BSV is the "Real Bitcoin". Cryptocurrency is neither Crypto, nor Currency. It's all a farce to society's detriment.


Jan 9, 2021
that's not the point: it's the use itself.

that's the brainwashing I'm talking about with why anything other than BSV is to our detriment. It's just mis-teachings of the core principles.
that's not the point: it's the use itself.

that's the brainwashing I'm talking about with why anything other than BSV is to our detriment. It's just mis-teachings of the core principles.
You don’t want to hold crypto for price appreciation? How is me obtaining wealth detrimental to society? I suck money out of markets by being a better speculator/trader and use it to promote/do better things in the world. And the higher quality of life and freedom from economic encumberances helps me have the ability to do so. It’s selfish but at the same time me becoming fabulously wealthy is better than that wealth being obtained by many others, I have nobler intentions than most . That’s my position. Use case is cool too, if bsv is a good payment network then great. I really am quite appreciative of all the opportunity to make money in crypto.


Jan 9, 2021
Craig called DeFi a scam, which seems ignorant. There’s lots of scams but also lots of good development of financial instruments.


Dec 14, 2013
Ok here's some point by point. And it starts really badly. Are you not aware that basic Peat health ideas are currently considered illegal misinformation? The benefit of cryptocurrency is to get out of the system's control grid. It's money for people who can't use the current system. Currently that means DarkNetMarkets since there's no way to access dollars online without permission. When they eliminate cash and implement a CBDC, a lot more people will NEED cryptocurrency. A real cryptocurrency.

>anything "illegal" on BSV will put you in jail.
So the satanic pedophiles currently mandating deadly injections can use BSV against me. Awesome.

>"people that commit crime on bitcoin, 20 years later will go to prison"
Seriously look at how things have changed in the last 20 years. People get cancelled for tweets they made years ago. 20 years from now you might get a knock at the door for your purchase of the, now illegal, progesterone hormone.

>I had no interest in the banking system or financial crisis
Strange way to timestamp the genesis block in that case.
View attachment 28492

>previous "echash" systems being too anonymous was the problem I wanted to solve
Straight up lie. Literally just read the whitepaper.
"We propose a solution to the double-spending problem"
Section 10 of the white paper is dedicated to privacy and discusses it in relation to the traditional banking system (and not in relation to any other echash) and implies that privacy is a good thing that bitcoin will have to manage in a different way given its public nature.

And you can look at Satoshi's posts on bitcointalk

Topic: "The goal is to provide all the same security of the existing system, but to avoid creating a public graph of every transaction that is easily correlated."
Satoshi's response: "This is a very interesting topic. If a solution was found, a much better, easier, more convenient implementation of Bitcoin would be possible."

And then he continues on to roughly describe Monero's current features as some potential ideas.
View attachment 28493

Or look at Hal Finney less than a month after bitcoin's launch "Looking at ways to add more anonymity to bitcoin"
PoW blockchain solved a real problem but the most basic implementation is terrible for privacy. That's why all the smart, early, and REAL people in bitcoin had privacy as a top priority.

>bitcoin does not create wealth because it doesn't create loans
Loans do not create wealth. Loans are created out of thin air. They create liquidity that can get projects moving but at the end of the day it is people doing the work that have created wealth and the "money" they were paid in was created out of thin air at the discretion of a bank.

>micro transactions on chain
>putting random logs on chain

This is completely stupid if you have a basic understanding of blockchains. Nobody has any interest in storing all that garbage data and this is proven by the fact that BSV has less than 100 synced nodes and falling. The system becomes centralized and users are forced to trust third parties to access the chain. The whole purpose is defeated. Bitcoin SV / Node explorer

>the government will be traceable
Obviously the government will not actually adopt BSV so that's a retarded pipe dream. Even if BSV was official currency of all governments, they would still get their black ops done off the books, no different than today.

>"privacy" not anonymity
Basically you are naked in front of the whole world but they probably won't be looking or care who you are so it's "private"

>old fashioned police work isn't possible with "anonymity"
Cash transactions are not recorded in an immutable public ledger and yet police are still able to do their job. And the records are not wiped, they're just not on public display. You can always show someone your wallet containing your transaction history but you can't see everyone else's without their permission. This is sensible.

>I created the thing, what would they know
They know what was in the whitepaper and the actual product that was released. It got popular because bitcoin worked. Nobody cared about Satoshi, he was a literal nobody. Even if is Craig was Satoshi, who cares?

>the system is designed to centralize
>ASIC resistance BS

Sources of cheap energy are spread around the world. Renewables like hydro and geothermal are practically free but only produce so much energy at each location. Even cheap coal is generally limited to having a power station within a certain distance before transport becomes cost prohibitive.

Monero's ASIC resistant CPU algorithm further decentralizes in a couple of ways. First, CPUs are already a commodity. They are accessible to everyone at close to the lowest price possible. ASIC makers are generally vertically integrated mining companies that might sell their outdated miners to the public when they're done with them. ASIC sales are also trivially banned (this just happened in China (for real this time)) since they are application specific. China can't ban CPU sales since that would destroy their country.

The nature of everyone already having CPUs means it is usually cost prohibitive to buy CPUs just for the sake of mining. People or datacenters (of which there are many spread around the world) who already own CPUs for other purposes can mine in their downtime for only the cost of electricity. The marginal cost of the CPU for them is $0, while for a full time miner it is the total cost of the computer.

Alright that's enough for now.

Second Video:
I also watched the first 15 minutes of your second video. It's stupid. There's nothing to even rebut, the guy just interprets "hints" from Craig. There were loads of people saying way smarter things about bitcoin long before JULY 2014. Bitcoin had pumped and crashed like three times by then. "he was so reluctant to be known publicly" yeah, I guess that's why he's been self promoting endlessly non stop since that interview. This youtuber must have brain damage.

Thank you.


Jul 13, 2014


Jul 13, 2014


Jul 13, 2014
I figured starting an official thread would be great compiling information on BSV. I personally hold no stake in convincing people that BSV is Bitcoin for profit because there is no money to gain in betting on the crypto market in a way that will benefit society.

What there is, however, is an opportunity for businesses, and individuals to adopt the technology in order to advance society towards something more honest.

I'm making this thread to spread awareness of the technological implications, and the wave of new things that will be opening up to the public as time passes: As people adopt a medium of exchange that costs less than a penny to transact and can be processed many times faster than any other processer while keeping a public, anonymous, centralized ledger. A medium where people are given control over their own data on the internet which tech companies have been using originally to gain billions of dollars since their conception.

For those who are interested, and open to the concept, here is a streamlined compilation of months of digging for information that I'd spent provided in this quick post via videos that you can use to quickly learn more about blockchain technology, and how it all actually works with full freedom to learn as deeply as you want about economics, cyber-security, accounting, computer science, programming, etc. It's all in there or linked to the links, or within the video profiles themselves.

I recommend that if you are invested in any cryptocurrency, that you remind yourself of any sort of biases you may have. As I've stated, I hold no BSV, but believe that people who are interested in an alternative medium of exchange <Cash> (Not digital gold), should consider looking into this as something completely different, and separate from the "Crypto" Market as we know, have used possibly, and even the way we've comprehended it.

Please note, if you do not have any form of autism, or perhaps recognize some types of non-neurotypicals as douchebags: Craig has Aspergers which is a mental/social disorder that compels people to focus on material things, concepts, logic, and semantics, more than interpersonal relationships. As such, he can appear callous at times and have miscalculated emotional responses when attacked. Some people dislike Craig because he isn't neurotypical, and some take advantage of that to prove their own agendas.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'm busy, but love to help where I can.

(Edit: the order of the video's to try and find easiest route to learn from 0 to 100)






I recommend if crypto is legal in your state, to check out Agora and see what the current alternatives of media there are on the meta-net. They have their own version of youtube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Craig is satoshi! The Jury just reached a verdict! $BSV up 40%!!

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Sounds like wishful thinking to me. What good is "owning your own data" if you and your own data are really not worth anything? What is my superfluous text worth?

Someone on the "normal net" with "value" can easily trade anonymity for money in exchange for their value someone is willing to pay them.

What would you prefer? No anonymity, companies making billions off of you but you making your fair chunk -- or anonymity but your "self-preserved" data is worthless?

It's like the argument, "I own my body & its worth." Yeah, but I'm not a hot 18 year old girl ... My body's worth nothing. Someone with big "value" can win the "normie" way -- someone with no value will always still likely lose even if they go rogue because most "data" is worthless basically. No one's ever going to pay me for writing any fair amount I'd deem acceptable for all of my hypothetical time, posting, bandwidth, "content" or "value" I produce -- but anyone on the internet who has it will happily trade everything for some significant money even at the hands of those pulling the puppet strings above them. Also, people will use what's popular mostly & the media decides that.

Also, backing the "value" of my data in a convoluted, fringe concept of any CrapCoin™ is pretty ridiculous. I'm fine with cash, thank you -- still works here so far.

If my data has value then give me the straight up, immediately usable cash for it -- not some smoke and mirrors concept of fantasy backing/unready exchanges.
Last edited:


Dec 10, 2016
When the very corporations, which Bitcoin was supposed to make obsolete, are backing and funding the ecosystem around BTC, you know something is fishy.

Craig Wright is the only character I know in the scene, which has this polymath type of character, which would be necessary to invent something like Bitcoin. He is very similar with Peat in that regard, which in combination with his high self-confidence and Aspergers makes him very unpopular. People can not judge intelligence and understanding above the level to which they possess these qualities themselves, so if they see some conflicting public figures, they will choose the "winner" by popularity.
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