others have had great success with the thiroyd that you are taking. Jenn has said that she does well on cynomel (synthetic T3) alone.
Also, monitoring your temps and pulse and doing the Achilles Tendon Reflux test are valuable methods to measure your results.


Mar 6, 2013
Jenn and 4peatssake, Thanks so much for your responses! I realize your time is valuable and I am grateful.
I emailed Ray and this was his response:

"Oral supplements can cause some of those problems, especially magnesium, vitamin A, and B2. Have you been checking your temperature and heart rate, and having a daily carrot?"

I realize he is busy and am grateful too that he even responded. But this is not much to go on unless it's code for something that I'm not getting... ;)

I'm thinking that I did not give enough info. and am planning to reply with temps, heart rates and possibly labs?

Thank you again!


Feb 7, 2013
5magicbeans said:
Jenn and 4peatssake, Thanks so much for your responses! I realize your time is valuable and I am grateful.
I emailed Ray and this was his response:

"Oral supplements can cause some of those problems, especially magnesium, vitamin A, and B2. Have you been checking your temperature and heart rate, and having a daily carrot?"

I realize he is busy and am grateful too that he even responded. But this is not much to go on unless it's code for something that I'm not getting... ;)

I'm thinking that I did not give enough info. and am planning to reply with temps, heart rates and possibly labs?

Thank you again!
You're most welcome.
I think it's wise to send him as much info as possible for him to be able to give a more specific response. When I first wrote him, I wrote a concise medical history - using a timeline kind of format. I wrote it mostly in point form and expanded on a few areas I considered could be important. The more he knows your situation, the better.

It was also a helpful exercise for me because I could see some patterns that I'd not been aware of before as I'd not prepared a time line in such a way before.

I think it was how he was able to be more specific in his both his suggestions and what he felt was going on for me.
For your supplements, I would suggest checking the excipients and maybe going off and then on each one (one at a time) to see if it's any part of the problems you've been having.

That you've asked for help is already a step forward. Good idea to forward temps, pulse and labs and doing the daily carrot. The daily raw carrot alone has been known to work magic for some!

Good luck and do keep us posted!


Nov 21, 2012
5magicbeans said:
Ok, I admit, a shameless attempt at getting attention. But I'm thinking that's where I will be heading unless I get some of these issues under control. I am feeling so discouraged!
I have been practicing Peat since january...using NDT since then but switched and have been on thiroyd for about 6 weeks.
In the mornings especially I feel like a fat tick. Aching, painful, weak muscles/joints like someone twice my age...well, with ray peat being the exception.
I have gained about 10lbs. (5'7 -137lbs) since January.
Brain fog
Some hair thinning except on chin area where some darker hairs grow (ugh!)
acne along jawline/neck
random fatigue and muscle cramps
These have been ongoing for approx. 3 yrs. Although I did have a brief time of feeling well enough to run a half marathon last November. All I can attribute that to was sheer determnation and a supplement - "ATP Fuel" . One doctor diagnosed me with lymes based on igenex test and low cd57?
I was hoping these symptoms would show some improvement but at times seem worse.
I'm wondering about high prolactin?

I Would greatly appreciate any advice recommendations!

Lyme disease sucks big time.....I had been suffering from it unknowingly for about ten years.
It surely wreaked havoc on my hormones,metabolism and also energy&sleep patterns back then.
So your complaints all sound but too familiar,however I dont want to be one of those Lyme-religious people who jump ship at whatever someone's experiencing that it's caused by Lyme.....and especially not giving out dietary advice to stay lowcarb/no-sugar etc.bc 'it feeds the lyme'.
But yeah,your doc migth be rigth,however there's also so much untrustworthy docs trying to make money&tests.


Mar 6, 2013
Thanks for your response Dutchie!

Please come on board :) I really am curious about your experience with lymes. How did you treat it? And how has practicing peat supported you...or not?

Thank you!


Nov 21, 2012
5magicbeans said:
Thanks for your response Dutchie!

Please come on board :) I really am curious about your experience with lymes. How did you treat it? And how has practicing peat supported you...or not?

Thank you!
First id like to give you a compliment that you come across as a positive funny person. Thats rare in lots of lyme communities;)
I wish i could share something about peating and lyme,but i didnt eat that way back then. Due to inrolrances/leaky gut i came to eat paleo and due to paleo&lyme scene very lowcarb.

As for treatmwnt,disnt take any meds. There was this woman who does color energetic therapy and basically she treated me,bc it was all i could afford and it didnt require me having to be there. She works with a photograph


Feb 24, 2013
5magicbeans said:
Jenn and 4peatssake, Thanks so much for your responses! I realize your time is valuable and I am grateful.
I emailed Ray and this was his response:

"Oral supplements can cause some of those problems, especially magnesium, vitamin A, and B2. Have you been checking your temperature and heart rate, and having a daily carrot?"

I realize he is busy and am grateful too that he even responded. But this is not much to go on unless it's code for something that I'm not getting... ;)

I'm thinking that I did not give enough info. and am planning to reply with temps, heart rates and possibly labs?

Thank you again!
To expand on the oral supplements part....
The body knows what to do with food. It recognizes it. Supplements are out of context in a away, even "natural ones." They are not used as well or efficiently as food based nutrients. I am talking about the magnesium IN the coffee or potato, not a "food based" vitamin pill. ;)

One of the reasons I tend to recommend keeping it simple at first is because I didn't know I had issues with certain foods until I had stop eating them for a while, then added them back in.

For example: home grown zucchini, I used to love it (and forced my son to eat it. :roll: ) I started my journey in Oct. I had gone to mostly potatoes and gelatin and OJ/Clubsoda. Come summer, I started eating my delicious zucchini! Tasted good still, but left me empty, unsatisfied. It didn't have the nutrition of the potato. It didn't have the digestibility of the potato either, for me.


Mar 6, 2013
Thanks again for the useful info.!
Dutchie - I've been watching the video link in snippets as my staying power is very limited these days...I think I may contact her directly.

Jenn - I agree about the supplements. Interestingly though, I really don't take supplements. Just aspirin, thiroyd, gelatin, coffee, pepsi (throwback), coconut oil, salt, oj, milk, chocolate, potatoes, eggs, oxtail stew, etc.

I was looking back through some testing from January and I noticed my platelet count was listed as high at 433. Any explanation for that other than the obvious inflammation issues?
t-4 9.5, tsh, 0.6

Thanks so much!!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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