Best Explanation of vaccines, the epidemic of the vaccinated, and the nefarious plot against us

Nov 21, 2015

From an evolutionary perspective, this is a potentially dangerous scenario. What has been done by temporarily blunting the risk of hospitalization or death, but without stopping infection among the vaccinated, is to create a set of evolutionary conditions where a variant that is dangerous to the unvaccinated can spread easily among the vaccinated without making the vaccinated very sick. For lack of a better term, let's call this a dual-track variant. Thus, because the vaccinated are not getting bedridden from this dual-track variant, they can continue to spread it easily, giving it a competitive advantage, even if it is highly dangerous to the unvaccinated.

Furthermore, since COVID vaccination only offers temporary short-term protection, as soon as immunity fades, the vaccinated themselves are also equally at risk of more severe outcomes. Thus, this creates the evolutionary pressure for the virus to behave as an increasingly contagious but relatively mild virus as long as everyone is vaccinated but as a dangerous but also very contagious virus as soon as temporary immunity wears off. The call for boosters every 6 months is already here. (Update: now it's being revised down to 5 months.)

So, the pandemic really does have the potential to become the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated (the shameless term coined by public health officials to terrify the vaccinated into bullying their unvaccinated peers), but reality comes with a twist because if a dual-track variant does evolve it would be the unvaccinated (and those whose boosters have expired) who would have reason to fear the vaccinated, not the other way around as so many frightened citizens seem to believe. And the end result would be that we all become permanently dependent on boosters every 6 months, forever.

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Sep 5, 2016
Very clear and insightful article. Thanks, @ecstatichamster.

In my view, the article's key contribution is showing that even from the perspective of mainstream biology, lockdowns and mass vaccination are an obvious scam, or as the author puts it:

"[A] tour through pre-COVID science demonstrates that, from day one, long before you and I had even heard of this virus, it was 100% inevitable and 100% predictable that these vaccines would never be capable of eradicating this coronavirus and would never lead to any kind of lasting herd immunity. Even worse, lockdowns and mass vaccination have created a dangerous set of circumstances that interferes with our immune system's ability to protect us against other respiratory viruses."

In a KMUD interview, RP said he doubts the "novel" coronavirus will evolve into anything horrifically lethal, but even granting RP's point, you can still get a lot out of this article.
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Aug 10, 2012
I sent it out this morning and received it back a few minutes ago with the message, "Long, lucid and thorough".


Feb 26, 2016
Great article. Thanks, Hams.

Same. Because this guy is arguing from the conventional assumptions his view seems even more powerful, that it’s the lockdowns are damaging to immunity. Scathing criticism of public health on their own terms.

Was great to get a new view of usual social life as a natural social distancing of the well from the bedridden.
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